Your natural hair color does not make you more prone to hair loss than somebody else with a different hair color. When it comes to hair loss, it is color blind and blind to a person's race. Blonde, brunette, redhead or black, all heads of hair (male and female) are prone to hair loss of one sort or another. However, coloring your hair too often can encourage baldness.
It's In The Genes
If you are a man, you are probably wondering whether you are going to go bald - and if so, how bald? To save you from an unwelcome surprise, try and remember or talk to someone who knew your maternal grandfather (your mother's father). That's the bloke who gives you the balding gene. If your maternal grandfather lived to a ripe old age and had a full head of hair, then the odds of you going bald are practically nil.
If you are a woman, you might also wonder if you are prone to male pattern baldness. Although this does not happen to all cases of women with significant hair loss, many women with male pattern baldness also have female relatives with the same problem.
The Eighties
There are a lot of forty and fifty year old men and women running around today who have gone prematurely bald and can't entirely blame their maternal grandfather for it. They went into the big, spiky hair styles of the 1980's when they had a lot of hair. Using a lot of sprays, styling gels, coloring and curling irons can damage hair to the point where it just gives up and falls out.
Take It Easy Up There
According to the Food and Drug Administration, the most product complaints they get concern hair straighteners and hair dyes. The complaints include everything from "not working" to emergency room visits. But one of the most complaints about these products is that they can cause hair loss.
The FDA recommends that you do not use any hair product if you really don't need to. Other medical complaints about hair dyes, hair coloring kits and hair straighteners include burning sensations, itchiness and redness. There is a possibility of an allergic reaction to these products, which can be deadly. Allergic reactions include difficulty breathing, face swelling and intense itchiness.
If you want to keep your hair, try to ignore what color it is and be happy you have whatever color of hair you were born with. In this way, you are sure to avoid unnecessary hair loss.
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