One of the things that men and even more women dread is the aging process. For most people, they will be faced with sagging skin, age spots and hair loss. However, when cancer is present, chemotherapy and radiation induces loss of hair, which often result in baldness.
Chemotherapy and radiation are used to destroy cancer cells in the body. Some of these treatments cause harm to the hair follicles, which result in hair falling out. Some cancer medication will result with hair loss and some will not have any effects. The doctors will consult with the patient on the expected results. After accepting the treatments and their side effects, it is advised to use what is available to help go through this hard time with less stress. Small steps can help. Use of good hair care products with sunscreen blocker daily is recommended and getting in the habit of healthy eating and daily routine exercise to increase body strength.
As patients go through the chemotherapy or radiation treatments, they are most likely to experience thinning of the hair, or see bald areas in the scalp. No need to stress and lose more of one's hair by adding stress to the system. The hair will come back in most cases after treatments are stopped, within 6 months to a year. If thin or bald condition is inevitable, use a wig.
Cancer patients are looking for support to deal with their hair loss as a result of radiation treatments. Best suggestion is to prepare ahead, and find hair replacement clinics that offer comfortable and relaxing environment, that specialize in medical-related prosthesis such as natural wigs.
Many of cancer patients say that losing their hair is worse than facing cancer surgery. The fear that everyone is going to see them balding is real. Most specialty hair replacement centers will offers them information on what options they have. It's so important to get hair consultation before the patient begins to lose his hair.
Last year, Shelly B. of Dallas Texas after she was diagnosed with breast cancer says. "With my treatment," Shelly said. "I knew I would need hair prosthesis to cover my hair loss. After I started to see my hair fall, I was so delighted to wear my natural wig that I prepared before I had my surgery."
"What I needed was to make me feel at ease at this stressed time. I looked for advice on how to take care of my hair and what wig to purchase." she said. "I started chemo in June and ordered my hair replacement a couple of months before." With cancer patients it is important to deal with the hair loss before it appears. The patient gets his natural hair look back using his identical color texture and scalp measurements, before the hair loss condition appear. It is recommended that patients start using their hair replacement while they still have their hair so when they start balding, they've gotten used to the new hair unit already.
For women, the hairstyle is a crucial component in making the client look natural and even younger. The ideal hair length for people who are older is above the shoulders. If you have too much wrinkles on your forehead, you may want to carry some bangs. The new trend in hairstyles is short hair. Bob is the hot style cut. Layers are in and blunt bangs. Some say that short hairstyles are anti aging will help empowering women with a younger look.
Founded in 1966, NuHair is a full-service hair-replacement restoration company whose services include laser hair therapy, hairpieces, wigs, hair extensions and hair-transplants referrals. NuHair Texas has been providing answers and hair loss treatments at the Dallas, Texas and the Cleveland, Ohio Hair Transplant Restoration facilities for over 40 years.