If you wanted to change the way you look in your photos, all you need is a good graphic artist to remove your wrinkles, whiten your teeth, and trim your waistline. While you can't get the same extreme makeover for your party on Saturday, you can certainly transform your hair overnight. Using hair extensions, you can add instant length, volume, and color to your hair. This is as close as it gets to hair magic.
Celebrity hair extensions provide celebrities the versatility in style that they need to fit in various roles in movies and TV shows today. Most of the starlets in Hollywood have used this latest extension technology. Hair extensions have become essentials in Hollywood. The good news is you don't have to be a celebrity to have the looks of one.
Why get extensions? There are many reasons why you would want extensions:
You want to add volume to your thinning hair.
Your hairstylist cut too much and you want it back.
You want to try sporting long hair, but you think it takes too much effort and time to achieve your desired length.
You want to find out how it feels to maintain and style long hair, before you actually decide to grow your own.
On a special event, you want to surprise everybody with a new hairstyle that you would only keep for the night.
Hair extensions are made from either synthetic or human fibers. While synthetic fibers are cheaper, they can't provide the natural look and feel. You need to select extensions that match your color, texture, and quality. You may have heard of "virgin" hair extensions. These refer to hair strands that have never been treated with chemicals like dye or perm, and are thus considered premium hair extensions.
Methods of attachment
There are many different methods to integrate hair extensions into your own hair:
Strand by strand methods (may or may not use glue to attach fibers to your hair, the fusion method is an example)
Weft hair extensions (hair fibers are attached together at the top in a track called a weft)
Clip-in methods (you can attach and remove these yourself)
Whichever method you select, you should make sure that the hair extensions don't damage your natural hair. There are safe extensions out there. But there are also options that could cause breakage or shedding. The sew-in, or weave method can really do a lot of damage, but the co-polymer method is our most popular, and it's very safe to your hair.
With proper care, fusion hair extensions may last for 4 to 6 months. It is important that you use mild shampoo, conditioner, and a moisturizer. Wash your hair and scalp gently but thoroughly to prevent growth of bacteria. Using a curling iron or blow dryer is generally not recommended because heat damages the hair fibers. The same is true for excessive use of chemical treatments. These hair care habits will ensure that you get to keep your celebrity hair for as long as possible.
Ronnie Talent offers years of experience in Management, Sales and Marketing with both Hair Club for Men and Bosley Medical Group. He has done over 10,000 hair replacement and hair restoration consultations, and has seen thousands of men and women reach their hair restoration goals. Call Legacy Hair Center at 704 522 3866 or visit the website at legacyhaircenter.com Legacy Hair Center.