
What would you normally see in a man's closet? A pair of jeans, rubber shoes, sneakers, hair wax, deodorant, and a hair straightener. Yes, you read it correctly, a hair straightener! Commonly used by the ladies and now, guys are also buying it.

Men who use hair straighteners are called Metrosexuals. These are heterosexual men who are very particular about how they look and their everyday appearance. They display a variety of attributes of a typical lifestyle of a gay man - fashion, lives in the city, gym goer, disposable income and non-stop shopping.

The success of the reality show "Queer As Folks" made more and more men conscious with the way they look. From personal hygiene to the right and fashionable clothes, and from styling the mustache and beard to the right wax to use for the hair.

Men today are now going over beyond the stereotypical way of living. They spend money on branded clothes, perfumes, cosmetic products, and even pricey hair products such as hair straighteners. Men with curly hair would normally go to a barbershop and have it cut off really short or perhaps have it shaved all the way. Why? Because they find it very hard to manage especially when its too long and hair products don't do the job anymore.

Hair straighteners work for men just as they work for women. Men with messy curly hair often see it as a curse not to get the latest and trendy hairstyles. Men stuck in an uncontrollable wavy or bushy hair often result to low self-esteem and frustration because no girls would want to date them. Everyone needs diversity and change, a new look that would alter the kind of lifestyle we live in.

You may find this gay-ish or too girly but believe it or not, there is an increasing number of men using hair straighteners including Hollywood actors and personalities likes David Beckham, Tom Cruise and Will Smith. These celebrities are not ashame for being branded as "metrosexuals" because they look good, they manage to look young and healthy even at their late 40's. Because of this, the growth in men's hairstyling alerted Cosmetics and Hair product companies to develop hair straighteners tailored especially for the men.

Although there are still some areas where men using hair straighteners are subjected to mockery and ridicule, more and more straight guys are actually buying these products to achieve the look they want. Men who are shy to go to salons to have their hair fixed would rather shop and do a do-it-your-own method where in they discover products such as hair straighteners to fix and style their hair the way they've always wanted it to be.

Men's straightening flat iron is smaller and compact with thin plates enabling to get close to the root of the hair strands without harming the delicate scalp. It works perfectly with guys who have fringe which gives many more hair styles for men.

Still, whether you are a man or a woman, constant hair care and guidelines should be practiced. Frequent use of such hair products will lead to hair damage and breakage. Remember to pamper your hair once in a while.

The modern day men now putting in more stuff in their drawer and shower area. So ladies, the next time you shop for vanity, remember to buy extra for your partners.

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