Nothing is more stressing to a man than noticing increased amounts of hair on the sink or on his brush every morning. Baldness ranks among the most dreaded things by men. Hair loss is no longer linked to midlife crisis. This is because men in their early twenties have reported thinning hair. The reasons are many and so are the causes. Losing hair can lead to low self esteem if not dealt with properly. Every man should educate themselves on the reasons for hair loss and be prepared to deal with the problem when it occurs.
Normally, hair grows in a cycle of 2 - 6 years. This tells us that, as some hair is growing, some are resting while others are falling off creating room for new hair to germinate. So, it's correct to say that hair loss occurs regularly but an excessive loss of hair is not normal. On the list of reasons for hair loss, hormonal imbalance comes first. If a man has an over active thyroid gland, it leads to an imbalance of androgens in his body and results in excessive hair loss. And if the same thyroid gland is underactive, hail loss will still occur.
Medicine is also among the reasons for thinning hair. Anticoagulants taken for blood thinning, gout medicine, chemotherapy used on cancer patients and an excessive intake of vitamin 'A' can all cause our hair to thin. Fungal scalp infections are also a known cause for loss of hair. Fungal infections leave nasty looking patches on the scalp and cause lots of irritation which leads to scratching and spreading the infection to unaffected regions. Underlying ailments such as diabetes and lupus can also make our hair fall out. As soon as excessive hair loss is noticed, you should seek medical assistance because this could be a sign of a lurking disease in the body.
Men who treat their hair with hot oil should be aware that this could destroy hair follicles resulting to permanent hair loss on the affected follicles. Genetic inheritance is also a key factor on reasons for thinning hair or baldness. Many times sons can inherit hair loss from their biological fathers. This is referred to as androgenetic alopecia. Androgenetic alopecia has posed a challenge to genetic researchers because the exact genes responsible for causing this condition have not been singled out yet. Use of proper medication, wigs, proper hair care and plastic surgery can be used to cure, reduce or cover thinning hair in men.
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