Black hair care forums have been around for at least a decade but have you joined one as yet? If you're not sure why you'd want to, here are three of the best reasons.
1. You get to be around people who understand you.
When you're a member of black hair forums, words like "kitchen" and "grease" aren't so strange when you're talking about hair care. You'll meet people who have the same problems and want the same results as you do. It's a great feeling when you can talk about something and the person listening just "gets" you!
2. You can ask questions and get quality answers.
A good hair forum will have lots of people who've been there and done that. That makes it a great place to get your questions answered on a range of different topics. Who better to ask a question than someone who's already been where you're coming from?
3. You can network for service providers.
Are you looking for someone to do a hair service for you in your area or are you wanting to change your current stylists and don't know where to look? Hair forums are a great place to ask for referrals for new service providers and to get feedback on someone before you put your hair care (and hard earned money) into their hands.
Black hair care forums can be a haven for you if you're a just starting to take care of your hair, have a good idea of what you should be doing and also if you're a seasoned expert!
Camille Godwin is a professional makeup artist, notorious hair fanatic, certified product junkie and creator of Black Women Beauty Central. Discover black hair care tips, beauty tips articles, videos, free tools and special reports for black women and women of color.
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