Many men and women are affected by hair loss or baldness. Men, especially, are affected by male pattern baldness by age 50. Hair loss treatments industry is now about US$1 billion per year.
Many men and women have since used drugs or chemicals to manage hair loss issues. However, the majority of products on the market make use of a variety of chemicals that can have harmful side effects and actually cause damage to your hair and scalp. Moreover, most of these chemicals are inconsistent at best when it comes to stopping hair loss.
There are also a large number of men and women who went for hair transplant. In transplants, a hair strip is extracted and then implanted into the bald area of the scalp. The art of this procedure is to get the follicle in so that the slant of the hair is correct for that part of the head. There are usually 1-5 hairs in each follicle, so you can imagine how many transplants have to occur if someone wants a full thick head of hair to replace a completely bald spot. The average cost of transplant, per follicle is $4 - $6. The average cost of pattern baldness transplants is about $10,000.00 - a hefty bill for most of us.
Because of these reasons, men and women are looking into hair loss treatment using natural method. Even so, there are many natural methods:
Any form of exercise is always good and will improve blood circulation to all parts of the body, including the scalp. It is believed that increased blood supply to the cells in hair follicles will maintain their health and stimulate hair production. This is good if we are talking about prevention. However, it would be impractical for us to count on exercise for hair loss treatment.
Essential Oils
Some use essential oil to massage into the their scalp as it is said that this helps with circulation and follicle stimulation. While this maybe true; the effectiveness of using this method has yet to be seen.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba Oil, on the other hand, is chemically very similar to human sebum. Most jojoba oil is consumed as an ingredient in cosmetics and personal care products, especially skin care and hair care. It is massaged on the scalp, and many claim it is highly effective in stimulating new hair growth.
Lowering DHT
Now, there is an increase understanding of the role of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is believed to be responsible for the closing up of hair follicles. When our hair follicles are closed up, hair cannot grow and results in hair loss. Thus the more level of DHT we have in our body; the more hair loss results. It is therefore pertinent that the level of DHT be lowered.
The next question you maybe asking your is "How to lower the level of DHT then?"
A study in 2007 in Oregon found that Saw Palmetto lowered Dihydrotestosterone levels In the study the mice were given one of two doses of Saw Palmetto extract, either 50 mg/kilogram/day or 300mg/kilogram/day for 3 or 6 months. After the conclusion of the trial the researchers examined the prostates of the mice and found that the mice who had received the equivalent of 300mg/kilogram/day had significantly reduced amounts of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in their prostate tissue.
This Saw Palmetto actually lower the DHT levels by blocking receptor sites on cell membranes. As DHT levels subside, hair loss will subside as well.
Provillus has since added Saw Palmetto as their main ingredients that blocks DHT production and thus shows promise as an aide for male hair loss sufferers. The process is easy and effective.
Click here for more information: Effective Natural Hair Loss Treatment.
About the author
James Yee is the owner of a website that provides information and guidance to those who suffers and needs hair loss treatment.