
We are all born with only so much hair and no matter what, we are never really happy with it. It never long enough or its too short its always too something. We change the style often, the color, straighten it, curl it, always abusing it somehow.

Your hair style says a lot about you to the person you are meeting for the first time. Think about it, have you ever met someone and you can't keep looking them in their eyes because they have amazing hair? Or the opposite they have something really different, like a streak of grey or roots showing, or streaks of some bright off the wall color? If you are a business person your hair style needs to reflect that you are in control, confident, and proud of what you do. If you just pull it into a bun all the time, you maybe aging your self unnecessarily if a pony tail, you are telling the world just how young you are.

These days you see many ads on TV telling men that they just can't have gray hair, that's not true! That's a load of bull, natural graying is a part of life and men should just go with it.

Most men look totally awesome and a littler sexier with a little gray!

Women on the other hand don't think that way when it comes to graying hair. We tend to freak out at finding a single gray one! If graying is a problem for you, then its time to talk with your hair stylist on a color that most closely matches yours now.

Stand in front of a mirror and take a good look at your hair, does your hair style really fit you? Have you changed your style or is it the same style you have had since high school? As we grow older the style we had in high school will probably not work today. Our face shape changes as we get older so the style of your hair needs to reflect that. If you lost weight, your hair style was probably better for when your face was rounder, now with a thinner face you need to change the style of your hair to show off a new you! The same reason also works if you just broke up with someone, we tend to want to say we are going to "wash that man right out of our hair" and that really means get a new style that says we are ready to try again. Same goes for color, do you have the same color as you did say 2 years ago? Much can change in that time so you may want to up date your color as well.

Taking the time to really look at your hair style, thinking about the amount of time you want to take, and if a new color or style would suit you is something you should at least think about every 3 to 4 months or so. A lot can change in that amount of time and your personal hair style should reflect that as well.

If nothing more, go darker in the winter if you can and go lighter in the summer but don't go totally against what your natural hair color is today. Not everyone can pull off white blond or true blue black hair color so make sure you talk with your hair stylist about any changes you wish to make. And do have fun with your hair, its yours to play with! It will always grow back out!

Copyright 2007 Kim Snyder Owner of beauty sites geared to make sure you have all beauty products, articles tips, and tricks that you need to be as beautiful as you are! Love to know more?

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