With hair loss becoming major concern for people or all ages, the demand for hair products has been on the rise. As a result several kinds of happinesslifetime.com hair care products and shampoos are introduced into the market. But since the requirements of all customers are not similar, these products are not appropriate for all customers. More so, if your hair is dull or dry hair.
Use of natural shampoos like coconut hair shampoos are recommended for these kinds of hair. Coconut oil based shampoos are rich in moisture content and hence you can regain your lost moisture content. This is the main reason why several shampoo manufacturing companies and beauticians use coconut oil as one of the main ingredients in various hair treatments.
Dandruff, hair loss and dry scalp are some of the most common problems faced by people across the globe. Regular use of coconut hair shampoo can solve all these problems. Dandruff is a common problem that is caused by fungus named Malassezia globosa. Scalp dryness on the other hand occurs due to frequent washing or brushing of hair.
By excessive shampooing, your scalp is devoid of all essential natural oils and thus results in dry scalp and dry hair. Excessive dryness can also lead to head itching. The natural oil secreted by your head is known as sebum and it contains medium chain fatty acids that prevent dryness of scalp. These oils get depleted as a result of frequent hair wash.
Wondering how coconut hair shampoo can help you? Well coconut oil also has the same medium chain fatty acids included in it. Hence use of coconut oil based shampoo can replace this lost moisture on your scalp.
Use of coconut oil as a conditioner is not a completely new concept. Traditional countries like Srilanka and India have been using them for ages. In fact the natives here used to apply coconut milk or oil as conditioner and sometimes even rubbed grated coconut on their head before taking shower believing that the moisturiser in this oil would hydrate their hair and scalp.
The same concept has been made use of in the manufacturing of coconut shampoo. Lauric acid one of the key ingredients of coconut oil, when converted to monolaurin and used in coconut hair shampoo provides the same antimicrobial and antifungal properties as the oil. These antimicrobial and antifungal properties prevent the growth of dandruff causing fungus.
Some of the benefits of using coconut hair shampoo are mentioned below:
? Coconut hair shampoo nourishes scalp and makes the hair root and hair follicles healthy.
? Coconut oil has ingredients which are very good anti oxidants. The same when included in shampoo can delay early whitening and hair loss.
? Coconut hair shampoo is proved to be effective moisture retainer and thus prevents dryness of scalp.
? Vitamin E is essential for healthy looking skin and hair and coconut shampoo is rich in vitamin E. Thus use of this shampoo helps in regaining healthy roots.
If you want to protect your hair from the damage that is caused by detergent and soap based shampoos, use coconut hair shampoos. Regular use of this shampoo can leave your hair smooth and shiny.
James Kelly is the author of this article on iwantthathair.com/category-s/190.htm Coconut Shampoo.
Find more information about iwantthathair.com/loreal-s/75.htm Dead Sea Shampoos here.