People of both sexes suffer from hair loss, but it is more noticeable and frequent in men. Hair loss may in patches or it could start from a receding hair line. Alopecia is a pattern of hair loss where it occurs in patches and then spreads to total baldness. Hair loss will result in making the individual look older than his age and may even have severe physiological impact on him. The individual may retreat from social gatherings and this will impact his personal and professional life.
Hair loss need not be a cause of worry. With the right analysis and treatment, hair can be grown back, thick and strong. If diet is a cause for hair loss, you have to supplement yourself by eating the right food at the right time. A person with a round the clock life style can consume oral supplements to fill in the gap. These supplements are full of vitamins, minerals and proteins and help renew hair growth. If the mind is stressed and thoughtful all the time, the reflection falls on the hair and face. The face will have a dry and starved look and the person will experience heavy hair loss, most frequently at the time of bathing and combing.
Hair should be oiled rightly and taken care off. Hair is also easily affected by climatic changes. While riding a bike, it is advisable to wear a helmet as a hair care and safety precaution. You must choose the right conditioner and shampoo and ensure that the hair is devoid of dandruff.
Men mostly loose hair from their early thirties. This may even be due to hereditary reasons or change of place, climate and weather. Over the counter remedies are available and they usually have a positive impact on people. You need to consume or apply it as per instructions diligently for the specified period to ensure that the results are visible. Living a life with the right diet, right exercise and the right stress will enable a smooth and thick hair along with a good and attractive physique.
To get the same solution I use to regrow my hair and keep it thick and healthy, visit my Provillus Review site at