If you are keeping hair shorter than Halle Berry because the longer ones fall off or get entangled like a web, you need to care for the health of your hair. Want to know how? Read on.
Excessive emotional or physical stress which may be caused by illness, injury or surgery, can cause the hair related problems. Minerals such as calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, silica and lead present in the water, can affect the hair adversely. These minerals affect the growth of new hair as well as shine and volume of hair. They are responsible for flaky, itchy, and inflamed scalp, dandruff, changing of hair color, drying, and breaking of hair. Chemicals used in coloring of hair, and the process of dyeing and bleaching of hair, often create hair problems like dryness and breaking of hair. Other factors that can also cause hair problems are hormonal changes, Chemotherapy, pregnancy, childbirth, and the use of birth control pills.
o To improve the health of hair, shower head filter can be installed, which will remove the harmful minerals present in the water.
o For silky hair, Conditioners are used. Composition of Conditioners includes the acidic elements to balance the scalp PH. Many new conditioners contain plant oil to coat and smoothen hair. Acidic rinses help in detangling hair, which prevent the damage of hair.
o Shampoos composed of phosphoric acid, citric or lactic acid in balanced proportion, are the best for the health of hair. It also helps to prevent excessive breakdown of the cuticle and the cortex.
o Natural ways to take care of the hair include washing the hair with lemon juice or vinegar, diluted with water. Blondes are suggested to be rinsed with white vinegar. Do not use vinegars containing sugar. Hair may be softened by using plant oils such as coconut oil and olive oil. Massage with the warm mixture of olive oil, coconut oil and lemon juice followed by a steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes removes dandruff.
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