Hair grows at an average of fifteen centimeters every year, but if you want to speed up such growth, you can use the fastest way to grow hair. In which case, there are some good news and bad news for you. The bad news is, growing hair cannot be done in just a single way; while the good news is that, there are many ways for you to grow your hair faster than before.
There is nothing better than growing your hair naturally - without the use of those synthetic products found in the market. This keeps your hair from being exposed to strong chemicals and substances, and it even helps your hair attain the nutrients it needs. Below are some of the best hair care treatments that you can do at home.
• Homemade shampoo - this might require a little effort on your part, but this could truly help you achieve a more natural look. For a homemade shampoo, let a couple of teabags seep in one and a half cup of hot water for about ten minutes. After doing so, take the tea bags out and add about four spoonfuls of pure soap flakes. When this mixture becomes even and all the soap has blended in, add about one and a half tablespoon of store-bought glycerin. This shampoo concoction would last for about a week when kept refrigerated.
• Natural conditioner - conditioning your hair properly could help in achieving the fastest way to grow hair. Simply mix a cup of avocado slices with some coconut milk, and use a food processor to blend them thoroughly. You can add more coconut milk gradually to come up with the desired consistency for your conditioner. Once your mixture is ready, massage it onto your hair and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Rinse your hair well with water while carefully massaging your hair and scalp, and make sure that no residues are left. This solution might not be recommended for pregnant women, or those with epilepsy or high blood pressure.
• Use appropriate combs and brushes - if you are to use a brush to comb your hair, make sure that the brush has soft bristles. Brushes help you make your hair release its natural oils while keeping it tidy and untangled. Using a comb before using a brush would help you untangle your hair easily without the dangers of damaging your hair. Choose a comb that has its teeth wide apart, and the teeth should be rounded on the tips so that it would not scratch or rub against your hair too much.
• Eating healthy - eating foods rich in proteins, vitamins (such as B Vitamins and Vitamin E), and a good amount of healthy fatty acids would help you nourish your body and in turn nourish your hair and scalp.
Perhaps the fastest way to grow hair cannot be summed up in a single step, but in a series of steps that would work simultaneously to keep your hair's natural shine and beauty.
Getting desperate about finding the best ways to grow hair faster? If after having exhausted all possibilities and still you are left with no solutions to your hair problem, then check out how MIRA Hair Oil Make My Hair Grow Faster, Longer, Thicker, Silkier, Shinier, Manageable and More Beautiful in Just 15 Days!
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