Realistically speaking, no-one wants to intentionally become bald. Unless of course you were trying to make a fashion or some other statement and you shaved your head to achieve this. Loss of any kind is not very nice and male pattern baldness happens to provide great fodder for jokes, particularly in the Western World. It is possible to reverse hair loss or certainly prevent it from becoming any worse, naturally and safely.
Baldness does not only affect men however, it is a problem for women also, and as hair loss is an accepted occurrence (although perhaps not personally) in the male population, for women it is different. The chances are that if you are balding, regardless of whether you are male of female, you are crying about it.
Like many problems in the western world, particularly in the US, poor diet is attributed to hair loss to lesser or greater degrees, depending on whose theories are the latest fad. But most natural or whole foods pundits agree that bad diet has an impact, particularly salt. A diet which is high in salt is bad for the kidneys amongst other organs, salt acidifies the blood, damages the kidneys and leads to hair loss.
Typically an American diet is also vitamin deprived which leads to hair loss, and now that we have a global economy and have exported fast-food franchises to other countries, the same thing is happening.
If you are suffering from hair loss, and you are eating a well balance, vitamin rich diet, then there could be another underlying cause. Chemicals and dyes are able to disturb the growth of new hair and stress is a definite contributing factor. Ever heard anyone saying "I am so stressed I could just pull my hair out"?
Female hair loss factors could be hormonal, in other words, pregnant, menopausal and women using the birth control pill are susceptible to hair loss, because of hormone shifts. While pregnant women nearly always suffer substantial temporary hair loss, this usually corrects itself after the baby is born. This is useful in animals as they use the hair to line their nests; in humans it only creates cause for concern, and can hardly be used as a new and innovative nursery accessory.
No matter that past history tells us hair loss is genetic, there are controllable factors involved also. Make sure you eat well, take supplements, change your hair care products, reduce salt intake, change your birth control pill, and if none of these work and you are well, perhaps it is just genetic. Nothing can be done at this point in time to change your genes, but things could change in the future, so you have to do something to stimulate new hair growth.
Natural remedies do work, re sage, golden maidenhair, vitamin E, oat straw, turmeric and horsetail are contained in many hair repair remedies. They have been found to be able to prevent more hair loss and stimulate new growth.
Eating lots of fruit and vegetables is good for everything in your body and externally too, eating these will make you hair and eyes shiny, improve the texture of your skin, promote hair growth and make you feel a ton better than if you lived strictly on a fast food diet.
Cliff is a strong believer in natural health care, especially when it comes to: hair & skin care, and supplements. Every chance Cliff gets, he enjoys introducing healthy living to his readers, and informing you of the best natural products he can find and uses himself daily.