Hair care is important to all of us but, with so much conflicting information, it can sometimes be hard to know what we should do about our hair care issues. While old wives' tales and confusing marketing campaigns can often lead us astray, there are definitive answers to all the most common hair care problems - read on to find out what they are!
Here are some top tips on how to solve some of the most common hair care problems.
Flat, fine hair
For hair which is fine and flat, an ideal product is a quality volumising product. It's important not to scrimp when it comes to volumisers, as the cheaper volumising products tend to coat the hair with plastic polymers which can build up and leave it looking dull and lifeless over time.
Higher end products, for example Kerastase products and Tigi products, will have superior ingredients such as soy proteins and keratin within them which will create a natural, healthy shine each time you use them.
Split ends
Unfortunately, there is no hair care product able to repair split ends, despite what some marketing campaigns might lead you to believe. The only solution with split ends so to trim them so as to remove them and prevent further splitting.
However, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of getting split ends in the first place. High quality or salon conditioners can protect the hair, and reducing the amount of chemicals products you use could also reduce the problem. If you are prone to split ends it is a good idea to visit the hairdresser every six weeks for a trim.
Greasy hair
Hair is 'greasy' if it shows signs of grease within 24 hours of washing. If this is the case with your hair, the best thing you can do is to choose a salon quality shampoo and conditioner which are suited to greasy hair.
Dry hair
Hair is considered 'dry' if there is no sign of grease three or more days after washing. If you have dry hair, choose a salon shampoo and conditioner which are suited to dry hair. Dry hair is sometimes also frizzy or static - read on to find out solutions to these, connected problems.
Frizzy hair
Hair is frizzy because of the nature of the hair follicle itself, and this is down to genetics rather than the way you treat your hair, although humidity can aggravate the problem. To reduce the appearance of frizziness the best option is to use a salon quality hair serum to even out texture and make the hair appear more smooth and glossy.
This can be an irritating problem, usually suffered by people with fine, dry hair. The best answer is to apply a gloss spray to the hair when it is dry. This will cut out static by increasing the amount of moisture in the hair.
Whatever your hair type, it's important to invest in high quality salon-style products if you can afford it, these will protect and nourish your hair and give you the shiny, healthy hair you want.
ShopRush stocks all your favourite brands of salon hair care products and styling items, like tigi hair products and Kerastase, to bring you all the tools you need, at fantastic prices.