I bet you did not know that hair care is important to help prevent hair loss. Well it is. This article will help you learn how to care for your it to help prevent it from falling out.
First lets talk about how your hair is constructed. It is made of three parts:
Cuticle - Is the outside layer and protects the two inner layers.
Cortex - Is the layer that determines the color of your hair. In addition, it determines the strength and whether your hair is curly or straight. This is the place where chemical changes occur when you color or heat your hair. So this is one of the places you want to target when caring for your hair. The other place to target, is the hair follicle
Medulla - Is the inner layer. Fine hair usually does not contain this layer, but is found in course or thick hair.Here are some things that women, and men for that matter, do that can lead to loss:
Pulling On Your Hair - Putting stress on your it, such as pony tails, tight buns and braids puts a stress on your follicles that can lead to loss. Best way to avoid this is to let your it just hang naturally.
Lack Of Moisture - Hair likes moisture. So keep the use of dryers and curling irons to a minimum. Avoid them at all costs if you have started to lose your hair.
Dyes - Use of dyes will affect the cortex. This could lead to damage and possible loss.So what can you do to further improve the health of your hair and prevent it from falling out?
Eat Healthy - Not only will a healthy diet improve the health of your hair, but also the health of your body. A healthy diet consists of no red meat, well maybe once a week one portion is all right. But the rest of the time you should focus on eating poultry, fish, and soy products.
Vitamins - Some vitamins are essential for healthy hair and the follicle. Vitamins recommended are vitamin A, B, and C.
Herbs - Some herbs have been shown to help prevent hair from falling out. One herb, called saw palmetto, has been proven to effectively stop hair loss by regulating DHT (dihydrotestosterone).One thing that causes the most loss in men and women is genes. Now there is something you can do about it! The FDA has approved a solution for men and women to help stop their loss caused by family history.
Plus there is a supplement that has all the vitamins, minerals and herbs needed for good healthy hair. Read about these products at no-longer-balding.com provillus.