Hair Loss affects one-third of men and women. It does not discriminate as children can also be affected by hair loss. Of course there are different reasons that people lose their hair. Lifestyle can be the one reason for your hair loss. Poor nutrition is accountable for hair loss in many cases. Low levels of iron and/or protein in your diet, for instance, can cause alopecia.
If you are noticing more than usual or normal hair loss, that is to say, more than 100 hairs per day, talk to your doctor. He can order tests to rule out diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, or lupus which are known to cause hair loss. Ensure your doctor knows of all medications you are taking, as some medications can be responsible for hair loss, too. Certain medication for treating arthritis, high blood pressure, and others including some birth control pills can cause hair loss.
The fact is that hair and nails can be an indication of overall health. Poor eating habits and pollution as well as stress all affect the hair. Although much can be done to improve hair on the outside, it is important to try to make improvements from the inside, too: meaning, eat better and supplement your diet with vitamins.
Walnut oil nurtures the scalp and can restore strength and shine, while the vitamin B group balances the scalp area by metabolizing the amino acids in keratin.
Hair loss is definitely attributed to the unhealthy diets of most Americans, i.e., high-animal protein, high fat and high-salt diet which damage the kidneys. Also American diets are very low in vitamins. Hormonal changes are brought about with excessive dieting and, therefore, hair loss is one of the major symptoms of anorexia and bulimia.
Slowing down hair loss is possible, but not guaranteed. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and cut down in starches.
If left untreated thinning hair can lead to permanent baldness. What are you doing to improve your condition? Stop hair loss [] before it stops you. Read more about hair loss and baldness and other health issues at []