Organic hair products are a beauty item that is having increased interest from people of all walks of life. People are becoming educated about the possible effects of chemical additives to commercial skin and hair care products, and are rejecting these harmful additives. If you read the label of nearly any commercial hair or skin preparation, you will see a virtual soup of chemicals. The frightening thing about many of these additives is that they are creating hormonal effects on our bodies.
Organic hair products will also save you money compared to salon hair products. Exclusive salon brands like Aveda tout all-natural ingredients, but are they really? They may also have natural ingredients, but sell for very un-natural prices! Do yourself a favor and become educated about what is really in your hair and skin care products.
Organic hair products, even shampoos and conditioners ARE possible to make at home. You don't have to be a soap making expert to make them either. There is a very affordable and easily obtainable all-natural base that you can use to create shampoos customized to suit your particular hair care needs. You can choose to add fragrance, or not to your products.
Organic hair products such as conditioners and hair oils can be as close as your cupboard. Cider vinegar, mayonnaise, olive and grapeseed oils are all-natural items that can easily be incorporated into a recipe for conditioner. If you feel like getting more adventurous, you can make a conditioner similar to commercial ones with a little cooking. It is very similar to making lotions, which entails heating oils and an emulsifying wax to the melting point then blending with water. Not difficult at all!
Organic hair products are your best choice if you want beautiful hair that is not damaged by harsh chemical ingredients. One such controversial ingredient that is common in many shampoos is sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). (There are also has derivative products such as sodium laureth sulphate.) This ingredient is added because of its foaming action and because it is also a very cheap ingredient to include. But do you know what SLS started out as? As an engine degreaser! Do you really want products like this on your hair?
Want to make your own organic hair products? Visit for great natural, homemade hair and skin care ideas today!