
Organic products can have incredible benefits of the overall health and shine to your hair. Recent research has also shown that using hair products encourages hair growth and increases hair volume. The perfect way to keep a track of the ingredients that contact your body is to make your own hair products.

Mix and match together essential oils, and other organic ingredients to create shampoos and conditioners for the best source of organic care.

Organic Shampoo and Conditioner: When creating your organic hair products you should use a base of castile soap.This is vegetable based oil soap as opposed to animal fat which most commercial shampoos use. You can purchase castille soap base in a range of popular scents including coconut oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil.

When building your shampoo you can either make it from scratch or buy a pre-made base from an organic soap supplier. Adding essential oils and scents to your organic hair products:

You can add different oils to the castille soap base to affect you hair in different ways. If you are looking for a dandruff control then add tea tree oil and camomile.

If you are looking to add shine to your hair then use lemongrass and rosemary. Here are some examples of measures when using 4oz of castille soap in an 8oz bottle:

Dandruff Control: 1/2oz Tea Tree oil and 2 1/2oz strained Chamomile Tea.

Extra Shine: 2 1/2 oz strained Lemongrass Tea and 1/2oz Rosemary oil.

Control Oily Hair: 1/2oz Lavender oil and 2 1/2oz strained Sage tea.

Thicken Hair: 1oz Rosemary oil and 1/2oz strained Nettles.

One the shampoo is mixed then you should store in a cool dark area. The products will not have an indefinite lifetime like store brought shampoos as they are made with natural ingredients as appose to chemicals.

For more free tips and advice on organic hair products please visit my site

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