There are lots of questions arise when it comes to black hair care.
Why is my hair so coarse and dry as compared to others?
Generally, black hair is easily dried up. Although the components and structure are vastly different but black hair has the cuticles twice thicker as compared to others. Therefore, it is more difficult for the oil from the scalp to reach the end of your hair; hence the hair will be dryer and prone to breakage.
If my hair looks thick; will it be all right if I use normal shampoo for it?
Black hair may appear coarse and tougher than others - although there might be some exceptions. It shows that the hair is more fragile. Hence, it needs extra care and different product which is more suitable. Choosing a good shampoo is a must. You will have to use a gentle cleanser that will concentrate more on your hair. It may be a bit pricey but it is definitely worth the price. If you are not sure which shampoo is more suitable, you can always look out for the type of hair recommended for that particular shampoo. Find the one that is suggested for extra black hair.
Besides shampoo, what are the other products that I should use on my hair?
Having a good conditioner is definitely a must as black hair is dryer. You should also use a leave-on conditioner everyday to maintain the moisture of your locks. In addition, black hair care is incomplete without a weekly hair masque or hot oil treatment to enhance the hydration of the hair.
Do you have any extra tips for black hair care?
You can always keep your hair tied up in braids or wrap up when you were sleeping to minimize the breakage of the hair. Or if you desire, you can always have soft satin pillowcase to sleep as the cotton type may absorb moisture from your hair. Also remember to have a boar bristle brush as the skinny one tends to pull out your hair. You should also carry around a spray mist to ensure that your hair gets the moisture it needs at all time.
Is the relaxing method needed if my hair is very coarse?
A relaxing process can be very damaging to the hair if it is used excessively. However, I personally do not recommend it. By using this method, it can cause the hair to be very dry, not to mention hair breakage or spilt ends as well. Besides, what is the point of making the hair dead and then bounce it back after a few weeks when all the hair textures are badly damaged?
At the end, I'd like to share a website with more information on topics like black hair styles and black hair care. Visit for more details.