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While medical or synthetic happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments are proven to be effective and have little or no adverse side effects, there are people who prefer a natural approach to prevent hair loss. Not all herbs are equally effective for everyone, and it is best to consult a physician first before embarking on a natural hair loss treatment regimen. This is especially true for pregnant women or women of child bearing age. Some of the more effective remedies for hair loss are listed below.

1. Saw Palmetto inhibits the buildup of DHT. High levels of DHT prevent the hair follicles from absorbing nutrients. The hair follicles shrink and stop producing normal hair. Topical preparations made from saw palmetto extract are applied to the scalp where it is readily absorbed by the skin. Saw palmetto is effective in treating male pattern baldness, which is linked to increased levels of DHT.

Saw palmetto slows or prevents hair loss but it is not considered very effective in causing hair regrowth. However, clinical tests indicate that it is an effective alternative to prescription drugs for preventing loss of hair.

2. Green Tea is comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. It is beneficial to skin and hair care. Green tea may even be beneficial in treating hair loss.

Green tea is believed to regulate hormones in the body and affects the conversion of testosterone to DHT. High levels of DHT are responsible for pattern baldness. It also has properties that prevent loss of hair. Green tea improves circulation which is good for growth.

Some shampoos for natural hair loss treatment contain green tea. You can also wash your hair with green tea to remove pollutants and prevent infections. A tincture of green tea can be applied to the scalp to stimulate growth.

3. Gingko Biloba helps to increase circulation of the blood to the skin and brain. More nutrients will reach the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Gingko biloba can be added to a hair tonic or shampoo to treat loss of hair naturally.

4. Algae Extract. Seaweeds are naturally rich in minerals, amino acids and vitamins. They have anti-oxidant properties that help heal and reduce damage to the hair and scalp. Vitamins and amino acids from seaweeds help regrow hair. Seaweeds can be eaten, applied to the hair and scalp, or mixed with shampoos and conditioners.

Natural hair loss treatment is generally safe and effective. It is highly recommended for people who prefer to use herbal remedies to prevent or cure thinning hair.

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"My Sink is Full of Hair - Help, I'm Losing My Hair!"

Heredity, diet, stress,hormones, stress, illness, & poor hair care - are all factors in female and male hair loss. Illness, diet and stress are generally temporary conditions. Hair loss is reversible when the anxiety-producing conditions subside. When hair care and diet are improved hair loss begins to dissipate.

Heredity and hormones is a different story. Heredity, says you get no choice in the matter. You've got to deal with it. The trickiness comes in because hormones are hidden, however each individual is effected differently.

Males produces the hormone testosterone in abundance. The DHT is a substance that attacks testosterone. DHT hair loss is responsible for shrinking hair follicles and other conditions that are detrimental to healthy hair growth.

DHT causes hair follicles to shrink. Once this happens, new hair is unable to push through the skin. Then the hair dies and is not replaced. When this happens repeatedly, you eventually have bald spots or go completely bald.

Another thing that causes women to lose hair is hormonal imbalances. Menopause, pregnancy, and childbirth cause hormonal imbalances that effect your mental and physical state of being. This can also cause additional hair loss, that is both temporary and permanent.

Re-growth happinesslifetime.com hair loss products have been around for centuries. In ancient civilizations, a variety of herbal and oil-based remedies were devised and used by people like the Aztec Indians, Mayans Indians and the American Indians devised oil-based and herbal remedies that had some degree of effectiveness.

Modern Technology has ushered in new advances that have focused on new ways to revive and stimulate "dead" hair follicles. This provides hair with natural growth and keeps hair follicles healthy. Today there are many different products that are available over-the-counter and with prescription. You will see these products advertised regularly on TV, radio and right here on the internet. We live in an age where just about anything is possible. Today's explosion of information and knowledge multiply faster than anyone can keep up with.

Try this, get on the internet and type in hair loss on the Google search engine. You will see listings in the millions. Don't worry about investigating all of them, I will provide you with some great information to get you started. You have probably heard of a special hair loss ingredient called minoxidil. As you will quickly find out, minoxidil has about a 80-85% success rate for slowing hair loss and causing hair to regrow.

Rogaine is another well know name that you can pick up at your local pharmacy or drug store. You can purchase products that are specifically made for the different hair problems that men and women have.
Hormonal differences require that male and female use different products.

A product called Provillus has shown to be highly effective for men and women. So what is the difference and why does it matter to me? Provillus differs from other similar products because it contains a substance called Azelaic Acid. Don't let the acid part scare you, it is perfectly safe and extremely effective. The Azelaic Acid enhances the follicle repair for hair regrowth.

Provillus has been scrutinized and studied heavily. Provillus can either be used as a topical liquid applied to the balding areas, as well as a pill or capsule to be taken in conjunction with the topical solution.

In my opinion, Provillus provides the best solution with a free trial offer.

According to makers of Provillus, it is the addition of azelaic acid that makes the huge difference. The other equally if not more important factor is the correct amount to treat specific conditions and hormonal levels.

Like most things, you must be patient. It took longer than a day for this condition to develop. It will take some period of time, say 3-6 months for improvement to occur. If it doesn't work in 6 months, you can send it back for a full refund.

Fortunately for you, medical advances continue, but for now, this is as good as it gets. So don't put it off, take decisive action today.

Ty Fowler is a profession writer and contributor to EzineArticles.
For more information about the best solution for you,

Take decisive action today.

Go to:

unclenancy.com/Hair-loss unclenancy.com/hair-loss/

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A lot of people have been fans of Moroccan Oil for ages and ages, but now things are slowly changing and there is a new hair care line that is taking over people's heart and hair. The masses have found a new love. Don't get me wrong, there are some who are still faithful to their Moroccan oil, but the majority is having a wonderful affair with a new Macadamia hair care collection.

The celebrities and beauty bloggers have become obsessed with Macadamia Natural Oil Hare Care products. All the products in the collection are phenomenal. The oils and both hair and skin creams smell delicious, the hair smell wonderful and is sure to get compliments, and the shampoo and conditioner feel like a relaxing treat in the shower.

As an extra benefit they have a comb that is infused with the oil. For all those who have tortured their hair, and yet this treatment line has been known to soften their hair, and brought life in to them once again.

A piece of information that is vital to remember, when it comes to this product is, that a little goes a very long way with this collection. What most people often do it that they I often end up going overboard and slather on the leave-in conditioner and oil, which is definitely not good. These products have very intense, hydrating formulas that give amazing results by just applying a tiny amount.

Gives extreme nourishment, beautiful and a long lasting, tangle-free, frizz-free finish. Hair is extra-smooth, easily manageable and frizz free.

The oil is designed in such a way that the hair follicles quickly absorb, it is also light-weight, and it is non-greasy feel. It is known to prolong the life of color treated hair by reducing fading. The main ingredients of the Macadamia Oil is Very rich in important fatty acids, macadamia oil has the characteristic feature of looking sebum.

To sum up, Macadamia happinesslifetime.com hair care products are extremely good for both the hair and the skin. They leave the hair smelling beautiful, and give hair beauty and life once again.

Flat Iron Experts offers wide selection of flatironexperts.com/Macadamia-Hair-Care-s/311.htm Macadamia Hair Care products, find flatironexperts.com/Macadamia-Natural-Oil-Rejuvenating-Shampoo-59ml-p/mnors59.htm Macadamia rejuvenating shampoo, macadamia oil treatment etc.

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Fashion industry have a greater influence to most people on what color, styles and length a person's hair could be. You see that these days, being bald is no longer something you could hide forever. The truth is that bald is one of the stylistic trend these days. Women on the other hand opt to wear hair extensions on some occasions, have their hairs colored/dyed and wear wigs on special events. You can never tell which is real because of so many options available for both sexes.

However, with the growing obsession to hair dyeing, many people lost their good and vibrant hair in the long run. Some of the common problems related to extreme hair coloring are the drying of hair and of course, losing of its natural elements. Researches found out that a dry hair lacks the essential natural content and the moist the hair should possess to maintain its health and smoothness.

Other damage of extreme hair coloring is that it weakens the hairs' attachment to an individual's scalp. For this reason, the around 150,000 individual strands of hair lose their good grip on the person's scalp, lose the shimmer and strength.

But that's not all. There are also physical factors why a person's hair weakens in the long run. Understandably, there are people who are originally having weak hair strands. Further, with the adoption of fashion and application of aggressive hair chemicals eventually could lead to hair breakage and the worse is hair lost permanently.

What are the other factors why others lose their beautiful hair? The following can be seriously considered:

o Excessive and inappropriate use of blow drier

o Application of harsh and aggressive hair detergents for dying purposes

o Inappropriate combing or inappropriate choice of comb or brush

o Menkes kinky hair syndrome

o Hyperthyroidism can be a great contributor in hair loss or drying of hair

o Deficiency in vitamin k like anorexic status

o Extreme exposure to sunlight or pollutants

Given the above factors, it's important for you to take care of your hair. As you all know, the hair adds up to your personality and a good hair indicates good crown for its owner so why waste or abuse it to its destruction? Taking care of your hair is very simple. All you need to have is take time to understand the reasons why your hair drying. You may want to discuss this with a trusted health care provider for you to get the best possible assistance.

On the other hand and if you're on the process of buying stuffs for your hair, make sure to consult a good doctor or a hair specialist before using any chemical. The last and best option for you is to keep a proper diet, enhance your vitamin k intake and expose yourself to beneficial sunlight. Allow your scalp to sweat naturally for it also releases the hair's natural oil. Never over use will shampoo for it break good hair lines. Lastly, make sure to free your hair most of the time and use a good brush or comb.

For more info, please visit hairlossremedy.biz hairlossremedy.biz

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Summer is one of the most popular seasons of the year, however it is also the one that tends to damage hair most of the times. The reason is simply being exposed too much to the stronger and stronger sun.

Every year the sun seems to shine stronger on us, partly due to the thinning layers of ozone. While people do worry about their happinesslifetime.com skin care, not so many people realize that hair care is also of utmost importance. Our hair is a major part of our body and looks and having damaged, frizzy and split ends is not only unhealthy but also quite ugly.

There are many creams, lotions and other products that can help during the hot summer months, however there are also many things you can do on your own without having to buy any commercial products to keep your mane healthy throughout the entire year.

Here are a couple of useful tips to get you started with keeping your hair healthy during the summer.

Avoid staying too much time under the direct sun. If you have to though, use various SPF shampoos that will protect the strands at least temporarily.
For the very same reason learn to use hats. There are some very trendy and modern hats available nowadays to buy, and you can even start a new trend among your friends with your cool hat. Get some light color ones that don't keep your head too hot under them.
Do a few hot towel treatments for your mane by massaging warm oil evenings in it before going to sleep. Also start using leave-in conditioners when you go out in the sun. This will keep your hair protected from getting dry and also frizzy.
Avoid using curling irons, flat irons, hot rollers and other very hot appliances, at least during the summer time.
Don't use any happinesslifetime.com hair care products that contain alcohol, paraffin gel, and use only natural products that protect your curls.
Make sure to drink lots of water every day to keep yourself hydrated as this not only helps your hair but your entire body as well.
Use a deep conditioner after washing your hair.
If you are going to the swimming pool during summer, use a swim cap to protect your head from the chlorine and other chemicals that the water contains to keep it clean and disinfected.
Don't use very hot water to wash your hair and always use moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.
Always eat healthy food rich in proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. They help with a clear skin and healthy mane as well.

Above all it is important to use the right hairblowdryers.net hair dryers for your hair such as the hairblowdryers.net/fhi-heat-nano-salon-pro-2000.html FHI Heat Nano Salon Pro which is highly recommended by most professional hair stylists in the country.

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Low Level laser Light Therapy (LLLT) is an internationally accepted name for biostimulation with low energy lasers in order to achieve therapeutic desired effects. Traditionally, LLLT falls under the realm of Physical Medicine, which uses stimulation therapy to activate the body's natural defense mechanisms. When LLLT is the stimulus, the treatment modality is known as PHOTOBIOSTIMULATION.

LLLT has been indicated in sports medicine, physical/manual medicine, dermatology and neuroendocrine disorders in human and animal patients. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of LLLT, as well as its effect on collagen formation, are good indications for LLLT in traumatology, surgery and dentistry, especially after major operations.


The word Laser is actually an acronym which stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Laser generates extremely pure light, i.e. light of one wavelength, not of an entire spectrum like a light bulb. The light emitted is highly organized in flow (It may help to think of laser as a single malt scotch and not a "blend" of different wavelengths of light). Laser can be any wavelength of light, visible or invisible, high energy or low energy.

In 1917, Albert Einstein introduced his basic theory for stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation. This theory was verified by Landberg in 1928, but at the time there were no practical possibilities for producing a functional laser. In 1951, Fabrikant, a Russian physicist submitted a patent application and subsequently published a paper on laser in 1959.

Mester, a Hungarian scientist, was the first to publish a series of articles in 1960 on the biostimulatory effect of LLLT on cell cultures. In 1963, he published the results of animal experimentation which showed that re-growth of epithelium over skin lesions was faster if the lesion was irradiated with1 Joule per square centimeter. Higher doses did not give any better effect. In fact, if the dose was increased many-fold the result was the opposite. Wound healing was inhibited.

In 1965, Laor and his team found that laser irradiation (LLLT) stimulated the rate of healing burns and mechanically induced wounds.


A Laser is a device which produces electromagnetic radiation in the light band. Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy flux which has properties of both a wave and a particle. These Wave-Particles are called PHOTONS.

Photons have a certain amount of energy (E) which unifies these two properties of waves and particles. Energy (E) is proportional to the mass of the photon (m) according to Einstein's famous equation:


Energy (E) is also proportional to the frequency (f) of the photon according to the equation:


Since f x wavelength equals c (speed of light), it follows that f=c/wavelength. Substituting above, E is proportional to 1/wavelength, or the Energy of a photon is INVERSLEY PROPRTIONAL to its wavelength.


When a PHOTON hits an object, what happens to its energy? If the photon (light) reflects from the surface of the object, the photon retains its energy. If the photon is transmitted further (beyond the object), it likewise retains its energy. If the photon gets absorbed by the object however, its energy is delivered to the atoms and molecules of the object.

Depending upon the wavelength (and hence the energy) of the absorbed photon, several scenarios may occur. This absorbed energy may result in heat oscillations, i.e. the atoms/molecules become hot, if the energy is low. If the absorbed energy is higher, the atoms and molecules of the object can become excited and/or ionized. If the energy absorbed is high, it can cause the break up of chemical bonds in the atoms/molecules of the object and result in the formation of new compounds.

Laser light then, consists of photons of a specific wavelength, i.e. PURE LIGHT, and hence, a specific energy level, which can interact with a given object. The results of that interaction are dependent upon this specific wavelength (energy level).


There are many different types of medical lasers available, but they can be classified into two main groups:

HIGH POWER LASERS cut coagulate and evaporate tissue. These are also known as Surgical Lasers because they replace the scalpel of the surgeon. These lasers produce photons (light) of high energy.

LOW LEVEL LASERS stimulate cell function. The effect is not thermal as in the case of surgical lasers. These non-surgical therapeutic lasers are certified Class 3A by the FDA. The energy produced by the photons of these lasers is low and does not have a thermal component that can cause injuries to users and/or operators. This low level energy does not alter molecular structures, but STIMULATES the body's mechanisms to REPAIR AND HEAL itself.

Low level (energy) laser light photons are absorbed by the chromophores within the cells. This induces increased production of cellular energy in the form of ATP, which leads to normalization of cell function, pain relief and healing. These effects are especially striking in areas of the body where cells are under stress.

The photo-energy from these low level lasers is low and remains a long way below the levels needed for ionization of the atoms and molecules of the cells. Thus no induction of cancer growth has been linked to these lasers. The risk of eye injury is almost non-existent, but goggles are recommended.


What type of laser device would benefit patients with androgenetic alopecia? The devices being promoted must be safe for use. They must be effective to meet the manufacturer's claims. The consumer must know what he/she is buying, and the device must not expose the consumer to undo risks.

The therapeutic factors in choosing a laser are as follows:

(a) The wavelength of the light is important as it determines penetration depth in the target tissue. For example, red light at 670 nanometers penetrates greater than other lasers close to the red spectrum. Since wavelengths of 670-690 nanometers support the oxidation processes, it is believed that the 670 nanometer wavelengths show better efficacy in therapeutics than lower wavelength lasers.

(b) For hair applications, the first and most significant condition in choosing laser wavelength is depth penetration, which should be sufficient to target hair bulbs typically resting at 5-6 mm depth.

(c) Visible red light at a wavelength of 660 nanometers penetrates tissue to a depth of 8-10 mm so that the entire hair organ will be covered to a depth just beyond the hair bulb. Visible red light could theoretically be effective in the entire scalp and might include wounds, cuts, scars, folliculitis, etc.

(d) There is the question of continuous wave vs. pulsed operation of the laser. Pulsed operation has been shown to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration to a greater degree than continuous wave operation. Pulses have been shown to stimulate cellular activity. Pulses can regulate biologic rhythms or cycles. Finally, pulsed operation exhibits greater anti-inflammatory effects than the continuous mode.

The GOAL of LLLT is to increase the circulation of the blood to the follicle area and to stimulate the hair organs (nerves, muscles and growth centers of the follicle). The effects of LLLT to stimulate, enhance or speed up the normal life cycle and production cycle of the exposed hair follicles is presently being studied and will fast become the science by which this technology will be judged:

In 1996 Pontien published a Microcirculation study with the Laser Hair Care Device and showed an increase in blood flow.

In 2005 Weiss and McDaniel showed that photo modulation using visible light can alter the expression of genes associated with the stimulation of hair growth. They described it as more of a "minoxidil-like" effect.


The physics of laser light, along with its known properties, led the way to a practical application for low energy lasers in medicine. Various studies have confirmed these properties on the living organism. Taken together, the data points to the following effects of low level laser light on the scalp:

(1) Increased scalp blood flow and microcirculation by 20-30%

(2) Increases nutrient supply to enhance hair growth

(3) Stimulates and accelerates hair growth

(4) Stops the progression of hair loss

(5) Repairs and improves hair shaft quality

(6) Reduces excess levels of skin 5 alpha reductase and DHT which contribute to genetic thinning

(7) Relieves scalp conditions such as psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, itchy/scaling scalp (anti-inflammatory properties)

(8) Normalizes sebum production (also increases production in under activity and dryness and decreases production in over activity or greasiness)

(9) Reduces tight, tender scalp

These effects also make LLLT excellent adjunct therapy for pre-operative and post-operative Hair Restoration procedures.


In developing treatment programs with LLLT one must first consider whether the treatment will be administered with a Class 3A laser machine, with a hand held laser device, or with both.

The larger Class 3A Laser Machine is a patented cool laser which creates a soft halo of light around the scalp. The light is delivered from multiple rotating laser positions designed to increase blood flow to the scalp. There are 30 diode lasers rotating in a half sphere around the head delivering pulsed low laser energy to the scalp. This requires twice weekly or more visits to the clinic. The use of adjunct products, including a vasodilator, is recommended. FDA approval for the use of this laser for hair loss is pending.

The hand held laser comb is a hand held wand-like instrument with laser light ports arranged across its surface like the teeth of a comb. It is used at home 3 to 4 times weekly for 10-15 minutes per use. It is easy to use and convenient for the patient, so compliance is high. FDA approval for its use for hair loss is pending. It is accepted as a medical device in Canada. This allows advertising to make therapeutic claims about the hand held laser device such as its ability to increase the strength of scalp hair in men and women, its ability to prevent scalp hair loss in men and women, and its ability to cause re-growth of scalp hair in men and women.

Studies with the hand held laser comb have reinforced these claims:

In 2003, Martin Unger showed that LLLT has been found to have biomodulating effects on human hair and hair follicles. 97% of the patients studied had some benefit in improvement of hair characteristics, stabilization of hair loss or hair re-growth (defined by Unger as an increase of hair count by 11% or more from baseline).

Santino and Markou, in 2003, studied 35 patients (28 males, 7 females) with androgenetic alopecia on the LaserMax Comb. The treatment regimen was an every other day application of the comb for 5-10 minutes for 6 months. The results showed that, all patients considered, 93.5% of patients had a hair count increase and 78.9% had an increase in hair tensile strength.

There are ongoing FDA trials for men and women with thinning hair. These individuals undergo two treatments per week with the hand held laser comb for 6 months. All of the details of the trials are not available but preliminary results show that in men, 10% had stabilization of both frontal and vertex hair loss, 84.6% had re-growth of some hair in the frontal area and 82.8% had re-growth of some hair in the vertex. In women, 100% had stabilization of hair loss in the vertex, 87.5% had stabilization of hair loss in the frontal area, 75% had re-growth of some hair in the frontal area and 96.4% had re-growth of some hair in the vertex. Thus far, no side effects or eye damage has been reported.


Based upon the information thus far and the various clinical trials in progress, a potential list of candidates for LLLT for hair loss is as follows:

Men and women between the ages of 18 and 65

Thinning to moderate hair loss

Patients ineligible for hair Restoration Surgery due to early stages of hair loss

Women experiencing diffuse or general thinning including the sides and the back

Pre and Post operative hair restoration.

There are three general categories of user experience with LLLT as regards to hair loss. 45% of patients will see positive results after 8 weeks of treatment, 45% will see positive results after 10-16 weeks of treatment and 10% see improvement after 16 weeks.

Finally, to give an idea of the types of laser programs that exist, the Hair Restoration Group has three different programs. Patients choose a program based upon specific needs.

The IN-CLINIC PROGRAM consists of 46 sessions of LLLT over 12 months with three cappilliscope readings to measure hair density. The AT HOME AND IN CLINIC PROGRAM utilizes the hand held laser comb three times a week for ten minutes at home with 12 monthly LLLT sessions in the clinic. Finally, there is a POST-OPERATIVE LLLT PROGRAM consisting of 2 twenty minute sessions of LLLT per week for 8 weeks. The patients undergoing post-operative LLLT notice that healing is accelerated, scarring is minimized (especially in the donor area), graft growth is accelerated, graft appearance is improved and post-operative swelling does not occur.

Copyright Notice

All rights, including copyright, in the content of this article by

hrgnova.com Richard P. Giannotto, MD, are owned or

controlled iwanthair.com Transitions International Group.

Richard P. Giannotto, MD is President and Medical Director of Hair Restoration Group, PC, in McLean, Virginia. He has studied and published widely on the subject of hair loss and hair restoration, for which he is a recognized international authority.

For further information, please visit iwanthair.com iwanthair.com iwanthair.com

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Here's some tips for braving and combating extreme weather with some tips to take the strain from your hair this season. With the weather becoming more and more changeable here's some tips for perfect results every time.

Perhaps one of the most important tips is NEVER go out with wet hair. Get used to the fact that the summer days of letting your hair dry naturally are over. And it's not just because your mother says 'you'll catch a chill'. If temperatures are really low your hair can freeze and is susceptible to breakage. At the very least, roughly dry your hair before leaving the house.

Protect your hair when blow-drying. As you are likely to be blow-drying your hair much more often, make sure you use on a regular basis a product that locks in moisture and leaves a protective coating. Some hair salon products have a dual action with a 'Silk' smoothing blow-dry balm which combats tangles and frizz as well as added heat protection through blow drying.

Cover your hair when you go outside. If a hat is not quite your thing and you're worried about ending-up with 'hat hair' and static, try a silk scarf and go for Grace Kelly glamour.

Tackle that static.

OK, so if you did wear the hat or you are simply in a dry-charged atmosphere, the chances are that your hair might end-up standing on end and not because you've had a shock. A combination of a leave-in moisturizer, washing with cold water and a small amount of hair spray on your brush when styling can help avoid those 'hair-raising' moments. A good leave-in conditioner which helps retain moisture and provides protection for thermal styling works well. If you still can't calm it, try rubbing your hair with a fabric softening sheet (the type that you use in the dryer). Yes, it really works! Just make sure no one is looking!

Feed your hair.

Use regular intensive conditioning treatments. Your hair is craving moisture believe it or not through the winter months. Look for hair products that attract and hold in moisture. If you have fine or flyaway hair you should avoid heavy hair conditioners even on damaged hair.

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One of the most common problems faced by people today is the dandruff. There is no clear reason as to why dandruff is generated. There are plenty of factors that are attributed towards the formation of dandruff and flakes in the hair. They include fungal growth on the head, poor hair care, long term exposure to extreme weather conditions and the role of pollutants. It has been often noticed that people who wear helmets report loss of hair or formation of dandruff and flakes. This is primarily because the hair and particularly the follicle is under stress and the heat generated in the process causes hair loss and baldness. World over, plenty of medication has been prescribed to overcome the problem of dandruff and the flakes formation. However, not single medication will help the dandruff to clear. A combination of medication will help certainly help reduce the generation of dandruff and flakes.

One of the natural medications that can help reduce the dandruff is applying organic oils. For instance, castor oil, coconut oil and oils extracted from flowers are found to be effective in fighting dandruff and flakes. These oils contain natural ingredients and have components prepared by nature that helps contain the dandruff problem. However, these products are yet to be standardized for components and ingredients. The testing is still on for various levels. However, most of the users of the natural oils are reporting reduction in the formation of dandruff and flakes. The flakes and dandruff can be avoided by applying three or four times a week to the hair. The oils have to be applied gently and lightly without affecting the texture of the hair. The oils should be allowed to settle on the skull cap for at least three hours. It is better to apply oil to the non-office hours as some of the oils are slightly sticky. Once the oil is allowed to settle down for multiple hours, it should be washed using happinesslifetime.com hair care products. The oils cannot be removed from the hair easily. Therefore, rinse the carefully in warm water for a small period of time. Oily hair has the tendency to settle down in a particular format.

Other than oils, a number of natural ingredients are also used to promote natural growth of hair and nurture the hair over a long period of time. They include plant extracts that are rich in vitamins that help promote hair growth. But these natural ingredients are costly when compared to the other products of MNC brands. The products are carefully prepared and stored to provide the maximum relief as a consequence of which they are costly.

The hair care industry is today worth billions of dollars. A number of products are being released to the market to fight dandruff and flakes by multinational companies. However, it is recommended that the natural agents and ingredients are used to fight problems like dandruff and flakes. For more info, please visit naturalhairgrowth.net naturalhairgrowth.net

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Clip in hair extensions are the latest method used to lengthen and thicken your hair, and are widely available from specialist hair extension stores and outlets. Although you would require a decent amount of hair on each clip in piece, it can sometimes be TOO heavy, which can have a negative effect. A single 8" piece doesn't want to exceed 60g. You generally cannot return clip in extensions once they have been opened due to hygiene reasons. Always check the hair colour before opening the packet to make sure that you have bought the correct shade. For a more realistic look, try and get the best match possible with regards to the colour and texture of the hair, so that the hair blends in better with your own hair. There are many kinds of clip in extensions out there, including all kinds of branded ones. They all vary in price, so shop about and compare prices.

Clip in extensions are known as the temporary type, with many other methods offering a more semi-permanent solution. Human hair is available from all around the world, such as Europe, Asia and India. Probably the highest grade of human hair available is called remy hair, and originates from India. European hair is ONE of the best types of human hair, because of its light weight, strength, texture and high protein content which gives the hair longevity. The cheapest human hair that is generally used is referred to as Yaki hair, and is the cheapest kind of human hair available for hair extensions.

Hair extensions are made from various styles and types of hair, with synthetic hair being one of them. Synthetic hair extensions are a cheap way for you to extend your existing hair, but there is little else you can do with them with regards to styling. Synthetic hair is generally used for bright, funky fashion colours, such as pinks, greens and blues, although these colours are also available in human hair. This type of extensions are made from materials such as nylon, polyester, kankalon or modacrylic and do not respond well to heat or friction. Synthetic hair is very easy to wear, and requires little maintenance. Unlike human hair the synthetic fibres need minimal or no styling after washing.

Before getting hair extensions fitted, it is important that you ensure that your hair is in good all-round condition. If you suffer from dry hair it would be best to resolve this condition before hand, otherwise you may be wasting your time and money as the hair extensions will not last very long and will not settle well with your own hair. You can damage the cuticle in your hair by constantly colouring, perming and exposure to thermal heat tools such as blow dryers, curling irons, hot rollers and flat irons. Dry frizzy hair is a pain that can be prevented by shampooing your hair thoroughly and then applying a rinse out conditioner to eliminate static electricity, adding moisture and shine. When your hair is dry it will often appear dull and brittle and become difficult to style. Keeping a hair care routine and short hairstyles during summer does help to prevent novice effects of sunlight, which can lead to dry hair.

Before getting hair extensions fitted, look into all the different methods available and see which is best suited to you. There is plenty of hair-extensions-united-kingdom.co.uk/human-remy-hair.html information on human hair extensions available online so do your research. For a temporary, instant kind, think about clip in hair extensions as they literally only take a minute or two to fit or remove, and this can be done by yourself. Done right, and they will look just like your own hair. For a more permanent type of extensions, then consider bonded hair extensions, also known as glue in extensions as a keratin glue is used to bond segments of the hair to your own hair. Always go to a recommended hair extensions to get this done as someone who is not trained or experienced may damage your hair.

Andy Black runs a successful hair extensions online store that sells all kinds of quality hair extensions, including hair-extensions-united-kingdom.co.uk instant clip in hair extensions, hair accessories and soft, silky human hair wefts.

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Hair bonding uses glue to bond the extensions to your existing hair, but can also be glued to your scalp. You can visit your nearest salon and find out the different types of human hair extensions that they are capable of doing. Taking proper care of human hair extensions is very important if you want your hair extension to last for a long time.

The greatest disadvantages of individual strands are:

o Application of foreign chemical or metal substances or objects to your hair;

o Hair damage during the removal of the extensions;

o Inability to use certain happinesslifetime.com hair care products in order not to damage extensions or your own hair.

Future videos will include techniques for hair extensions for professionals and consumers, perming, barbering, coloring, bridal looks, braiding, ethnic hair and straightening just to name of few. You will have 2 basic choices for hair extensions.

Some of the topics available include the tousled look, mid length cut, retro fashion Mohawk, layers with long hair, shine and texture, Spanish look with extensions, texturizing short hair, heavy layered cut, hair color, wedding updo and 5 tail chignon among many others. It also features articles on the care of hair extensions and hair loss information. Human hair extensions are extremely popular with both the younger generation as well as people who are a bit aged.

Hair weaves are another form of hair extensions and can also be made out of synthetic or natural hair. Your hair extensions will not receive the natural scalp oils so you will need to add moisturizing to your routine. It is best to go for a well-known maker of hairpieces and extensions, such as Diva in a Box, Put On Pieces or Raquel Welch.

Jessica Simpson is known for her beautiful hair, but her stylist Ken Paves uses extensions to keep that famous Jessica Simpson Sedu hairstyle. Clip-in extensions are perfect if you want to turn your hair into beautiful flowing locks instantly. No matter where you located your hair extension salon, make sure that your stylist is qualified to apply the extensions.

Soli Katir

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If you are like most people you will likely notice a person's hair and style on first impression. We also notice if a person has thin or thick hair, curly, wavy or straight hair. We may not notice everything around us but when it comes either sex, we instinctively observe our competition or potential future partner.

When it comes to hair, geography plays a large roll as to what type of hair we inherit. For example;

- People of Asian decent have black thick hair. If you were to look under a microscope, you would see that the strand of hair is thick and well rounded. This type of hair usually looks lustrous and straight because of the weight and in some cases blue black in color. It can be quite striking. People with thick hair have approximately 150,000 thick hairs on their head and combing can be challenging to say the least. Leave in conditioners with gentle even pressure are great for this hair type. Also, if you are not using salon quality happinesslifetime.com hair care products, you may have to change out to different brands on a regular basis so that you avoid product build up. Better still, use salon quality products all the time!

- The only other hair that can be thicker than Asian hair is the true red head! Red hair originated in northwest Europe, particularly Scotland. The study of ancient history denotes the early Celtics, known as Caledonians, were very large limbed and had striking red hair. The early Romans described them as a wild people. Today, the red headed people of Scotland still have somewhat of a wild, hot tempered reputation.

- People of European descent can have blonde or dark hair. The fairest blondes tend to come from central Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. The rest of Europe has predominantly darker hair. Close inspection under a microscope shows that these strands of hair are thinner and round to oval shaped. These types of strands can give you straight or wavy hair. There is not as much weight to this type of hair as the Asians. People with thinner hair strands tend to have approximately 90,000 hair strands. A lot less than their Asian cousins. Volumizing shampoos and conditioners are excellent for this hair type.

- People of African decent have dark, tight, very curly hair. Again, under close inspection under a microscope shows that the hair stands are thin and flat. It is the flatness of the strands that cause the hair to curl right up. There is not much weight to it. The most important thing to watch for, is keeping this type of hair moisturized. The flat thin strands are prone to drying out so a gentle cleanser and moisturizing conditioner are very helpful in keeping the hair natural and soft looking. Care also needs to be taken when combing or brushing because breakage occurs easily with this hair type. Minimize the use of blow driers and curling irons.

Genetically, the dominant hair color is brown. This can mean anything from light to very dark brown, almost black.

With the intermixing of races, it is thought that natural blonde hair will soon die out and that the only option to be blonde is through hair dyes.

If you look at North America, you will see the most diverse hair colors and styles due to the migration of people from all parts of Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, South America, etc. Some races have dominant genes when it comes to hair type and color. For example, if you have a marriage of Asian with Caucasian, you will almost always have children with dark thick hair. African American and Caucasian couples will generally have children thin dark tight curls. If you wonder about your own hair, a little research into your ancestry will give you some answers.

No matter what your hair type, there are specific needs to keep your hair in good health. A Major part of that being diet! A healthy, natural diet goes a long way in keeping your hair shiny and healthy looking no matter how thin, thick, wavy or straight it may be.

If you've ever wondered about your hair type and do not have immediate answers, do some research and you may be surprised at what you find!

Willie is co-owner of joneshaircare.com joneshaircare.com a site dedicated to providing information for men and women joneshaircare.com hairloss, and to assist with doctor developed products for hair re-growth and hair care.

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There are many reasons why you might be trying to make hair grow faster. Perhaps you've been suffering from a form of hair loss or thinning and are keen for it to grow back? Maybe you've always dreamed of having long hair? Or maybe you're just trying to reverse the effects of a disastrous hair cut recently?

Whatever it is, there are, unfortunately, a number of factors that could get in the way of your journey to make hair grow faster. Our hair growth rate, at a basic level, is all about genetics. Our hair goes through a cycle, and some of us simply have a shorter growing cycle than others. However, there are still things you can do to maximise how much growth you'll see even if you do have a short hair growth cycle!

Start With A Healthy Body

If you want to make hair grow faster then you aren't going to have any hope if you don't look after your body first. Think of it like this: if your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs, what would be the first thing it would stop doing? That's right - it will stop your hair growing! Why? Because there are other, more important, processes that it needs to spend its energy on!

For this reason you should try a few lifestyle changes to get your body back in shape:

Make sure that you are eating balanced meals every day,
Ensure you eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day (these contain vital nutrients),
Ensure that you get enough protein with every meal,
Try to exercise at least a few times a week,
Visit your doctor to ensure your hair growth problems aren't down to a medical condition,
Check whether any medication you're taking is interfering with the hair growth process,
Take extra vitamin supplements if you need to.

Get Used to A Healthy Hair Care Routine

You might think that hair care has nothing to do with hair growth. After all, once the hair leaves our scalp it is simply dead. But you're wrong - to make hair grow faster, you also need to look after the hair that's already grown!

Why? Because if your hair grows and you don't take care of it, it'll get damaged and split ends will develop. Left unchecked, split ends will simply cause your hair to break and look tired, and your efforts will be reversed.

Here are a few quick hair care tips to incorporate into your everyday routine:

Brush hair before showering so you can avoid brushing it when wet,
Never rub your hair with a towel, simply pat it dry,
Avoid hot treatments such as blow-drying and straightening too often,
Avoid harsh chemicals such as perms and hair dyes,
And stop putting your hair in very tight hairstyles.

Were You Expecting A Miracle Cure?

Where you expecting a miracle answer to make hair grow faster? I expect you're disappointed right now. However, those that promise overnight hair growth are simply not letting you know the whole facts. Start by keeping your body healthy and changing your hair care routine, and your hair will really thank you for it!

At growmyhairlong.org Grow My Hair Long, I share some of the secrets I've learnt since I first started growing my hair long two years ago. I share the link between growmyhairlong.org/prenatal-vitamins-hair-growth.html prenatal vitamins/ hair growth, how often you should get your haircut, and what you should eat to improve your growth rate.

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Some of the best straightening rod in the market are made by Chi. Ceramic plated models are more gentle on your hair when compared to non-ceramic plated products. To get straight and stylish hair within minutes, Chi irons are very much recommended. For the basic styling rod the retail rate for Chi iron starts around $100. Here are some of the things which are needed, blow dryer, brush and heat protection spray.

1. Before using styling rods, blow-dry your hair completely. While using an ironing tool, make sure that your hair is not at all wet. It should be completely dry.

2. First of all let the Chi straightener heats up. When you plug in for the first time, the LED light on the inside of the handle will turn on. The LED light will start flashing when the flat iron is heated completely.

3. With a mist of heat protector spray, spray all of your hair. Your hair will be protected from the heat of flat iron with this spray. You will get different brands of heat protector sprays in market and one of the good news is that Chi also makes a heat protector spray.

4. Your hair should be separated into two sections taking the top layers and tying them in a bun.

5. Brush your hair with the hair brush taking a piece of hair about 3 inches in width. Clamp the iron on your piece of hair near the roots and then follow the brush. To straighten your hair this is the best technique. Moving down the strands of hair, constantly keep the flat iron.

6. The last step is, when you reach the ends of your hair, curl the ends of your hair by curling the flat iron.

Shop for flatironexperts.com best flat irons, curling irons and flatironexperts.com/Best-Hair-Dryers-Professional-Hair-Dryer-Blow-Dryers-s/191.htm hair dryers from Flat Iron Experts.

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Tigi Catwalk creates a personal style that is luxurious and that you can call yours alone. Bruno Mascolo, The Chairman and CEO of Tigi Catwalk has quoted it clearly in the statement "TIGI isn't just about products, it's about sharing ideas and inspirations. TIGI - it's a way of life." According to Anthony Mascolo, International Creative Director of Tigi, "TIGI translates fashion trends into an image statement."

You can buy Styler, shampoo, conditioner, treatment with Tigi Catwalk label. It comes in gift packs and super sizes. It has whole range of fashion forecasts to give shiny, bouncy, strong hair. Catwalk has a full set of designer haircare products to condition, clean and style your hair.

With the "How to get the look kit" you can style your hair like Elizabeth Hurley - The Hollywood actress and model, Samantha Fox - the world famous singer, Daniella Cicarelli - the MTV Brasil TV Show Hostess, or Donna Feldman - the famous TV show actress and model. She had appeared some films also.

Tigi has a wide range of products like Bed Head, Catwalk, SFactor, B For Men etc. Some of the best sellers in catwalk category are Curlesque Curls Rock Amplifier, Curlesque Hydrating Conditioner, Curlesque Strong Mousse etc. Each of these items has its own specific quality and style.

For example Curlesque Defining Shampoo is a sulfate-free formula for curls styling. The ingredients in it are seaweed, sea fennel, cucumber water etc. The seaweed and sea fennel smooths the cuticle and subdue the frizz condition. Cucumber water maintains the bouncy, beautiful curls. "Calories Blasting Dance" - the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Power Squad Bod testifies to the effect of Bed Head range of haircares.

In the TIGI Cat walk category we have many hair care items. Some of them are TIGI Catwalk Fashionista Shampoo, TIGI Catwalk Thickening Conditioner, Curls Rock Curl Booster, Curls Rock Shampoo etc. Each has to be used as per the instructions. Then only you will get the perfect look, each of them states.

For example TIGI Cat walk Fashionista Shampoo should give you smooth, shiny, vibrant looking hair. The hair should feel silky and smooth. TIGI Cat walk Thickening Conditioner should give your hair thick, full, healthy look. Your hair should feel soft and thick.

Whatever the condition of your hair, whatever style or fashion you want to make your hair, with Tigi Catwalk collection, you don't have to worry. You can be a Donna or a Samantha in a jiffy.

Please visit my Health and Beauty website feeluniquenow.com Tigi Catwalk Hair We Offer Free Worldwide Delivery on Every Order!

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Stylist of the stars, Chaz Dean, has created a revolutionary new product line which has completely changed the hair care industry. The product line, entitled WEN is completely unique in that it does NOT contain regular shampoo. What makes WEN so incredibly different is that it is a cleansing conditioner that simultaneously cleanses the hair and conditions it. And it's all natural. You won't find any damaging, chemical ingredients like sodium laurel sulfuate or harsh detergents like you'll find in regular shampoos. Because of this, WEN doesn't merely lather, when combined with water, it creates an ultra-silky smooth foam.

So what sets Chaz Dean apart from other stylists selling their hair care products? Well, for one, Chaz hasn't used regular shampoo on his clients or on himself for fourteen years. And it wasn't an easy transition to convince his clients to get rid of shampoo completely. Chaz says that everyone thought he was having a mid-life crises when he nixed the idea of using basic shampoo. But after explaining himself to his clients they were very open to change.

Chaz began his "no shampoo" policy in 1993. He has been a licensed and practicing hairstylist since 1985 and has been developing hair care products since 1986. Time after time Chaz was seeing that regular shampoo just wasn't producing the right results. He knew then that "something had to change."

When he had this revelation he decided to explore the idea of cleansing the hair without the harsh chemicals and detergents found in shampoos. Substituting antibacterial and astringent properties with the detergents and chemicals Chaz found that the results were more moisture, additional sheen, and hair strength, all without lather or stripping the hair (which traditional shampoos do). Chaz says there are all kinds of benefits to this way of cleansing hair: scalp stimulation, blood circulation promotion, and healthy hair growth.

Chaz officially began the launch of his WEN system in 2001 after spending five years testing and perfecting it. The system is a completely different way of seeing hair cleansing. Thus, this is why Chaz named his system WEN, because it's NEW... spelled backwards!

Customer Feedback:

"I tried using the Wen Cucumber Aloe as a leave in conditioner on the ends & that works great."

"Okay so i tried this big package of like five or six different wen bottles and...its amazing!"

"I let my hair dry overnight and brushed it out in the morning. It didn't seem all that different than usual. Later when I actually styled it (flat-ironed), it looked AMAZING. My hair is super shiny and it looks like it does when I leave the hair dresser."

Here you can find Wen Hair Care Products at the very best prices.

tvproducts4sale.com/Personal-Care/Wen-Hair-Care tvproducts4sale.com/Personal-Care/Wen-Hair-Care

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Beautiful shining hair is akin to beauty & health. However, many people experience unjustified hair loss, which negatively affects their social life and self perception. Hair loss can be attributed to several reasons including hormone changes, dandruff, exposure to chemicals, side effects of strong medications, side effects of radiation, etc. Sometimes hair loss can be the most visible aspect of some serious diseases, inadequate nutrition, or serious physical conditions.

Causes of Hair Loss

Stress & associated hormone changes

Side effects of some medicines

Ill health of liver, kidney and other internal organs


Dandruff & other skin diseases

Incomplete nutrition - lack of proteins, minerals (like zinc) & vitamins

Exposure to chemicals

Excess use of shampoo, soap

Application of too much or too little oil

Kinds of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be classified into different kinds according to the nature of hair loss.

Alopecia areata is characterized by loss of hair in circles. This is mainly induced by stress and mental trauma. Certain physical conditions like Systematic Lupas Erythematosus (SLE) can also be a cause of this condition.

Alopecia totalis is characterized by total loss of hair from the head, leaving behind a bald head and even barren eyebrows. The skin of head turns smooth.

Diffuse alopecia condition has unhealthy, thin and short hair.

Trichotillomania is another condition, prevalent among children, characterized by the children pulling their hair and eating it. Children do this without their conscious knowledge and the hair they eat can remain in the stomach as a ball of hair, leading to pain.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss found among men. This is caused by excess activity of androgen, a hormone. Women too can suffer from this problem.

Holistic Food to Prevent Hair Loss

Every nutrient that helps in normal body functioning is also required for proper hair growth. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fat), minerals and vitamins play important roles in body functioning and hair growth as well. Inadequate nutrition also first reflects on the hair.

The Essential Food Items to Take to Prevent Hair Loss

Include in your diet a good mixture of everything listed below. Take a mix of everything in moderation. Curcuma longa, cumin seed, etc are good spices to prepare food. Similarly, gooseberry (Embellica officinale), dried grapes, pea (small green pea), etc also promote good physical health and hair growth.

Green and colored vegetables

Wholegrain rice and wheat

Carbohydrate rich root items - tapioca, sweet potato, etc


Milk and dairy products

Fruits - especially orange, grapes, and other slightly sour fruits

However, the quality of the atmosphere, ground, etc under which the plants grow also affect the quality of the food you take. Food crops grown with excess use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc have very limited quality.

Food Items to Avoid

If you care about your hair and physical health, avoid the following items.

Soft drinks

Fast food

Overly cooked food

Processed food (canned, packaged)

Agreed, these items are good for your tongue. However, what is good for your tongue may not be good for your body, blood and hair.

Hair Care Precautions

Note the following points to take good care of your hair.

Gently dry your hair with a clean towel after bathing

Always use a clean comb

Don't comb wet hair

Don't comb your hair too often

Comb your hair in the direction of its growth and not against it

Don't use shampoos that contain chemicals - better option is natural shampoos prepared from hibiscus leaves, henna, grounded small green pea, etc

Apply enough oil on hair 30 minutes before bathing - coconut oil, sesame oil, etc are enough

Be gentle on your hair. Don't rub your hair violently and use hair dryer sparingly. Shampoos that contain chemicals actively destabilize your hair. You can prepare natural herbal shampoo from materials available from your backyard itself and it is better than any shampoo that you pay big prices for.

Ayurvedic Means of Hair Care and Hair Growth Measures

Ayurveda suggests different hair oils for healthy hair growth. Amalaki (Emblica officinale) is a major component of Ayurvedic hair oils. Massage your scalp with these oils and you can see healthier hair growth.

Treatments for Hair Loss

Allopathy medicine has quite a few treatments for hair loss, which are listed below.

1. Minoxidil - this medicine prescribed for blood pressure is prescribed for hair loss too. Apply the medicine on your scalp. Effectiveness is 10-20%. Hair loss will come back once you stop using the medicine.

2. Finasteride - this medicine usually prescribed for prostrate enlargement is handy treatment against hair loss. Temporary loss of libido and lowered quality of semen are the usual side effects of using this medicine. Women shall not use this, as it can cause the women to give birth to handicapped child.

3. happinesslifetime.com Hair transplantation - hair from one part of the head is transplanted to other parts of scanty hair growth. Strip incision, laser grafting, punch grafts, etc are the main types of happinesslifetime.com hair transplantation treatments. The possibility of hair fall in two-three years and the scars at the areas where hair is taken are to be taken care of.

4. Scalp Reduction - a kind of plastic surgery, where skin of hairless area is removed and the skin from hairy area is stretched. The success depends on hairless area of head and the elasticity of skin.

5. Hairpiece or toupee - wigs are attached to the skin, without being noticed. Can wear and tear in the long run.

In case of hair loss, cure is almost impossible and even prevention is difficult. Put your focus on better physical and mental health than worrying about lost hair.

Dev Sri provides insider information about keralaayurvedics.com Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at keralaayurvedics.com KeralaAyurvedics.com/

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You may or may not know this, but there is a 'right' way to wash your hair. If you have not been washing your hair properly, when you do, you should notice a big difference in the shine, bounce, health and cleanliness of your hair. But like many others, it is likely that you were never shown how to wash your hair properly and as a result you do not have the great looking hair that you really want.

Step 1. - Begin. Start by giving your hair a good brushing before you get into the shower. This will reduce hair breakage, help loosen dirt and keep to a minimum the number of hair caught in your shower drain. After you have finished brushing, you need to thoroughly and completely wet your hair using warm water (not hot). To get a good wash you need to wet your hair well as washing your hair with dry hair is hard.

Step 2. - Putting on the shampoo. Often most people go about this part all wrong. The usual thing is that they squeeze a big dollop of shampoo onto their hand, slap this on their hair then start scrubbing away thinking they are washing well. This is a big no-no. Start off by selecting only the best happinesslifetime.com hair care products that are more concentrated and use the highest quality ingredients. With these products you only need a small amount of shampoo.

Step 3. - How to wash your hair properly. Massaging/scrubbing too vigorously and not leaving shampoo on long enough, are the two main mistakes people usually make when washing their hair. After you have applied the shampoo to your hair, the proper way to wash it is too gently massage your hair and scalp. Giving your hair a 'good scrub' will not make your hair any cleaner and could damage your scalp. After massaging your scalp, shampoo can be left in your hair for 5 minutes to get a good clean.

Step 4. - Rinse and Repeat. When you have finished shampooing your hair, you have to rinse away all of that lather, dirt and grime. Rinsing your hair is an important part of washing your hair properly. You need to rinse your hair thoroughly (and I mean thoroughly) as shampoo can still be hidden in hair that appears to be rinsed. After you have rinsed your hair thoroughly you can wash your hair again if you want to make sure that you get a proper clean.

Washing your hair properly can truly make a huge difference to the appearance of your hair. The steps are simple enough, just follow the 4 steps above and you can't go wrong. You'll have great clean looking hair every time. And when you use very high quality professional salon happinesslifetime.com hair care products, you will be amazed at just how clean, vibrant and healthy your hair can become.

Jennifer Summers is a great source of information on salon-collective.co.uk hair care products, regularly providing informative advice on professional salon-collective.co.uk hair products.

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Normally, kinky hair is beautiful, however sometimes people with naturally kinky hair desire sleek, smooth they notice on models and celebrities. Chemical relaxers are available to straighten kinky hair, but they can bring damages to hair. While attempting the straightening process, utilize products that made especially for curly hair to protect it.

Following are some simple steps to straighten naturally kinky hair.

Step 1

Carefully wash hair instead of scrubbing shampoo into it. Use a rich and heavy conditioner to finish, and leave it on the hair for two minutes before rinsing it off. Kinky hair is often dry, so ensuring it is well moisturized will make it easier to straighten.

Step 2

After stepping out of the shower, dry hair by patting it with a towel. Don't rub or twist the hair; this will reason more curling. To soak up excess moisture pat it dry; and blow dry the rest.

Step 3

Clip your hair into four sections; one on the top left side of your head, one above your ear, one on the top right side and then above your other ear in a separate section. To ensure they appear smooth and shiny you'll be blow drying these sections separately. Let down one section at a time, and blow dry it while pulling it taut on a paddle brush.

Step 4

Once it has dried, comb a heat-protecting spray through the hair. Heat the straightening tool to a level suitable for you hair type.

Step 5

Fix the styling rod down on a 1- to 1 1/2-inch section of the hair, as possible, as close to the scalp. Slowly move the device down the section, taking care not to create creases. To create a layering end flip your wrist in or out when you reach the ends.

Step 6

Complete the entire hair by finishing with a high-hold hairspray. Keep a small bottle of hairspray with you if you live in a humid climate. This helps you to tame frizzy pieces that might pop up all through the day.

Find amazing collection of flatironexperts.com/Nisim-Haircare-s/62.htm hair care products and hair styling tools online at Flat Iron Experts. We have Nisim Hair Care, flatironexperts.com/Phyto-Hair-Products-Shampoo-Conditioner-Treatment-s/58.htm Phyto Hair Care, flat irons, curling irons, etc.

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Prenatal vitamins for hair regrowth have always been debatable. It is true that no formal studies have been conducted to show the role of these vitamins in healthy hair but some women have really experienced it. Many women reported to see an increase in their hair length when they consumed prenatal vitamins during their pregnancy. Before one can understand the role of these supplements for hair growth, it is essential to have some basic knowledge about them. These vitamins contain multiple vitamins in it in order to fulfill the requirements of pregnant women. Some of the most important components of these vitamins include calcium, iron, and folic acid.

Folic Acid: It has been noticed that folic acid contributes the most in hair growth. Different hypothesis have been given in order to support the role of folic acid in hair growth. Some people say that folic acid plays a major role in forming new cells in human body and thus it helps in stimulating hair growth too. Moreover, most of the happinesslifetime.com hair care products available in the market contain folic acid as a component. Thus, by far folic acid can be considered as an element that helps in growing hair long.
Calcium: Other component readily available in prenatal vitamins is calcium. Calcium has always seen to be favorable for hair growth and this reason made people say that use of prenatal vitamins for hair growth is justified. Calcium is required during pregnancy as it helps in building strong bones. When it comes to hair, calcium has been seen to be effective in maintaining healthy scalp.

However, in many cases it happens that only vitamins do not prove to be effective for hair. In such a situation, one can rely on various other methods for improving hair regrowth. Some of the methods are:

Massage: One way that can be relied on in combination to prenatal vitamins is scalp massage. It is always good to massage scalp of your head with fingers using some good lotion. It would prove to be helpful in opening hair follicles and it stimulates hair follicles.
Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet is indispensable when condition of hair needs to be improved. Always include food items in diet that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Get Rid of Stress: Stress is one reason that causes hair loss or hair thinning. Thus, one should always try to stay tension free to the maximum extent possible.

Now for the moment of truth. And this is really very important.

If you are having any kind of hair loss problem resulting in thinning hair, you need to take action right now. The next few minutes are very crucial for you. There are some really amazing information that is going to solve your hair loss problem permanently, effectively and within a very short time. This article tells you about the importance of haircarecenter.org/hair-loss-treatment-with-vitamins vitamins for hair loss as well as some wonderful haircarecenter.org tips for hair regrowth that is going to change the way you look right now and give you a much younger look with healthy and abundant hair.

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Makeup is meant to enhance, not overwhelm your features. Most women have yellow-based skin. To get that perfectly natural, flawless look they need to wear foundations with a yellow base. Most foundations on the market however have pink or orange tones. Women wearing these foundations often end up looking artificial, ashy and two-toned. There are pencil eyeliners, liquid eyeliner, and cake eyeliners. Pencil liners can be used above top lashes and under lower lashes. Liquid liners should only be used on the top lid. Pencil liners can be used above top lashes and under lower lashes. Liquid liners should only be used on the top lid. Using a liquid black eyeliner in a thick line, applied to the top lid, gives the look of an eyelid.

Natural bristled brushes are best as they are soft to the touch and apply powder blush,face powder,eyeshadow or lipstick most effectively. There are matte lipsticks that are drier and thus longer lasting. There are sheer lipsticks that are moist and give your lips a stain. There are also lipglosses that are fluid and have the most moisture. Keep two shades of foundation on hand. One will be suitable for winter, and the other for summer skin. Cake eyeliners are used with water and can be used both top and bottom. After applying happinesslifetime.com eye cream, apply a concealer with a synthetic makeup brush just under the eyes and along inner bone of eye. Use a lipbrush to fill in the outline with lipstick, ensuring you reach into every tiny crevice on the surface.

Try to avoid daily washing. The sebaceous glands are overstimulated, secreting more grease onto the hair. Thin hair can easily be disguised by a really good cut. Hair looks like dreads the same day and reaches maturity faster than other methods. You can control the size and shape of the dreads, anywhere from thick and smooth to thin and sexy. Change shampoos occasionally, especially when using moisture rich shampoos. Try switching to milder ph balanced shampoos. Curly hair that is over worked and over styled will frizz, and lack life. Also, curls can get out of control easily. Always use a diffuser when blowdrying which will help control the frizz but will not remove all the body.

Juliet Cohen writes articles on cosmeticsdiary.com skin care tips. She also writes articles on beauty-makeup-guide.com beauty tips and makeup-care.info makeup tips.

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