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When you talk about genetic hair loss most people think about the most common form of this problem: male-pattern baldness. This is the type of hair loss that is passed on genetically to offspring from their mothers. Most often the recipients of this type of loss are men, but sometimes the gene can also result in female hair loss.

While genetic baldness in men is identified by a receding hairline or balding crown, genetic loss of hair in women is a bit different. In most cases, a woman will not lose her hair in spots only but will thin out evenly throughout the head. Sometimes, this thinning can be quite severe and result in the woman having to wear a wig to cover up her thinning tresses. While female hair loss almost never results in a completely bald head, it can be extreme enough to expose the scalp quite plainly.

For the woman facing this type of problem, there are a few treatment options that can be explored. They include shampoos, conditioners and topical treatments, such as Rogaine for women, which stimulate growth and prevent further loss; vitamin supplements; and stimulatory treatments such as massage and infra-red therapy. The most successful of these treatments are the topical treatments. While they are quite expensive, they produce the best results.

Hair loss due to chemical processes

No matter how healthy and strong your hair is today, you could experience severe hair loss after undergoing a harsh chemical process such as a perm or color. While almost all chemical fallout is due to operator error, the chance of it occurring is multiplied by chemical services that you perform on your hair at home. I've seen more than one case of female hair loss in clients who have bleached their tresses at home, colored it over and then came to the salon for yet another bleaching. Not knowing this past history, the stylist used too strong a chemical, and the process resulted in loss of hair.

Since most of these cases do not result in complete baldness, the hair loss treatment options include protein treatments and other conditioning treatments to strengthen the remaining hair; a good haircut that will remove most of the damage; and a gentle hair-care routine that will minimize further loss due to breakage. You should also refrain from using thermal styling tools and undergoing any further chemical procedures until the hair is completely grown out.

Hair loss due to stress

Cases of severe stress can literally cause handfuls of hair to fall out at a time. Women experiencing stressful conditions can experience problems represented by thinning all over the head or in spots called alopecia areata. Alopecia areata means "Hair loss in spots or areas," and can result in bald circular patches on one or more spots of the scalp. While this type of problem is alarming, it is not permanent. After the stress is removed, most sufferers of this type of this problem regrow all of the hair that they lost.

In most cases, the treatment for stress-related hair loss is minimal. After ruling out other causes of the problem, your doctor will likely recommend changes in your diet or ideas to help alleviate your stress. Keep in mind that it can take months for your hair to grow back even after the stressors have been eliminated.

Hair loss due to illness

Any type of extended illness or surgery can result in you losing hair. Medications taken to combat certain types of illnesses can also cause your hair to become brittle and break or fall out altogether. The most identifiable type of hair loss is associated with chemotherapy treatments. In most cases, this hair loss is complete and affects all areas of the body.

While there is little that can be done to prevent this type of loss or promote growth during illness, surgery or chemotherapy treatments, this type of female hair loss is also temporary. In most cases, full recovery of hair is made after the illness is over.

You can promote hair growth after the illness by getting regular trims and using growth enhancing shampoos and conditioners. Vitamin supplements may also be beneficial.

As you may have already guessed, loss of hair in women is more common than we might think. And many may be experiencing hair loss and dismiss it as a natural occurrence that comes along with age. A lot of these women fail to seek the necessary treatment that can help them keep their remaining hair and regrow new hair. So, if you are experiencing problems with losing your hair, do not think that it is just because you are getting older. There may be something that you can do to keep the hair on your head from clogging your drain.

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Do you ever wonder how all the celebrities seem to have perfect shiny tresses? They aren't all just fake hair extensions, either. It is part of their job to look good and photo retouching can only do so much. They are bound to get harassed by the shutter bugs if their hair is less than perfect on any given day. Read on to find out how you can get gorgeous silky, touchable hair.

We will start with the basics - moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. Shampoo should contain silicones, fatty alcohols, wheat proteins, and/or cationic polymers. These ingredients will help strengthen and protect the hair from environmental damage. Use a heat activated version if you regularly use a flat iron, hair dryer, or curling iron. You should always use a conditioner after washing to replenish the moisture that was stripped from the harsh hot water. If you have oily hair, use a volumizing or fine hair conditioner on the ends of hair only, carefully avoiding the scalp.

Environmental elements can play a huge role on the condition of your hair. Cold air can cause hair to become dry, brittle, and damaged due to low humidity, rough winds and indoor heat. UV rays, year round (not only during summer months) reek havoc on the hair cuticle and cortex by breaking down proteins that weaken and dry hair out over time. Leave in conditioners, weekly deep treatments such as hair masks and hot oil create a protective barrier.

Using too many styling products dulls the hair so stick to one or two necessary items. Gels and creams are ideal for normal hair whereas pomades are better for thick or coarse hair. Straightening and blow drying are fine as long as you religiously use a protective product. Give the hair a cool blast after blow drying to smooth the cuticle. If you're hair is color treated, use products for color treated hair to prevent the color from fading and looking dull. Get regular trims, even if you have to do it yourself, just have someone check it to make sure it's even. Right before you jump out of the shower, rinse your hair with cool water to increase shine.

You can also try some home remedies if you're strapped for cash or for a quick fix. Here are some oldies but goodies- apply mayonnaise to your hair, concentrate on the ends and cover it with a shower cap. Don't rub it into your scalp or apply too close to the hairline to prevent oily hair and acne breakouts. You can also try mixing a few eggs into a bowl with some olive oil, shampoo hair, then let it sit for 5-6 minutes before rinsing it with cool water. The key to shiny hair is to moisturize and know what type of hair you have.

Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about skinnygazelle.com energy drinks and liporidpm.com natural sleep aids.

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Wishing for longer and more beautiful hair? Get your hair to grow faster by simply sifting through the trainloads of information that you will find available in the Internet. But then, not everything you will find online can truly give you the results you are looking for. For this, make certain that you find the most reliable sources of information you can lay your hands on so as not to waste your time and your money.

Plus, of course, you would not want to throw away the amount of effort you pitched in by getting misleading information. Carefully assess each piece of information. Determine which can essentially help and which will not merit you any hair growth at all. Take a peek at the following hair care advices that you may eventually find useful in growing your tresses:

1. Use Therapeutic Oils To Massage Your Hair

There is a great deal of therapeutic oils that you will find being sold in the market that may truly help you get your hair to grow faster. The selection includes jojoba oil, olive oil, coconut oil, Rosemary Oil, Lavender Oil, Mira oil and a lot more others which have been proven to offer hair growth-hopers a bounty in their mane. Simply find the oil that appeals to you the most and make sure that you have someone to regularly massage it for you. Otherwise, you can do it yourself. After all it does not matter who will apply the oil. Such oils are proven to essentially carry some natural ingredients that can swiftly make your hair grow longer, thicker, healthier and therefore, more beautiful whether you are the one applying them or somebody else.

2. The Domino Effect Of Getting A Deep And Relaxing Head Massage

Just take care that the oil is properly massaged deep into the roots of your scalp. You can simply leave the oil in your head or copy what others do - that of covering with a hair cap or shower cap to attract natural heat which can be a great team-up for the oils to finally help you grow hair.

In case you do not know, regular massaging of the scalp can help one achieve better blood circulation. This is very helpful if you are one of those hoping that your hair follicles will grow healthier and stronger and therefore, trigger growth further. In fact, there is a domino effect in massaging the head. For one, it is not solely the hair follicles that will benefit from getting a consistent massage because you will likewise find the high stress level in your life getting alleviated as well.

3. Proper Nutrition And Genuine Care

To finish off; one must also be very particular with what he will feed his body. Didn't you know that what you eat is what you get? So if you find your mane getting dull and brittle, step back a little to find out where you have gone wrong in your diet or lifestyle. Look into how you sleep and exercise. Perhaps you are lacking in any of these. Therefore, eat more protein-enriched foods like dairy, meat, eggs, fish, nuts, cereals and countless other foods jam-packed with protein. Not only will these help you get your hair to grow faster but there is no doubt you are going to get glowing skin as well!

Still Having problems about how you can make hair grow faster and longer? If you have 2 minutes, then I will show you how makemyhairgrowfaster.org/mira-hair-oil mira hair oil make my hair grow faster, longer, thicker, silkier, shinier, manageable, and more beautiful hair in just 15 days!

You will be able to wear any hairstyle you want. (Because your hair grows at a super fast rate - 2-3 inches a month - you can change your hairstyle as often as you want without fear or hesitation!). Men will compliment and admire you. You will instantly look 10 years younger than your calendar age with longer, beautiful, flowing, non-graying hair! To see what I used, visit makemyhairgrowfaster.org makemyhairgrowfaster.org

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Make the commitment your mission, longer, stronger tresses. Anything in life worth having takes time so be patient, long hair is socially powerful. It projects a wonderful image that says you are feminine, sensual and spiritual you go girl.

Growing with grace, making sure you keep a clean sharp look. Trimming ends on an AS NEEDED basis works well if growing long hair. Remember that you are paying for more than a trim, it is the tool your stylist is using and the skill that they have so do your homework.

When combing out long hair always start from the bottom and work your way up.

For emergency detangling use natural oil and a wide tooth comb to release snarls and give comb ability.

Use gentle hair accessories! Do not contribute to more havoc on your gorgeous hair with dated metal ponytail bands. Toss them out and opt for ouch less METAL FREE hair bands plus they give a sleeker look when wearing a ponytail.

Braid long hair at night to avoid matting and tangles.

Replace implements often. Old combs and brushes can scratch the hairs cuticle causing unnecessary snags that lead to breakage... to avoid this replace synthetic combs every 3 months or so.

I rinse my hair twice a week with cleansing conditioner(before the cleaning it is a good idea to give your long hair a pre shampoo treatment with natural oil or butters). On alternating days if a freshen up is needed i simply re-condition my long hair. Always condition wet hair. It is a good idea to double condition long hair; this added step will help with tangles and give extra moisture leaving you with silky, smooth, soft hair.

Health is #1 for growing good hair. You can maximize your growth cycles by eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, exercise and taking the proper blend of vitamins.

Weekly hot oil treatments are a must for long mature hair! indulge in this 100% saturating hair in oil or butter suitable for your hair texture then bag it up in a plastic shower cap and heat up under hooded dryer.

Leave conditioner in your hair over night in a loose moisturizing bun for maximum moisture. Practice this 1-4 times a month for beautiful sexy hair that everyone will notice!

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For more information and hair care to do's visit us at bodysofine.biz bodysofine.biz

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When people shop for body care products such as hair conditioners or skin moisturizers, they are seeking to buy products that will be good for them - improving the quality of their skin and hair. However, there are ingredients in many body care products - even expensive, salon-produced brands - that are harmful to the user. Most of these ingredients are ones that the average consumer will not recognize as harmful, and so he or she may go for years using the dangerous product without having a clue as to how harmful it is.

One such dangerous substance in many body care products is parabens. Parabens are a preservative that may lead to the development of cancer. Another such ingredient is petrolatum. Petrolatum is waxy and can clog pores, coating the skin and preventing air, which skin needs, from reaching it. It can also strip the natural oils from your skin, promoting dryness, and can cause increased sensitivity to the sun. Oxybenzone, a common ingredient in sunscreen, can alter one's DNA and cause cancer - the very thing sunscreen is intended to avoid! Alcohol can irritate and dry out the skin. Synthetic fragrances (those not derived from natural essential oils) can also irritate the skin. Phthalates are often found in synthetic fragrances, and can disrupt hormone production, particularly influencing reproductive capability in men. Synthetic dyes can be carcinogens. Some body products even contain formaldehyde - the very same substance used to preserve dead bodies! These are only a sampling of the products that have the potential to cause much more harm than good to your skin!

Anything you apply to your skin will be in some measure absorbed by your skin - just like nicotine is absorbed via patches to help smokers quit the habit. The same is true for any other product, including skin and happinesslifetime.com hair care products. That means that the chemicals in your body care products will be inside you, altering your skin's cells - and many of these are products that you apply every day. A frightening thought! That is why, no matter how reputable or expensive a brand may be, you should still approach using its products with caution. Look for products that do not have the ingredients listed above, but do have other healthy ingredients, such as tea tree oil, jojoba oil, witch hazel, evening primrose oil, and silk proteins, to name a few. Also, make sure that any fragrances listed in your product's ingredients are essential oils - these are natural scents that do not have the negative side effects of synthetic fragrances. If they are essential oils, the label will indicate that this is so.

Do not be deceived by a price tag! Often the best body care products containing healthy ingredients that will truly improve your skin and hair are not very expensive. If you keep these factors in mind, you are likely to select a great product that will be good for you and exceed your expectations. Read the label before you buy!

Jennifer Thorpe-Moscon is a BodyCarebyEmylee.com Body Care Products expert and Vice-President of Marketing and Research at the BodyCarebyEmylee.com website. For more information about body care products including healthy skin care products such as bodycarebyemylee.com/Body-Butter-Lotion-Deep-Skin-Moisturizer-1050.htm Body Butter, you should definitely check out her web site.

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Are you worried about your hair? Do you have trouble finding the right hair care products that will give your tresses a glossy shine and smooth feel? It is not only the skin that is the concern of men and women today. Living a fast-paced life full of stress affects not only the mood of the person and his whole being, but also the health of his hair. Thus, vitamins are not only meant to nourish and strengthen the mind and body, but the condition of the hair as well.

There are various hair care products that are sold in stores and beauty salon. These products are meant to clean and strengthen hair. One of the most common hair products is the shampoo. Shampoos are formulated to clean the hair. However, there are shampoos that are specially formulated, enriched with extra protein and vitamins to add nourishment to the hair. Also, shampoos are also made based on hair types; whether it is for normal hair, dry or oily hair. When purchasing a shampoo, it is always best to purchase the one that fits your hair type. If you have sensitive scalp, it is best to use a mild shampoo; otherwise, you will experience a dry itchy scalp or dandruff.

Sometimes, shampoo is not enough, which is why conditioners are made. Conditioners are hair care products that are richly formulated to make hair soft and smooth. In this regard, shampoos, then, are only used for cleaning the hair, while conditioners are for making the hair smooth and tangle-free

Another most common used hair care product is the hot oil treatment formula. This is a thick lather of cream applied to the hair with lots of aloe vera coconut oil, protein, vitamins and minerals that penetrates in each strand to give energy and life to the hair. This type of product is mostly used by hair professionals in salons; however, there are also hot oil treatment products that can be used at home. Most hot oil treatments are used on hair once or twice a month.

a1haircare.com Hair care products come in different brands with different prices. It does not mean that the more expensive the product, the more effective it is. When choosing a1haircare.com/a1-hair-care-products hair care products, it is best to consult a hair and beauty expert. Professional advice comes in handy once you face a rack full of shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products. Also, if you have found the right hair product for you - the product that gives you a healthy, soft, and dandruff-free hair - then, it is best to stick to that product.

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Colored hair can look great when it's new, but after awhile it becomes faded and dull. What can you do to keep your colored hair looking fresh and healthy?

First, don't wash your hair every day. This isn't a bad idea even for people who don't have colored hair (shampoo strips hair of it's natural oils and can dry it out), but it's especially important for people who do.
Touch up your hair when it needs it, and use the same color you used before if you are just touching up. Start at the roots and allow that part to settle first before applying the rest of the color.
Avoid exposing your hair to UV rays any more than you have to. Wear hats or use hair products with sunscreen in them when you go outside to keep your hair color from fading.
Use a color-protection shampoo. It will be more gentle on your hair and will help to keep your color looking sharp.
Keep blow drying to a minimum. Heat damage will dry out your hair, and chemical-treated colored hair is more susceptible to becoming dry and broken.
Keep your hair trimmed. Coloring your hair makes it more fragile, which means it will probably break more often.
Be gentle when you dry your hair. Don't rub it with a towel; instead, blot it carefully.
Use a wide-tooth comb on your wet hair instead of a brush. The comb is more gentle and will help you to avoid breaking your hair.
Wet hair with non-chlorinated water before going into a pool to dilute the effects of the chlorine.

Megan is the Web editor for Overstock Drugstore, an online pharmacy that offers great deals and great service on health and beauty products you use every day, including overstockdrugstore.com/products/matrix-biolage-colorcaretherapie-color-care-shampoo,-16.9-oz.html matrix color care shampoo. Overstock Drugstore believes in offering the best products and the best service, including a help line that goes to a person every time. To learn more, visit our website.

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You heard the word. You probably laughed at someone who has this when you were a kid. And maybe, you jokingly called one, "Baldy" now that you are a grown up. The thing is, you may even be "Baldy". Not to worry anyway because a baldness treatment is not hard to find nowadays.

Baldness as you may know is the lack or thinning of hair. It is a major problem if it affects the head and too bad, there are more men affected by age 50 than those who are not. In women, they experience hair loss, also, usually when they give birth or are menopausal.

A short trip to the department store on the hair care department will amaze you. Baldness treatment is not the problem anymore but choosing one is. You can use any hair regrowth shampoos, creams, and other products as well. Visiting your nearest pharmacy will show you the drug-based treatments also. These are over the counter so no need for prescriptions.

There are actually two drug agents approved by FDA for baldness treatment: Minoxidil and Finasteride. They both inhibit dihydrotestosterone or DHT which is responsible for hair loss. The Minoxidil is a vasolilator that is initially marketed to lower high blood pressure while Finasteride used to be an approved treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

happinesslifetime.com Hair transplantation can also be a baldness treatment. This can be done by taking hair follicles that are not affected by balding and placing it on the "baldy" part. Hair will now grow probably after a year and for a lifetime. Modern happinesslifetime.com hair transplants are modeled from the normal grouping of hair making it look as if the transplant is natural.

Ketokonazole can also be a baldness treatment. Though it is indicated by fungi-infected scalp, it inhibits 5-alpha reductase, which is responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. It is also a hair growth stimulant although it is not approved by FDA for hair loss treatment, but is approved for fungal infections.

Baldness treatment choices can never be complete without mentioning remedies. For herbal options, saw palmetto as it inhibits 5-alpha reductase. Ash gourd is also used by some because it combats dry scalp. Alfalfa on the other hand is used because it strengthens the roots of the hair.

Moreover, knowing the cause of your condition will lead you to the best baldness treatment. If in case it is due to hormonal imbalance, regulating the therapy may stop the hair loss that leads to baldness. If the cause is due to your excessive use of hot hair iron or hairstyles that warrant your hair to be pulled and tagged, limiting these activities could be a mode of treatment.

Low laser therapy, specifically the Hairmax Lasercomb, is a device that received the FDA clearance to be marketed although the efficacy and safety of the products is still to be established.

Amazingly, caffeine is being claimed as a baldness treatment if the hair fall is due to high testosterone. There are shampoos and hair spray added with caffeine so that it will be applied to the scalp.

Baldness treatment options are too many ranging from home remedies, pharmacologic to surgical therapies. It is up to you to choose and be careful with fake products.

Learn besthowtoregrowhair.com/ how to regrow hair and get besthowtoregrowhair.com/treatment-for-thinning-hair-from-the-inside-out.html treatment for thinning hair by visiting our website today!

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It's more common to spot a bald guy than a bald woman since hair loss is more pertinent with men. But did you know that women also experience this? Although more women undergo the process of hair thinning, some do go through totally losing it all.

Pregnant women lose their hair after they give birth. This happens because the hair follicles become rather dormant as the body adjusts back from the physiological changes that took place during the whole 9 months.

The women who diet too much; those who cross the line between watching their weight and starving them selves also lose hair. This is because the body doesn't have enough nutrients to maintain it and the many women who do this lose hair often loose teeth as well.

The ones who frequently put their hair through different salon treatments involving chemicals are at greater risk of hair loss compared to those who only use natural treatments.

It's fine to get perms and color but once you start to notice a sudden difference in your hair such as its becoming dry and becoming more brittle, its best to stop right then and there because to continue will only cause more damage.

The last reason for hair loss usually involves acute illnesses such as radiation or chemotherapy treatments from cancer. These treatments and sometimes infections cause the hair to rest, resulting in the hair shedding. As the body heals, hair will eventually begin to grow back.

Normally it would take about more than 3 months to grow everything out which is something positive to look forward to for people under the circumstance. Surprise, surprise not only men get bald.

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There are many different things people must do if they want to get the soft shinny hair. But, they should know about the fact that there is a simple thing they can do to have the beautiful hair. The essence of this one is to practice good appropriate daily care. After practicing the guideline below, you can enjoy and get your amazing beauty. The following explanation will let you know more about the simple hair care.

Perhaps, you belong to people who spend a lot of money to get the real beautiful hair. You never consider trying the simple hair care before this. So, it is time to let you know that washing the hair at least twice a week and do simple things to your hair are the great steps you must do. It is practical and quite cheap. You can get the best result as long as you do the steps continuously.

The simple hair care tips you can do besides washing it twice a week are including having the regular cream bath, hair spa, and so on. You can also use the natural ingredients to keep the amazing beauty of your hair. In this case, you should know about your hair type. Commonly, the natural ingredients which many people use are including Aloe vera, Avocado, coconut extract, and so on. Each of them has different functions and benefits.

You can apply those on directly on your hair or by using the shampoo which contain the extract of those natural ingredients. The more important thing you should never forget if that you should never forget to apply conditioner after washing you hair, since it will help your hair to be moisture and beautiful. If you pay your great attention to such simple steps, it is not impossible to have the great hair.

Clay R Mccoy is interested in women beauty as one of his many interests. But, he is also interested in writing about elliptical machines, including cardio fitness equipment [cardiofitnessequipment.org/] and tv exercise equipment [cardiofitnessequipment.org/tv-exercise-equipment.html].

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There are thousands of different hair cuts, styles as well as ideas on color and elegance, which would suit your personality, life, career choice and your facial features. Hairstyle ideas dramatically change the feel and look of your face, as it does for your personality, confidence, grace and grandeur.

Depending on your inclination and choice of short, medium or long hair, you can choose varied style ideas for yourself. The trick is to keep it simple and choose the best out of the hundreds of different fashionable creative and artistic flair.

Hair styles for short hair

Short hairs makes you look younger, and it reduces the amount of money and time you spend on hair care. It is best if you are constantly travelling and perhaps convenient, if you have very little time for regular care. If you like versatility in your hairstyles, how to style short hair queries get simpler.

Hair styles for medium length hair

Medium hairstyles have common cuts. But the advantages are similar to short hairstyle techniques. In medium hair though, you got to stick to norms and definite happinesslifetime.com hair care products which are good in quality.

Long hair styles for men as well as for women

Modern men want trendy hairstyle, as do the women. There are actually several different ways for men. You can most easily pick from one which are displayed in different magazines and online.

You can add different texture and interesting affixation. You can use pictures of styles for hair that are displayed online. You can pick from celebrity hair styles, wedding styles and hair styles for prom.

Malvika Sampat (Webkriti)

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The natural solution to hair loss is the safest way.

There are numerous factors effecting hair loss. The diet or environment may lead to hair loss. It is important to identify the actual reason before opting for a hair loss remedy rather than doing it the other way round.

The common cause for hair loss is anemia. Anemia can be caused due to dieting resulting in drastic weight loss, or excessive fasting. Other general causes can be hormonal imbalance, liver disfunctioning, excessive body heat, and side effects of some medicines.

Pattern hair loss is believed to result from the conversion of the hormone Testosterone to another, but problematic hormone which is called Di-Hydro-Testosterone (DHT), in a metabolic process from the enzyme called 5-Alpha-Reductase (5AR). Pattern hairloss and thinning hair affects approximately 40 million men and 20 million women in America alone.

Nowadays, there are loads of solutions to remedy hair loss problem but the safest way is the natural way. The best thing of natural products is that they are safe and environmental friendly. Natural happinesslifetime.com hair care products are derived from plants and herbs and have been tried and tested over the years. They are free of all chemicals, no reactions and can be safely used from a kid to an adult. It is trusted by millions of people and now gaining popularity too.

They have been designed with the understanding that individual botanical substances have previously demonstrated remarkable benefit against androgen-mediated hormonal processes that also lead to hair loss. In developing these oral and topical formulations, a regimen has been developed which is unique in design as well as efficacy.

For instance, the treatment were designed in DHT Blockers - Hair Vitamins, Topical Activator Serum with DHT Blockers, Revitalizing Shampoo with DHT Blockers.

Your hair reflects your overall condition of your body. If your body is well nourished, you will have lovely soft shiny hair. So identify the cause and treat it in time with the right product and be a proud owner of lovely hair.

For more information about natural hair loss remedy, go to dualcow.com/2008/02/19/natural-hair-loss-remedy dualcow.com/2008/02/19/natural-hair-loss-remedy/

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Whether your hair speaks of depth, cool tones, ash or violets, looking after your hair is essential if you want to retain moisture, healthy texture and the sparkle of the color. Various color palettes like gold, copper and reds are warm colors that spread vibrancy and glitter. Blues and violets are cool shades that look extra deep & rich.

Hairs that are colored incorrectly or too frequently become weak, porous, and full of split ends. The pH balance of hair is affected and scalp is also irritated, making hair prone to breakage and easy damage. While the color causes hair to swell and open up the cuticles, it is necessary that your hairdresser prescribes you a good cleanse and conditioning system that helps close the cuticles back, while ensuring that your hair doesn't lose its natural moisture. Once the cuticles are closed, it is essential that you protect your hair against oxidation.

While the oxygen present in atmosphere causes your hair color to fade, other oxidants from sun, wind, chlorinated or tap water and swimming pools conspire to speed up the fading process, thereby shortening the life span of your hair color. You must stick to after-care products that make colored hair maintenance absolutely easy and simple.

Shampooing the Right Way

A color protective shampoo is made of mild cleansing antioxidants that help neutralize the corrosive action of oxygen in air and Ultra Violet rays. They protect against color stripping effects of sun, retain hair moisture to combat dryness, smooth cuticles and add loads of sheen and luster to add strength and beauty. These shampoos keep hair looking brighter and can be used on auburn, red, brown, violet or even black hair.

Proper Conditioning

Commonly, conditioners used after shampoo rinses are perceived as the sole form of hair conditioners available. They can be categorized as:

? Single dose shots conditioners

? Heavy duty masks after shampoo

? Leave-in serums

? and After shampoo rinses

Shampoos contain surfactant molecules which surround particles of dirt and grease and wash them away from hair. Hair conditioners at the other end work exactly in the opposite manner. They contain positively charged molecules that get attached to negatively charged hair to allow raised cuticle to sit back against hair shaft, giving hair a smooth surface area, natural shine and reflecting light. Thereby, conditioners coat each hair follicle with a protective layer around them.

Protecting Colored Human Hair Wigs

While natural hair need gentle caring, colored human hair wigs and extensions need even milder treatment because they are not armed with natural mechanism to protect them. The key to keep your extensions in good conditions is to use gentle wigs care products.

No matter how tied up your day is, always ensure that you always given enough time to your hair.

Whether your hair speak of depth, cool tones, ash or violets, looking after your hair is essential if you want to retain moisture, healthy texture and the sparkle of the color.

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Tea tree oil has been around for a very long time, since about the 1800's, but has recently found its way into many hair products. It is one of the most beneficial ingredients used in hair care today. This extract is a derivative of the melaleuca tree in Australia. It is superb for cleaning out the hair follicle and promoting hair growth, more so than many of the other products on the market today. Occasionally people have an irritated scalp caused by bacteria or other irritants and this product can assist with healing the effects of harmful bacteria or hair products.

In terms of hair product tea tree oil can prevent and help with bacterial and fungal infections to the scalp. This has a direct benefit to hair, especially ethnic hair since many harmful products may have been previously applied. A solution to this is to apply the tea tree product which is perfect for restoring dry or damaged hair. Tea tree mixed with a combination of other oils can prevent scalp infection and dandruff as well. One must think of the extract like medicine. There are different concentrations of this chemical found in various products.

What you generally see in industry are hair products that contain approximately two percent concentration tea tree oil. It is particularly useful in shampoo form and since it can be applied to hair on a regular basis for healthy hair. It generally makes ethnic hair more durable, thicker and robust. The product "Proclaim Tea Tree Shampoo" also has great effect on someone who is losing their hair. In general scalp irritation will be reduced, the follicles cleansed and the hair will be strengthened and become more durable. This function of relieving scalp irritation greatly helps with ethnic hair because often times harsh products can be used that may damage hair.

However, if this oil product is used it will maintain healthy hair. By nature, it is a potent antiseptic. It is also good to note that it is not irritating to the skin like chemicals found in other products. It is also known for cleaning out the sebaceous glands on the scalp. This is desirable to most people. The net result is healthy hair, irritation free, and can be more easily worked with. And when you are styling ethnic hair, it certainly helps. Other hair products that contain tea tree oil are root stimulator, conditioner, shampoo, wax, and oils, as well as other ethnic hair products. All of which contribute to overall ethnic beauty. In summary through the usage of the tea tree oil in the right proportion you can achieve superb hair results and maintain the overall health of your hair.

Hair products containing tea tree oil are generally not too much more expensive than that of the normal variety. Only about forty percent more cost, but the benefit to your hair is fantastic. When you invest in these products and apply it to your hair it is an investment that is well worth it.

hairethnic.com Ethnic Hair Products and Beauty

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Okay, so you're a guy and you are noticing that you hair line is receding. You decide to take quick action and you start using a leading hair foam that is proven to regrow some hair. A proactive approach is good thing, because in today's age, a man needs to understand that you can do something about hair loss.

There are some basic points about hair loss that is important:

Hair loss can either caused by genetics or the environmental factors. And like certain traits, such as being overweight or having the genetic factors for diabetes, there are things you can do to decrease your chances or risks for those conditions.

As with being overweight or having diabetes, you can watch your weight, exercise, and live a healthy life. Likewise, as with hair loss, you can avoid you can do certain things to keep your hair for as long as possible:

Here are a few factors that can help:

Sleep and Having Less Stress: Stress and lack of sleep can produce all sorts of behaviors and physical conditions. Premature graying or hair loss can be associated with high levels of cortisol and other chemicals in the body that essentially turn off normal hair production.

Diet and Nutrition: Healthy diet is essential for all body functions - including healthy, hair, skin, and nail growth. What you put into your body is crucial for optimal health. Most Americans, due to their diets, are lacking the essential vitamins and nutrients for thick, beautiful hair.

General Health: Do you smoke? Smoking is proven to kill or choke off capillaries that supply the hair with much needed blood and nutrients. If you have other health problems, you may also experience hair loss.

The first thing you can for optimal hair growth: Quick Smoking or being around second hand smoke.

Decrease your levels of stress. Increase your quality sleep time. And if you're unsure about your diet - you may consider taking a hair strengthening supplement. Not only is this helpful for your skin, nails, but will provide the critical nutrients your body needs right away to produce healthy hair.

These small steps can improve the look, the feel, and general health of your hair... after all, its not just about getting back what you've lost, it's also about strengthening what you've got.

Alpha Renew is the highest quality hair supplement of its kind. It can be found at alpharenew.com alpharenew.com

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Rosemary is a popular herb for both culinary and medicinal use that is easily grown at home. While rosemary is probably best known for the role it plays in cooking, it also has a long history as a therapeutic herb. Stories abound about its use in the herbal water made for Queen Elizabeth of Hungary in the 14th century, which was used both internally for treating gout, and externally for its fragrance and to prevent baldness.

For natural hair care, rosemary is typically used to:

Help prevent dandruff
Promote hair growth
Condition and tone the hair

In particular it is known for its positive effects on the circulation, and it is these properties that can help to promote hair growth and prevent premature baldness. It is often used in combination with nettle, horsetail, and lavender.

Herbal recipe: Rosemary hair oil

A rosemary oil is simple to make and it will provide your hair and scalp with a very nourishing treatment. Massage it gently into the scalp and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. You can wrap some cling film over the top, and then a towel to keep warm. Then wash off very thoroughly ideally with a herbal shampoo.

The oil should keep in a cool dark place for about 2-3 months - you can prolong its life by adding a small amount of Vitamin E oil (which you can buy in capsule form and gently open the capsules).


1 cup or 250ml olive oil
1/2 cup or 125g dried rosemary (or 1 cup fresh rosemary leaves)

Quick method: Gently warm the rosemary and olive oil in a small saucepan for around 15 minutes (don't boil it!). Allow the oil to cool and strain through a piece of muslin (or a clean pop sock!) straight into a bottle. And it's ready to use! You could add a little essential oil such as rosemary or lavender if you want.

Slower method: If you have more time to spare, place the rosemary and olive oil in a bowl with a lid into a saucepan of simmering water and leave for 2 hours (don't forget to top up the water). You can even repeat the process by straining off the oil and then pouring it over a new batch of the herbs and cooking for another 2 hours. This will give you a very potent oil.

Elizabeth Marsh is the owner of amiyabeauty.co.uk Amiya Natural Beauty making handmade natural hair and skin care products, including a Nettle and Rosemary Shampoo. She is also a prolific writer about herbs and their uses in beauty treatments and simple remedies to make at home.


* Apotheblogary - apotheblogary.blogspot.com apotheblogary.blogspot.com

* Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine - Thomas Bartram

* Herbs in skin, hair and health care products - Kolbjorn Borseth 2006

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Taking care of your skin and enjoying all the joys of the Australian summer is completely achievable - with a little help. Summertime for most people means cranking up the air con, taking time off work in order to travel to the coast, getting active, exercising more and diving into the swimming pool for a refreshing dip. All of this takes its toll on skin.

Remember, attractive, radiant skin is not a given for most people - it must be cultivated over time which will require you to monitor skin, respond to the environment and take the needed steps to look after it. If it sounds like a lot of effort, it doesn't need to be.

#1 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Our skin needs a certain amount of moisture to maintain its protective barrier and to look good especially if you are exposed to air conditioning at the office or on a flight. So, it is recommended you drink at least 2.5 litres of water per day, which is how much the average person needs to intake. Remember, staying hydrated doesn't need to be expensive either. Stop paying for bottled water. Simply use a refillable container and fill it with crispy cold tap water.

#2 A healthy lifestyle and beautiful skin go together like hand and glove! Most people could do with cutting down on the consumption of alcohol, sugary foods and fatty snacks, and eating more fresh fruit and vegetables. One other caveat that many people could implement in order to improve their overall health and skin condition is simply establishing a regular sleep pattern.

#3 Summer is the ideal time to tan your skin with more hours of sunshine per day and the strength of the summer sunshine at its peak. It is actually healthy to soak up some sunshine - however, avoid getting sunburnt like the plague! Be sensible and avoid being exposed to prolonged sunshine especially from late morning to mid afternoon when the sun's rays are at their strongest. Be sure to get adequate sun protection with a nice wide hat, some UV shielding sun lotion and sheltering in the shade.

#4 Wash and bathe your skin daily. Whether your skin is normal, oily, or sensitive it's important that you wash daily and use appropriate happinesslifetime.com skin care products to cleanse the pores and remove the build up of dirt and lotions. This simple step will help keep your skin hydrated so that it looks and feels great.

#5 Have a treatment from a day spa. Who would have thought it? Girls will especially be willing to embrace this skincare tip. A personal skin treatment from a spa or indeed at home is a great way, albeit an expensive way, to give your skin the lift that it needs.

Chesli is dedicated to caring for the health of her skin with the best skin care [dovegofresh.com.au/#/dove-go-fresh-range] and body care products [dovegofresh.com.au/#/dove-go-fresh-range/energise-product-range]. If you're anything like Chesli, you too will want to learn more about skin care and make the most of this summer!

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For many generations, hair has been a very important part of how societies define themselves. A lot of products that promise to take care of your hair keep coming up year in and year out. For some reasons, people are still easily persuaded by those attractive looking men and women with beautiful flowing hair that are usually featured in the hair product commercials. I guess people need a constant boost on their confidence and if having a nice looking hair can do the job, then they will follow along gladly.

To differentiate the truth from the hype, I am going to show the basic care that you can do easily to your hair in order to prevent hair loss problems:

Pick the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type: This is one of the most important steps that you need to do properly if you want to have a healthy vibrant hair. But, how do you choose the right one among the abundance of happinesslifetime.com hair care products available? Before we answer this question, you need to know the type of hair that you have. Generally, human hair can be divided into 3 categories: normal, fine and dry hair. Normal hair can be characterized by being neither greasy nor dry and still looks good most of the time without the use of various hair products. Fine hair is usually limp, looks flat and lacks volume. Usually it is quite difficult to style and quickly becomes greasy after being washed. Dry hair, on the other hand, looks dull, frizzy and feels rough. It usually splits and tangles easily. If you have your hair colored or permed, then it should also fall under the dry hair category. Now that you know your hair type, just buy shampoo and conditioner that are made for your hair type. This is one major prevention to having hair loss problem.

Wash and dry your hair properly: You might think that this is not that important to you, but actually it is. Washing and drying your hair properly can result in healthier and more vibrant hair. Here are some simple steps to washing and drying your hair properly:

1. Pour warm water on your hair, and put adequate shampoo in your hands.

2. Rub your hands together for a short while before applying it to your hair.

3. Massage your scalp gently with your finger tips. Keep massaging until you have covered all your scalp areas.

4. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

5. If you have conditioner, apply it the same way as the shampoo and leave it on for 3-5 minutes to let it have its optimal effect.

6. Towel dry your hair gently first, before you blow dry your hair.

7. Finally, if you want to blow dry your hair, please always put on a safe distance between your hair and the dryer. Then, while blow drying, keep moving the dryer all over your head, so that the heat is not focused on one area of your head. This will prevent hair loss damage due to excessive heat produced by the hair dryer.

Karen is an expert in the hair loss treatment field. She has been researching various ways on how to treat hair loss problems for a couple of years. Recently she tried a new venture by publishing babyfoodprocessorguide.com baby food processor guide and babyfoodprocessorguide.com/Commercial-Food-Processor.html commercial food processor guide.

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I've heard this debate a million times. People say that products bought at a local grocery or drug store are no better or worse than salon brand hair care. Some people say the opposite and would never let a product from a grocery store touch their precious locks. So what is the truth? BOTH!!

To compare drug store products to salon brands is like comparing Wal-Mart clothes to Neiman Marcus clothing. Some clothes from Wal-Mart are great and work for certain situations but are they of the same quality as Neiman Marcus? Of course not. You really get what you pay for. There are ingredients and scientific research that cost alot of money that go into salon products hence raising prices. A $1 bottle of suave is not going to have the same money invested in its formulation as a $25 bottle of Matrix shampoo especially considering Suave is paying who knows how much for television marketing and the like.

There are even levels of quality in salon brands. Alot of brands have Top Shelf lines. For example Graham Webb makers of Back to Basics also has a line called HALO that is higher quality than Back to Basics.

Pureology has high quality overall but they also have their Nanoworks line which will easily cost you at least 60 bottles of Suave.

Does this mean you HAVE to go spend a ton of money for quality hair care or your hair will just be a horrid mess?

Not at all!! Drug store shampoo will get your hair clean of course and drug store conditioners may make your hair a bit better in condition . Styling products will still work from Wal-mart just like their clothes will still keep you from being naked. Its all a matter of what you want to spend and what works for you. Buy the best brand you can afford and take care of your hair. Don't over process your hair when you cant afford the products to repair the damage!

Are there good products at the drug store to save you some cash? Yes but knowing where to skimp and where not to is the key. If you have virgin hair that is as healthy as the day you were born you can probably be OK with any shampoo. If you have dry, colored, permed, problem hair you need something more conditioning. I think the #1 most important investment is your conditioner. Repairing and keeping your hair healthy is vital. A gentle shampoo and a good conditioner will make a big difference. Mix and match products until you find what works for you.

Worried about the costs involved in finding your perfect combo? Here are some tips!

Ask for samples at your salon or ask if they have a styling product you are considering buying on back bar and if you can come back to a station and try the product out for yourself on your own hair before purchasing. If one salon wont let you try it out then go to the mall and go to the salons there asking to try things out. Only buy where they let you try it first. This will save you spending tons of money on products you will never use.

Return products if they don't work for you!You can return used products to the salons they send them back to the manufacturers and get refunded their costs . And you can return products to the drug stores as well!You would return a shirt if you got home and it didn't work for you and you can try a shirt on at the store so don't feel bad for returning something you cant "try" before purchase.

You may find a wonder product at CVS and one at the salon , you never know!Same with cosmetics and happinesslifetime.com skin care. Find what works best for you in your budget and don't rule any product out based on advertising , cost , or prestige.

Don't Blame Your Lack Of Skills On Your Products!

That blame falls on the stylist who fails to educate you on how to use the products you have and can afford. Take your products you have to your stylist and ask for a lesson on how to do your hair. Don't buy more products you dont know how to use. Ask them to let you do your own hair under their direction. You'll learn a lot and your stylist will learn how to help their clients with better education in the future.

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Hair loss is a major cosmetic concern among Americans, both men and women alike, because the presence of healthy and abundant hair growth on the scalp has always been considered a mark of beauty and good looks and is tied closely to the person's self-image. To cater to this need to restore a balding scalp to its previous, hair-filled condition, clinics that offer services like happinesslifetime.com hair transplantation, Portland, Oregon and all over the United States exist.

There are many happinesslifetime.com hair transplantation, Portland, Oregon clinics that offer restoration services, and each of these clinics has its own claims. The one that claims to be the largest and oldest of them all is Bosley, a clinic that specializes in hair restoration and happinesslifetime.com hair transplantation that was established in 1974.

A good happinesslifetime.com hair transplant clinic would be able to achieve natural-looking happinesslifetime.com hair transplantation, one that would be virtually undetectable even upon close inspection. A natural-seeming hairline is achieved through artistry. Hair is carefully transplanted in such a way that they would grow together at an angle following the natural hair growth of the patient. Thus, when the hair grows, it would resemble the original pattern of hair growth that the patient had, as closely as possible.

There are many types of happinesslifetime.com hair transplantation techniques - you don't have to be stuck with only one. If the hair care specialist in your area is stuck with just one kind, maybe it's time to hie off to Oregon to get that invaluable second opinion! Modern medical technology has made it possible for hair doctors to conduct safer progressive treatments on the scalp. The methods range from traditional hair grafting (vastly improved by upgraded tools and knowledge) to laser surgery, and even to a high-precision technique known as follicular unit extraction.

Sometimes you will need hair restoration surgeries performed in places aside from the scalp. Eyebrows are also candidates for hair replacement. Surgeries are not the only option, of course; medication may still be the best for some. Propecia and Rogaine, the leading drugs used to treat hair loss, are available in practically all hair clinics. In many instances, medication is still applied to the scalp regularly, even after surgical procedures have been performed.

There are many happinesslifetime.com hair transplantation, Portland, Oregon clinics. There are also hair clinics everywhere in the United States. Finding the one you need is just a matter of keeping an open mind.

Newhairlosssolutions.com Newhairlosssolutions.com provides you with info on newhairlosssolutions.com/hair-transplantation-portland-oregon-01.html hair transplantation portland oregon and much more, come take a look at newhairlosssolutions.com newhairlosssolutions.com/

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