A person's hair gives away many clues and says a huge amount about the person that it sits on top of, adorns and belongs to. Well kept, healthy looking, strong and vibrant hair tells you that the person takes great care of their hair and makes sure that they do all or most of the things that they must do to keep their hair looking great, and avoid all of the things that will do the opposite. A person with dirty, greasy, unkempt hair with split ends and any other fashion hair-do no no's implies that this person really doesn't know how to look after or care about their hair.
To make and keep your hair looking healthy, vibrant and beautiful, there is one vitally important thing you must protect your hair from... ATTACK! What do I mean by attack? I mean attack from the outside and the inside by the horrible, nasty and health destroying chemicals and pollutants that surround us day in and day out. For it is these chemicals and pollutants that ruin your hair and put paid to any chance you might stand of having great, healthy-looking hair.
Q? What sort of chemicals and pollutants are we talking about?
Human activity on the planet produces a large amount of chemical expulsion - factories, cars, houses, schools, all burning fuel or manufacturing products that give off unpleasant chemicals as a side effect. Even the weather, be it sunshine, or the wind and rain, can do damage to your hair. There is almost no escaping it.
The second place we face attack from is the pollution that happens inside of our bodies. Eating food low in nutrition does not prepare your body for optimum hair health, with junk and fast foods adding to the mix of bad chemical soup sludging around in your system. Stress releases unwanted chemicals into the body and poor sleep deprives the body of the energy it needs to regain strength and vitality. Clean and healthy hair only comes from a clean and healthy body.
Q? How do we avoid attack from both the outside and the inside?
Starting with the inside, there are things you can do to reduce the impact and effect that internal pollution has on the health of your body and hair -
Stress: do all that you can to become and remain calm and tranquil at all times. Stress has a very negative impact on the body through the release of chemicals which can show up in the hair.
Dehydration: being in a dehydrated state also has a negative impact on the body and can compound any dry skin or scalp problems that you might have. Be sure to drink plenty of fluid throughout the day, every day.
Nutrition: Healthy nutritious foods feed the body and help the body to maintain health and vitality. Be sure that you eat a healthy and balanced diet. Fast foods and junk foods can have a negative impact on the body translating into limp, dull and lifeless looking hair. Avoid unhealthy high-carb, high saturated fat junk foods as much as possible.
For the outside... Unless you are able to stay indoors for the remainder of your life there is little that we can do to stop the sun, the rain, the wind, and all of the nasty pollutants that we as humans produce from affecting your hair. But... there is something that you can do to give yourself the best protection for your hair against the elements and pollutants and that is using only Professional happinesslifetime.com Hair Care Products!
There is a very good reason for using professional happinesslifetime.com hair care products over cheap hair products. Quality! There is simply no comparison between a cheap shampoo and conditioner and a premium brand shampoo and conditioner. The top premium happinesslifetime.com hair care product manufacturers invest millions of dollars in research every year to discover new ingredients and refine the ingredients that they use in their products so that we the customer can get the very best treatment and care for our hair.
Cheap products contain cheap detergents that do a half hearted job at cleaning your hair at best. Professional happinesslifetime.com hair care products are able to go right into the hair giving a more thorough cleanse and delivering vitally needed nourishment through all of the hair, and not just the outside. Professional happinesslifetime.com hair care products also often contain organic ingredients taken straight from Mother Nature replicating some of the healthiest bio systems on the planet.
Jennifer Summers is a popular salon-collective.co.uk hair care products adviser who regularly gives her clients much needed and welcomed expert advice about the best salon-collective.co.uk hair care products to use.