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Wedding hair is normally one of the most important considerations for a bride-to-be, after the wedding gown. The aim for perfect wedding hair should be to create a lovely balance between your personality and style that will best complement the wedding dress you have chosen. That's why we've created a guide to achieving the ultimate wedding hair - follow these steps to help you look and feel your absolute best on your wedding day.

Do your research

It is vital to plan ahead! The earlier you start the more likely your hair will be in the best condition possible on your wedding day. Start a wedding scrapbook with hair pictures that you love. Do your homework by browsing through bridal magazines and checking out the hundreds of wedding hairstyles available online. It is also a good idea to keep an open mind and explore many possibilities before ruling out a style. Ask family, friends and most importantly, your hairdresser, what styles are likely to suit you or what isn't possible with your hair.

Practise good hair care

It might seem obvious but for great looking hair, it's not just about the style but getting your hair in top condition too. Speak to your hairdresser to ensure you are using the right type of products for your hair type. Don't do anything too dramatic with your hair in the approaching six months to your wedding - a poor haircut or a colour gone wrong might not be fixable overnight! Commence weekly treatments 12 weeks prior to your wedding date, and try to give your hair a break from harsh styling methods. It is recommended that any haircuts are completed two weeks before and a colour is done approximately 2 days prior. Do not wash your hair on your wedding day unless instructed by your stylist, this should be done the day before, perhaps with a relaxing home treatment if available, as your own natural oils will help keep your hair shiny and smooth on your wedding day.

Wedding hairdresser or DIY?

The first decision to make is to decide whether you will do your own hair on your wedding day or if you will hire a hair stylist. If you opt for a DIY hairstyle, make sure you practice first and choose a style that you find easy to create. If you will be using a hair stylist, ensure they are experienced in bridal hairstyles. Once you decide on a professional stylist, you will need to choose whether you attend a salon or hire a mobile service at your home. The advantage of a mobile hairdresser is that they come to you - you are not forced to rush around on the day. The disadvantage of a mobile hairdresser is that there is normally only one hairdresser and with a large wedding party this can often mean an early start! Also, some hairdressers may book out quite a long period in advance; so secure your wedding day and trial bookings as soon as you are able to.


Accessories can add a beautiful finishing touch to your perfect wedding hair; however choosing from the many types of hair accessories available can be difficult! Hair accessories include tiaras, silk flowers, fresh flowers, combs, fascinators, clips and your veil. Make sure you have any wedding hair accessories with you for your trial appointment so that you can deal with any unexpected mishaps before the big day.

Your wedding hairstyle

Your wedding hairstyle will depend on a number of factors. Firstly, whether your wedding ceremony is outdoors or indoors and how long you will need the style to last. An up-style is normally very sturdy and lasts the longest period of time. A half-half style will still be sturdy but depending on your hair may not last quite as long. An all down style may not be suitable for outdoor weddings if you fear the wind blowing hair onto your face. You also need to decide whether to curl your locks or have a sleek straighter look. Maximise your good points rather than deciding on a style that isn't really you. Shorter brides might wish to add lift to their hair to add height; taller brides might opt for the opposite effect. You may also need to consider your wedding theme - romantic, glamorous, fairytale, modern? Be sure that your hairstyle looks good from both the front and the back - get someone to take photos of you from all angles after your wedding hair trial. If you have done all the research and are still undecided, it may be best for you to opt for a traditional and simpler wedding hairstyle that will never outdate. Make sure you wear a zip or button up shirt to your hair trial and whilst having your hair styled on your wedding day to ensure you won't have a hair out of place when dressing later on. Most importantly, you need to be comfortable in your style and feel beautiful!

The magnetinvitations.com.au/perfect-hair.html original article can be found here.

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When talking about fast hair growth, people always think they are missing out on some miraculous formula that is going to make their hair grow instantly long. The only realistic way to achieve this is implanting hair extensions. However, if you wish to grow your hair naturally long, you will have to dedicate a few months to see amazing results. This article will give you some tips on how you should treat your hair if you want to grow it long and healthy.

Let's start from everyday hair care. Unless you stick to the right routine, you can forget about fast hair growth. It is recommended to shampoo your hair approximately three times a week since this will enable you to keep it clean and oiled enough to stay healthy. Also, regular conditioning is a must. Condition your hair after every washing, by spreading the conditioner from the midsection to the hair ends. Deep conditioning done twice a month can also help your hair.

In addition to these common products, you can make some hair remedies on your own. These are usually herbal mixtures and they can make fast hair growth a piece of cake.

Rosemary is one such plant and you can mix it with your cleansing shampoo. After applying this mixture to your hair, you will have no dandruff problems. Rosemary oil is also wonderful and you can make a mixture of it with arnica, southernwood and marigold oil. This blend, when rubbed onto the scalp, works great against hair loss.

Aloe vera is another useful herb for hair growth boosting and the best thing about it is that it has no negative side effects. You can use only the gel or mix the gel with some other ingredients to make an aloe vera shampoo. The gel is best used when applied directly to the scalp and can enable fast hair growth. Aloe vera contains an enzyme that is said by many to promote hair growth. Aloe shampoo is another excellent remedy. Mix aloe gel with coconut milk and wheat germ oil. This can be very useful for people who have balding problems.

On average, people's hair grows at about half an inch a month. Therefore, if you wish it to grow undisturbed, you have to nourish it as much as possible. Proper hair nourishment includes eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. Adding protein will also be beneficial for your hair growth and you will see that the intake of proper nutrients will improve your hair quality. In addition, drink plenty of water on a daily basis. This simple act tends to ill keep your system and body well hydrated.

Bottom line, there is so much you can do to achieve fast hair growth. Combine healthy diet with homemade hair products and your hair will reward you with an amazing growth.

Discover how to get grow-long-hair-fast.com/grow%20long%20hair/Here-Are-A-Few-Powerful-Fast-Hair-Growth-Tips.htm fast hair growth by reading about this powerful herbal oil proven to grow-long-hair-fast.com grow long hair fast

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For the past 3 years I have struggled with my daughter's super curly hair. I have tried product after product with little to no success in gaining control over her increasing amount of kinky curls. I even went so far as to ask strangers with beautiful, seemingly controlled curls what they were using. Finally, I have found some awesome products that honestly help me manage her hair without all the tears and frustration. Not to mention, I no longer spend 4 hours combing and styling her hair on that one day a week that I shampoo and condition her hair. Here is our routine and the products we use to keep our sanity and manage those beautiful super curly curls.

Step 1: After taking out the old style, I wash her hair with Pantene's Frizzy to Smooth shampoo for medium to thick hair. I like to apply this by sectioning the hair so I can get to the entire scalp. I massage the shampoo through the hair from scalp to end and rinse thoroughly when done.

Step 2: Using the same sectioning technique above, I apply some of Carol's Daughter Tui Hair Smoothie. The Hair Smoothie conditions and detangles the hair. I leave it in for 5-10 minutes; the longer you leave it in the better the results. Then I rinse it out thoroughly.

Step 3: Again using the same sectioning technique, I apply one of these leave-in conditioning detanglers: Carol's Daughter Tui Leave-in conditioner or Afro Detangler a.k.a. Taiykel Leave-in Conditioner-Detangler. Both products work very well. You'll be surprised how easy it is to comb through those curls. When I use the Afro Detangler, I like to dilute it with water in a spray bottle to make it easier to apply; not to mention, it lasts longer this way.

Step 4: Now it's time to start styling the hair. First I'll section it into a predetermined style (for braiding or twisting). I spray on more of the Tui leave-in conditioner or the Afro Detangler to comb out each section just before I braid it. I comb first with a wide tooth comb, then with a fine tooth comb to make sure I get out all the fuzzies and knots.

Step 5: Just before I braid a section of hair, I apply some of Carol's Daughter Hair Milk or Carol's Daughter Marguerite's Magic. Both of these products help keep the hair super soft and conditioned throughout the week. When using Marguerite's Magic, a little goes a long way, so use sparingly. I comb through one last time before I braid the section. Once the braid is complete, I dab a little more of whichever product I used to the ends of the braid to keep them from drying out.

Sometimes I'll use a product called Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding on the loose hair all the way around her hairline. This will keep that hair looking curly instead of frizzy. Also, each morning, if I remember, I will spray some of the leave-in conditioner on the braids to keep the hair from drying out - making sure to get the ends. That is it - my secret of how to get softer manageable super curly hair. No more tears, no more tangles. I hope this works as well for you as it has for us.

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The following tips are not intended to be a guarantee to solve the female thinning hair problem, however they can go a long way in reducing the amount and frequency of hair loss for women.

Tip #1. Love Your Scalp

When we talk about what causes hair loss much of the attention is naturally focused on the hair itself. What many people forget is the important role played by the scalp in promoting healthy growth. Think of your scalp as being the soil for your hair, much like the role played by dirt when growing a vegetable garden. If you have poor soil, you will end up with a poor vegetable garden. The same can be said when looking at the scalp. If you do not have a healthy scalp, then why would you expect to have healthy hair? This fact underlines the importance of taking care of your scalp by regularly washing and shampooing it to get rid of the accumulation of dirt, oils and residues from happinesslifetime.com hair care products. Also it is important to regularly do a gentle message of your scalp to improve circulation just as you would till the soil in your vegetable garden to promote good soil drainage.

Tip #2. Be Kind To Your Hair

Your hair is a living part of your body and as such needs to be taken care of! Many beauty care products sold today contain very harsh ingredients that can seriously damage your hair. Some shampoos for example contain sulfates used to produce the foaming effect of the shampoo, however chemicals such as sulfates are very hard on your body, and used for extended periods of time will harm your hair and scalp. Consider buying all natural products when it comes to shampoos and hair conditioners to help avoid this problem.

Other potential causes of hair loss include some kinds of perms, hair coloring solutions, and even heated styling devices. Simply waiting at least 6 weeks before hair treatments and allowing your hair to air dry as often as possible are easy solutions to the fore-mentioned problems.

Tip #3. Avoid Harmful Hair Styles

Not all styles are created equal. There are some hair styles that have been found to be more harmful and stressful than others which can help to promote female thinning hair problems. Any type of style that can potentially break your hair must be avoided. These include common styles such as pony tails and cornrows which can tear, rip, and stretch the hair resulting in permanent hair damage.

Tip #4. Health and Hair

Steps to preventing hair loss should never ignore the very close relationship between having healthy hair and living healthy in general. Sometimes female thinning hair problems are just a very noticeable symptom of problems related to poor health in general. To put it another way, if you want healthy hair, you need to have a healthy body. So if you are concerned with a loss of hair, consider your overall health status. Are you eating the proper foods to get the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep your body in tip top shape, getting regular exercise, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep? All of these basic keys to good health will also affect the ability of your body to avoid the problem of female thinning hair by promoting healthy hair growth.

Tip #5. Hair Aid

Many people for one reason or another struggle to maintain a diet that is balanced and healthy. This is where vitamin and mineral supplements can help offset a poor eating habits and provide the necessary ingredients missing from their diet. As mentioned in Tip #4, any improvement in general body health will help with hair health. For example, taking extra calcium for bone health has a direct link to hair health, as it helps to toughen the hair roots and follicles within the scalp which can promote more and thicker hair growth.

Hopefully you realize the 5 tips discussed above would be very easy to make part of your daily living and hair care routine. Using these simple tips would be an excellent starting point when dealing with a female thinning hair problem and allow you to keep more of your precious hair on your head, rather than in the waste basket.

Barisa Wyse has earned several awards for her article writing efforts on a variety of topics. Visit her new website which focuses on the causes of thinninghairwomeninfo.com female thinning hair, as well as thinninghairwomeninfo.com/Preventing-Hair-Loss.html preventing hair loss and how to stop hair loss.

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We all love to take care ourselves because we all want to look good. In today's world, it has become extremely important to look stylish and trendy due to which we have to take care of every little thing. Looking after your own self is indeed important. You should take care of your body and your hair as well. The hair type of every individual is different. Whatever your hair type is, you should use the stuff that suits your particular hair type.

If you have dry hair, it is understandable that it can get frustrating at times. Dry hair can be really difficult to deal it. If you have dry hair, you must have felt at times that no matter what you do, the dryness stays there. In old days, there were a lot of natural products to help people with their dry hair problems. Nowadays, there are special products for every kind of coat i.e., silky, dry, frizzy etc. You can find shampoos, conditioners, hair colors and other coat products for each type of hair.

With dry-hair, don't you sometimes just wish that you had instant products that can be used to make your curl straight, silky and free from that frizz? Treating your hair right is very important. If you will neglect them, situation may get worse. Big companies like L'Oreal, Sunsilk have also introduced multiple hair products for every kind.

SunSilk has actually managed to bring together all the experts from all over to world to solve hair problems. It doesn't matter you if you have rough and dry-hair, straight but dull hair or frizzy hair, these big companies have products and solutions for all your curl problems. For dry-hair, you will find special moisturizers, serums and other stuff like this to get rid of the dryness. In old times, people only used home made remedies to find a solution to curl problems. They were very reluctant when using any of the specialist products as they thought these products are made up of chemicals and were thought to be really harmful. However, it's not the case anymore.

People have started trusting specialist curl products and have proven to be really helpful as well. Dry-hair is really hard to manage and giving them a stylish look can be difficult too. Specialist curl products have made life really easy for people with dull curl.

If you have dry curl, you should have an idea as to what will suit you and what products you should avoid. Some people have dry hair naturally and some have them as a result of sun damage. For styling dry-hair always go for cream based products. Select the shampoo and conditioner that suits the texture of your hair. Anti-frizz products are available easily in the market and they are the best styling products for dry-hair. Do not use too much of hair dryer as it can damage your curl even more.

It doesn't matter what hair texture you have, the important thing is the right selection of products. Quality products suited for your hair type will obviously help you overcome your hair issues.

Get healthy and shiny hair with the aveodirect.co.uk Philip Kingsley Hair and get one free.

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The best hair beauty treatments come from nature and with all the products loaded with harsh chemicals it is hard to figure what the value of natural ingredients really is. The latest trend in happinesslifetime.com hair care products is all about oils and most products promote just one type of oil which may or may not have the most beneficial elements for hair. One of the best Macadamia happinesslifetime.com hair care products is the Macadamia Natural Oil line of professional hair products takes from the South Pacific and Morocco, two of the most beneficial oils that have been used for centuries. The products in the Macadamia Natural Oil line combines two valuable and essential oils, Macadamia and Argan, which will provide your hair with the nutrition it needs to stay strong and healthy.

Macadamia Oil is from the Macadamia nut that has been known to be beneficial for overall skin, hair, and nail health. The macadamia oil is known for having the highest amount of Omega-7 fatty acids than any other plant. The essential fatty acids and is almost identical to the natural oils of our scalp. The similarity to sebum, which is the oil produced in the glands of our scalp makes the macadamia oil ideal for condition and replenishing hair.

Argan Oil comes from the seeds of the argan tree which is native to an area in south western Morocco. This oil is naturally rich in Omega 9 and Vitamin E which are known to be extremely beneficial in strengthening hair and revive hair that's been damaged from over exposure, too much styling and the effects of bad weather.

With not just one but two extremely nutritious oils put together in their happinesslifetime.com hair care products, The Macadamia Natural Oil line has created intense nourishing experience with long lasting results that guarantees a 40-50% reduction in drying and protection from harmful UV rays while all the while repairing your hair follicles.Macadamia hair care is nourishing, will leave your hair silky and frizz free, and protect hair color from fading. Its one of the most popular oils in the market, with a rapid growing fan base. Its one of the best things one can do for one's hair.

Flat Iron Experts offers wide selection of flatironexperts.com/Macadamia-Hair-Care-s/311.htm Macadamia Hair Care products, find flatironexperts.com/Macadamia-Natural-Oil-Rejuvenating-Shampoo-59ml-p/mnors59.htm Macadamia rejuvenating shampoo, macadamia oil treatment etc

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Environmental and climate change have become an issue of major concern in the past few years. We pay a lot of attention to the effects of this new phenomenon on our immediate surroundings and our bodies why ignoring the effects on seemingly insignificant areas like our hair.

Climate change and pollution can affect our hair making it dull, lifeless and also cause it to lack shine. The most dreaded of these effect which most of us need to be wary of is when we start to experience loss from alopecia, which is a medical term for baldness, due to these situations.

There may not be much you can do about climate change but there are it is very essential to take good care of your hair and using Professional happinesslifetime.com hair care products that will revitalize it thus restoring its healthy look and shine.

There are a few ways by which you can use a few professional hair care and styling products to take care of your hair and these include;

1. Regular use of restoration products can help you especially if you have started to experience alopecia. A wide variety is available in stores and online to choose from.

2. Rough and damaged hair could benefit from using shampoos and other products. It provides nourishment to the roots of hair and improves the hair texture making it healthy and looking radiant.

3. The Sun too can cause major damage to our hair. To protect against this, we can use a few amazing products examples of which include sun protection serum. That protects our hairs from sun damage while simultaneously shielding it from pollution.

There are many ways that you can benefit from Professional happinesslifetime.com Hair Care Products and these are just a few...

Regardless of if you have hair problems or not, you may just want to have a nice spot of beautiful-looking, radiant hair. In that case, you can still benefit form a wide variety of Professional happinesslifetime.com hair care products. So many are available out there and choosing the right ones may be a nightmare for you.

If you need much more valuable information on Professional Hair Products to help save and improve your hair, you are in luck! Get more information by clicking here:--> sunsilkhairproducts.co.cc Sunsilk Hair Products

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There are two main varieties of ceramic hair curlers. The first is a wand or tongs type of device, heated by electricity, which is a similar system to hair straighteners. In fact some of the curlers on the market are dual purpose and can also be used for straightening hair. An example of this is the Infiniti by Conair or the Farouk CHI.

The other type of ceramic hair curlers are individual curlers or heated rollers which sit on a base unit that is plugged into the power supply to heat up. These can come in small travel sets of 4 or 6 rollers up to 12 or even 18-20 roller sets of differing sizes. Both sorts of ceramic curlers can vary greatly in price depending on the make and model.

To use the wand style of curler effectively requires some practice and an element of technique, but can be used to produce soft waves or tighter curls. The heater rollers are simpler to use as you just section off the hair you want to curl, tuck the end around the roller and roll it up. Once secured by a clip or pin, you just need to leave the rollers in your hair for the desired amount of time. The longer you leave them the tighter the curl. These rollers can get extremely hot and you need to be careful not to have any of them touching your face around your hairline or your ears.

Remington's latest range of ceramic hair curlers are the T-Studio Ceramic Heated Clip Hair Rollers with Tourmaline. These rollers are an innovative design which is claimed will create beautiful curls in just five minutes, whilst locking in the moisture within the hair so that they don't cause any frizz, just smooth shiny curls. You can get a set of 20 of these on Amazon for less than $30 which has to be a bargain!

At the other end of the price range at $100 to almost $300, depending on the model and where you buy them, the Farouk CHI curling and straightening irons have had mixed reviews but are more often than not loved by users. They heat up very quickly and there is also a range of CHI happinesslifetime.com hair care products designed to protect your hair from the heat produced by styling products. These include a thermal protection spray and a thermal polishing spray to complete your look.

For more information about a1haircare.com/hair-curlers hair curlers and everything you need to know about a1haircare.com A1 hair care why not visit A1 Hair Care Products site today.

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If you are like most women who will not be able to live without glorious looking hair, a reliable and efficient dryer is one of your best weapons. This piece of equipment is what women of today practically needs for everyday use.

Due to the wide popularity of dryers, there has been a widespread manufacture of this product from different brands. Because of this, it is not anymore difficult to find a dryer that will best suit your needs.

If you are hair dryer lover, here are some fabulous tips that will help you achieve that great looking hair with this piece of hair equipment.

1. Choose a reliable dryer

Of course, you will not be able to achieve great hair if the dryer you are using is something that is both cheap in price and in quality. What you should do is to ensure that you only buy the best kind. T3 hair dyer is one of the most popular choices that will never fail to bring out the best in your hair.

2. Buy a dryer with adjustable heat and speed

An adjustable heat and speed settings are essential to make it easier for you to achieve the specific look that you want. For instance, if you want a smooth blowout, the ideal settings to use are medium heat and low speed.

3. Towel dry hair before use

You might think that just because you have a hair dryer that you do not have to towel dry your hair anymore. But this is just wrong. Remember that drying your hair when it is still overly wet is not advisable to do because your hair in this state will not be able to take the heat from your hair dryer. So it is wise that you first dry your hair lightly and gently with a towel until it is just damp and not overly wet anymore.

4. Create body and volume with your dryer

To do this, turn you head upside down while blow-drying. Next, you have to position the airflow of the dryer toward the roots to lift up the hair. After the hair gets dry, toss the head back, and brush your hair gently.

5. Give your hair a straightened finish

To achieve a wonderful straight hair, use a large round brush to comb your hair tautly. Put the dryer near to your hair while you do this.

6. Put out a wavy look

Natural looking waves can be accomplished by holding the hair at its roots and scrunching them in between your fingertips as you dry it with your dryer.

7. Finish with a light shine serum

This hair product can smoothen your hair and give it the shine that will dazzle everyone. It also keeps the do in place for a longer time and gives out a nice smelling scent on your hair.

8. Take care of your dryer

Even if you have bought a durable hair dryer like a t3 hair dryer for example, you still need to take good care of it so that it would last a long time with you. Unplug the dryer right after use. It is not good for the dryer and not safe for you to leave it plugged when not in use.

Do not wrap the cord around the dryer because this can cause shortages. Avoid exposing the hair dryer to water and store it securely out of children's reach. Read the manual carefully before using.

With these simple tricks and techniques on dryer, it would be a cinch to do the task of blow drying and achieving fabulous looking tresses.

Krystal is a professional hair stylist with Salon Hive salonhive.com/t3-tourmaline-evolution-se-hair-dryer-2000-watts.html Hair Tools Division

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If you are looking for practical ways on how to re-grow hair, consider these simple options. While there are many state-of-the-art discoveries concerning hair growth and retention, there are still easy and conservative means of stimulating hair growth and preventing the incidence of severe hair loss.

These simple remedies can be done right in the comfort of your home. They are not just easy and natural but they are economical as well. Consider these options and see how your hair and scalp respond to them.

1.) There are many resources and happinesslifetime.com hair care products that can show you how to re-grow hair. One of the most effective is application of Aloe Vera directly on the hair and scalp. Aloe Vera is known for its nourishing properties. It is effective in stimulating the growth of healthy and beautiful hair. It can also make the hair strands stronger in order to resist further damage. There are a lot of happinesslifetime.com hair care products that contain Aloe Vera. However, applying its gel directly to the scalp through gentle massage using your fingertips can improve circulation and boost hair growth. Aloe Vera is safe and natural and can be applied daily to the hair and scalp.

2.) Another practical way on how to re-grow hair is by taking lots of B vitamins. Sources of B vitamins include meat, fish, eggs, poultry, meat and milk. There are also shampoos and conditioners that contain B vitamins. Vitamins B6 and B12 are effective in preventing hair loss and in stimulating the growth of new hair strands. Vitamins B3 is effective in increasing the circulation in the scalp which is essential in bringing in nutrients to the hair follicles and Vitamin B5 is effecting in stopping hair loss and in re-growing hair. In addition to these, B vitamins also moisturize the scalp thereby relieving dryness and itchiness.

3.) Vitamin E can also help in re-growing the hair. Sources of vitamin E include fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts and whole grains. There are also natural vitamin E supplements that are widely available in various drugstores and health stores. This vitamin is effective in fighting off free radicals which are harmful to the cells of the body. It is also a strong antioxidant that promotes radiant and younger looking skin as well as healthy hair. Vitamin E has many other health benefits and some of them are growth of healthy hair and keeping a well-nourished scalp.

4.) Other things that you can do in order to stimulate hair growth are; initiate a healthy lifestyle, follow a well-balanced diet and have enough rest and sleep. Healthy lifestyle means not smoking, reducing intake of alcoholic beverages to a minimum, increasing water intake and having enough physical activity. Eating a well-balanced meal that consists of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is likewise important. Cut down on your sodium intake and minimize fast foods and processed foods in your diet. A well-balanced meal can contribute to healthy skin and hair. Lastly, rejuvenate and refresh your body by having sufficient hours of sleep and rest. Remember, stress is one of the factors that contribute to hair fall and hair loss. Therefore, sleep and rest are important to maintain wellness and relieve the body of stress.

If you would like to learn how to "Stop hair loss", unleash your body's natural ability to heal your scalp and promote hair growth the natural way and see visible results within 20 Days Please visit hair-again.info Hair Again

Or to learn more about some of the best hair vitamins and to get more great hair growth tips please visit Hair-Growth-Tips.com Hair-Growth-Tips.com and see how quickly you can be on your way to healthier, fuller and better looking hair.

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The hair on our head is also known as our crowning glory. It needs much care and attention to maintain it in a good and healthy condition. Yet, many of us experiment with different styles, using chemicals to perm, straighten and color the hair. Then there is pollution and stress that also do much damage. Any harm to the hair causes hair loss and if in abundance then can lead to baldness.

Whether excessive use of chemicals on the hair or any other factors, hair loss is caused due to the loosening or weakening of the roots. And sometimes this problem is irreversible. This means that no amount of treatment can help re-grow you natural hair.

Hair loss has become a matter of concern throughout the length and breadth of the country. And what is even more surprising is the age at which it begins. Gone are the days when baldness was considered a part of the human aging process. No, now even teenagers are suffering from this problem. They are losing so much hair. But what is contributing to this?

In today's times there are two major contributors to the balding population. These are stress and pollution. One does not realize the kind of stress one is putting their body through when one lets their stress go beyond tolerance levels. In fact, not only baldness, but also other health related issues are connected to uncontrolled stress.

The other factor is pollution. In certain highly polluted cities, it has become a necessity to have the entire body covered, from head to toe, to prevent the pollutants from causing any damage. Some pollutants are so potent that they are causing irreversible damage to the body, especially the physical appearance.

This all does seem scary! But is there any way to control this situation? Yes, preventive measures can be taken in the form of natural hair tips. The primary thing is to reduce or completely stop using chemicals on the hair, which is already abused because of the above mentioned factors. Apart from the various home remedies, one needs to also take care of their diet. The food one takes in also either weakens or strengthens the roots. According to Trichologists one should massage their hair as regularly and use natural shampoos.

With natural and good looking hair one can try different hairstyles ranging from bobhaircuts.net bob haircuts to celebrityhaircuts.org celebrity haircuts. These hairstyles can be tried for different kinds for hair be it straight hair or wavy hair. To know more on these hairstyles you can visit our websites.

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Natural hair care products have the same potential to give you a voluminous mane that most chemical products offer. However, they also have the advantage of the absence of side effects that are associated with many of these chemical products. Quite a few people having experienced extensive hair fall and other problems associated with using chemical products have turned towards natural treatments.

Like your skin, your mane also requires a daily beauty regime for getting strong and healthy. This regimen will include proper cleansing, conditioning along with good quality hair shampoo and hair oil applications. So, when you are looking for the top four natural hair care products, choose from each of these three essential categories to stock up the best nature care available for you.

Best Natural Hair Oil

Oil keeps your locks soft and supple. When you have turned to natural products, this can sustain the health and volume of your mane for a long time. There are different types of natural hair oils that you can pick up according to your hair type. While you can choose Basil for oily hair, Peppermint oil will be beneficial for dry hair. If you want to pick up a product that goes with hair of any kind, select Clary Sage that suits all types.

Best Natural Shampoo

Shampoo is a thing that is necessary for taking care of your hair and yet its excessive use can get your beautiful locks damaged. You should be very cautious when choosing the shampoo. Picking up a shampoo made of natural ingredients is not only a great way to clean your scalp and keep it healthy, but it will also take good care of your hair in the long run.

Best Natural Hair Conditioners and Packs

A wide range of natural hair conditioners and hair packs are available in the market today. Due to the lack of time, most people prefer to pick up one natural product that is available readily. However, if you can spare a little amount of time, both hair conditioners and hair packs can be made at home. A mixture of henna and curd works both as natural hair pack and an excellent conditioner.

These are just 3 tips for natural hair care and you will be able to find countless recommendations for hair care products. When choosing the best solution for you, pay attention to your hair type before picking up anything as our hair are unique to us.

nioxinshampoo.org Nioxin shampoo has a wide range of hair care products for you to choose from such as the nioxinshampoo.org/nioxin-follicle-booster.php Nioxin Follicle Booster, a great solution if you are suffering from thinning hair.

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If you asked me how many different ways one can regrow lost hair, I would probably need at least a day or two to compile them. Even after doing that, the results will not be substantiated because every hair loss conditions has a different cause to it.

Hair loss could be trigger by several factors including stress, medication, genetics or hormonal changes. Each individual is different. However, the thing to note is to remain positive and try to improve your hair volume without resorting to costly and risky surgeries. Here are some of the safest and natural ways to regrow new hair fast.

happinesslifetime.com Hair care products

Like I say earlier, there are many ways to stimulate hair regrowth. In fact, one of the easiest way is to avoid happinesslifetime.com hair care products that are harmful to your hair follicles. Check whether you are using shampoos or hair products that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate. This is a very common chemical that is found in the daily essential such as shampoos, conditioners, body lotions and so on. Some people have reported to experience new hair growth once they cease use of products that contain this substance.


Regular massage can do wonders for your scalp. One of the way to prevent hair thinning is to strengthen your hair structure. By promoting blood circulation and oxygen to the area and you are helping your hair to regrow more easily.

Hot Water

Do you wash your hair daily with hot water? If you do, then it's time to change the habit. Hot water makes your hair follicles brittle and susceptible to breakages. Try to alternate the washing of your hair and try to treat your hair lovingly.

DHT Blockers

One of the best way to stimulate hair growth and prevent thinning hair is to make use of DHT blockers drug such as Minoxidil. This drug is available over the counter and has been approved by the health authorities for safe use. Minoxidil is able to combat the buildup of DHT or dihydrotestosterone which is the hormone that is linked to hair loss.

And now, I want to share with you an all-natural, dermatologist-formulated solution to help slow thinning hair in both men and women. This wonderful hairloss101tips.blogspot.com hair loss remedy helps stop hair loss and stimulates healthy hair growth so you can grow new hair naturally.

If you're tired of thinning hair and are still looking for the best hair loss product on the market today, then you need to check this out. It's one of the safest and most powerful natural anti-DHT hair loss solutions available, and it is a natural alternative to pharmaceutical hair loss treatment products. For more information, visit my site at hairloss101tips.blogspot.com hairloss101tips.blogspot.com now.

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Most women tend to fancy their hair's appearance to be smooth and slick rather than curly or wavy. To achieve this many opt to use various hair-styling techniques and products to temporarily or permanently straightened their hair.

Our hair can be straightened temporarily by using hot iron strengtheners. These irons has been the most popular method in this field. It is made up of two metal or ceramic plates which when applied properly on our hair, acts as a flattening device making it straight. Hot combs, creams, balms and sprays supplement the process of straightening by using hot iron. These supplements can be used to help the straighten and to reduce the damage. A new innovation on hair iron, called Wet to Dry, is one that incorporates a hairdryer that can both straightens and dries simultaneously.

Another way to have a temporarily straightened hairstyles that does not have a quite damaging side-effect is by using a double hair brush. In this method, the hair is applied with a conditioner, toweled dry, placed between bristles then combed down staring from the scalp. The procedure's duration varies according to the length of the hair.

During the twentieth century, there was a common practice in temporarily straightening the hair. Blow outs is a time consuming process yet does not completely flatten the hair. This involves a special attention on the part of the haircare expert especially in the application of heat on the hair that can severely damage the scalp

Semi-permanent straight hair can be attained through Thermal reconditioning. This chemical process allows the hair to be smooth and sleek for a period of six months. Also called the Japanese hair straightening or Yuko (named after its creator, Yuko Yamashita), this process entails application of a specialized water called Phi-ten that contains electrically stable gold molecules. The hair is then ironed, rinsed and blow dried.

For hair to stay permanently straight, there are also different methods that have been developed. One is by using chemicals such as:

Sodium Hydroxide which is considered to be the strongest hair relaxant which goes deep to the hair shaft and breaks the cross bonds in the hair core thereby removing its elasticity. It is used on strong and healthy hair only.
Guanine Hydroxide is less stronger than sodium hydroxide although prior to hair straightening, a conditioning treatment is recommended.
Ammonium Thioglycolate, as with Guanine Hydroxide, requires hair to undergo a softening treatment before being applied onto hair.

Application of these chemicals also requires technical knowledge and is therefore recommended to be performed by professionals on haircare. A small test patch is usually applied to determine if its is suitable for that person. Or if the chemical products are indeed suited for the customer. This test is done to assess the hair's texture, porosity, flexibility and possible occurrence of damage on our hair.

Ion hair Re-texturising or IHR is nowadays the most advanced hair straightening method that was invented in Japan. This process takes time and is practiced only in hair salons as the technology involves a not very simple process. Ions are allowed to penetrate into the follicle of each hair to change its transformation.

To find the right hairsalon.com.au/directory/hair-straightening hair straightening and haircare professional you need in Australia. Please visit HairSalon.com.au, an Australian Hair Salon Directory.

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Hair style tips for teenagers should address specific subjects about hair care in addition to the latest trends. Finding the right look may not be as simple as it seems, so it is important to keep options open while browsing through different looks. The latest trends are varied enough to offer something for everyone.

Accentuate Features

The primary focus of a hairstyle should be to accentuate the hair's attributes while addressing problem areas. While it would be great to wear any style you want, one of the most important hair style tips is to choose a look that you hair can hold with as little styling product as possible. In addition, the teen hairstyle should compliment your face.

Hair Type

The type of hair you have is a significant factor when selecting the right hairstyle. Thick, unmanageable hair may require special products and treatments to get a desired look. Thin hair may not be able to hold some hairstyles. The look you choose depends on how much time you are willing to put into your hair on a daily basis.

Face Shape

The shape of the face is a critical aspect of selecting the right hairstyle. Hair styles for teens look different on people who have heart-shaped faces than they do on people with square faces. Try to consider trendy looks on celebrities that resemble you, including the shape of their faces.

Choosing a Hair Style

Many teenagers face the same problems when it comes to using hair style tips for teens. Namely, they want a look that is perfect for their favorite celebrity. This doesn't mean that it is right for them. Check out different looks using online programs that allow you to "try on" different looks without the commitment. A good stylist should be able to help you select which style works best for your features if you provide several options.

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There are effective natural hair loss treatment options available today. The hair is one of first features that people notice about us. Naturally the health and beauty of our hair is very important to us for it represents our image and our social, professional, and cultural affiliations.

However, not everyone has the healthy and beautiful hair that they truly desire. Today, many people suffers from hair and scalp problems, even among a younger age group. The primary problems of hair are hair loss. In this article, we will discuss the causes of hair loss and the natural treatment options available.

Causes of hair loss may include:

o Use of Synthetic happinesslifetime.com Hair Care Products - The use of harsh, chemical-based happinesslifetime.com hair care products is one of the major causes.

o Emotional Stress - An epidemic condition prevailing in the world today, consequently affecting the physiological functioning of the hair growth. Intense anxiety, sadness, depression, grief, long-standing fear, apprehensive habits, aggressive behavior, violent expressions, hurried and impatient behavior are examples of emotional stress.

o Nutritional Deficiency - It affects the overall growth & quality of hair.Vitamins B group, Vitamin A, proteins, iron, minerals are directly involved in the maintenance of hair growth.

o Hormonal variations - example of hormones are progesterone, estrogen, testosterone.

o Systemic Diseases - diabetes, thyroid problems, elevated cholesterol level in the blood leading to arteriosclerosis. It causes the constriction of blood vessels and blood circulation in the scalp is vital to the health of the hair.

o Medicine and Drug Toxicity - cancer medications, steroids, antibiotics, anti-hypertensive medications, contraceptives pills are just a few that cause hair loss.

o Genetic Factors - this is expected to influence hair growth when the individual reaches the age of 40 and above.

Excessive hair loss, consequently, may lead to eventual baldness. The good news is that there are various natural hair loss treatment options available to treat hair loss and baldness. Treatments for hair loss and baldness include:

o Surgical - Hair Follicle Transplant, Hair Graft, Hair Flap, Scalp Reduction, Tissue Expansion. This is an expensive and can be painful treatment option.

o Medical - Topical solutions such as Rogaine with Minoxidil as active ingredient and oral solutions such as Foltene , Propecia - Finasteride as active ingredients. Again, this is an expensive option and can lead to harmful side effects and risks.

o Ayurvedic Massage, Relexology, Hair Spa, Acupuncture - These holistic treatments improve circulation and blood flow, which promotes the health of the hair follicles.

o Herbal happinesslifetime.com Hair Care Products - Example: THE TOTAL LAUAT CARE . Winner of the 27th Salon International des Inventions award in Geneva, Switzerland, The Total Lauat Care line of herbal happinesslifetime.com hair care products is an effective natural hair loss treatment option.

Laut herbal happinesslifetime.com hair care products use proven natural ingredients to stop hair loss!

The Lauat line of herbal haircare products are made from natural extracts (namely gugo, coconut virgin oil, and lawat) from the Southeast Asian regions that are traditionally proven to treat hair loss and dandruff problems. Lauat herbal happinesslifetime.com hair care products also contains essential fatty acids to moisturize, nourish and accelerate growth of hair follicles.

Additionally, they also help to clean the hair from dirt, debris and other environmental wastes to give you a clean, healthy, and dandruff-free scalp. These products are so revolutionary and effective that it received the 27th Salon International des Inventions award in Geneva, Switzerland. The Total Laut happinesslifetime.com hair care products are infused with the following herbs known to promote healthy, beautiful hair and stop hair loss:

Lawat (Litsea glutinosa)

Lawat leaf extracts are traditionally used in preventing hair loss, promoting hair growth and releaving itchiness and skin inflammation.

Gugo (Entada phaseoloides)

A very large, woody climber that increases micro-circulation of blood in the scalp with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocus nuciferas)

Rich in vitamin E and is processed without the use of heat to preserve all the good cholesterol, enzymes and other inert substances that help in maintaining the skin's natural beauty.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus oficinalis)

It is primarily used as hair lotion that is effective in sustaining the hair bulbs to renew its activity. It also prevents premature baldness.

Carrot (Daucus carota sativa)

Rich in Beta-carotene and pro-vitamin A which is important in the maintenance of the skin and hair.

Clinical study based on sample size of 96 subjects has shown a 48% reduction of falling hair after only 7 days of using the Lauat natural hair shampoo! With prolonged use of the Laut natural hair shampoo, hair falling reduction of up to 89% is possible as shown in the clinical study.

The Lauat line of herbal happinesslifetime.com hair care products are proven and have been used by many satisfied customers in the USA since 1994, in Australia since 2001, and in South Korea since 1997.

As you can see, there is hope if you have hair loss or scalp problems as various remedy options are available. If you're looking for a safe, effective, and affordable treatment for your hair loss or scalp problems, then natural happinesslifetime.com hair care products such as the TOTAL LAUAT CARE system may work for you! Try the Total Lauat natural hair care system today and start delighting your friends and family with your beautiful and healthy hair and scalp.

Find out more information on herbal hairloss prevention shampoo [elantree.com/hair_care], visit [elantree.com/hair_care]

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Washing our hair is a very natural thing to do. Most of us think that shampoo and rinsing it with water is already enough to keep it healthy. It is high time that ladies should be informed that the individual strands of our hair, regardless of how thick or how strong it looks, are actually very delicate. Never just tug or pull it because it will naturally break. The best way is to comb your hair first and disentangle it before you wet it. Not combing may worsen the tangles making it more difficult to wash.

Wet your hair thoroughly under the shower first using gentle strokes of our fingertips. It is best to wet your hair with warm water to open the scale-like cuticles of the hair. This will also clean your hair and wash off any leave-on conditioner or any styling gel you are using. Slowly pour a dollop of shampoo on the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and then apply the shampoo to your scalp. Remember to put the shampoo on your scalp not on the ends of your hair. Shampoos causes your hair ends to dry, weaken, and split.

Never mix your hair all over your head as you shampoo. This will cause your hair to tangle and difficult to comb resulting to hair breakage. Sometimes we need to shampoo our hair twice. First shampoo cleans the oil and dirt off. The second shampoo serves to treat our hair. When you do this, let the shampoo sit on for a couple of minutes. Then rinse your hair completely but just lightly squeeze the water out in order to get the water off your hair. It is not advisable to pull or tug wet hair because it is most delicate when soaked.

You may now apply a dollop of conditioner along the hairline, the nape and the ends of the hair. For best results, pile your hair inside a shower cap and let the conditioner stay for 10 minutes. Rinse off completely.

Here are simple ways to maintain shiny, healthy hair:

1. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Water makes up to ? of the weight of a strand of hair. Moisture makes the hair supple. Make sure you get plenty of fluids.

2. Provide as much protein for your hair as you can like fish, meat, milk, cheese and cereals. Proteins give the shaft of your hair more strength and reduce likelihood of splitting.

3. You need minerals like iron to carry oxygen to the hair, zinc to prevent hair loss, and copper to optimize your natural color.

4. Vitamins are not only good for the body but serve your hair great too. Vitamin A gives a healthy scalp while vitamins B and C gives good circulation, enhances hair growth and maintains hair color.

Hair is a woman's crowning glory. It serve to advertise natural beauty and hair care especially good grooming.


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I grew up surrounded by hair ­brushing store: Brushing hair at midnight on the eve of a full moon was supposed to make strands grow faster and longer, brushing with someone else's brush gave you dandruff, and brushing your hair 100 times could make your hair oily or keep your scalp clean, depending on who you asked. On the other hand, brushing not at all- an idea that sounded pretty good to me as a child - proved you had been brought up badly.

Despite all this advice, however, no one discussed what kind of brush I should use, or even how to use it. For answers to these questions I paid special attention to my friends' mothers as they cared for my playmates' hair. Every mom had a different method: One saturated her daughter's head will a spray-on the tangier and reached for a wide-tooth comb, Another would fumble in her handbag for a small nylon-bristled brush, which she violently raked through her stoic child's tresses. Yet another mom would section her girl's locks into four parts and pull a wooden natural-bristled brush from root to tip, root to tip, until all strands had been groomed. I no longer have friends who live with their mothers, so for hair-care advice I turn to hairdressers, who have shown me exactly what kind of brush to use and how to use it­information I will happily pass on to you.

The right-brush and comb

When was the last time you actually went shopping for a hairbrush? If you're like me, you have a drawer full of brushes that your hairstylist gave you, that came packaged with a bottle of shampoo as a promotional item, or that found themselves into your hair-care collection some other way. Still, you've never gone out and actually shopped for a hairbrush - nor a comb, for that matter. Well, perhaps it's time you did.

In high-quality brushes you might notice the bristles are set at uneven lengths. This prevents the bristles from snaggjing and pulling hair and it also makes the brush more effective at gentle detangling.

A high-quality brush is solidly built, with bristles that are strong enough to stand up to the toughest strands yet sensitive enough to move natural oils from your scalp down the length of the strands without scratching the scalp or causing splits, breaks, or other types of damage. Of course, your hair type is an important thing to consider when choosing a brush that works for you.

Read more on lipsdiva.com Lipsense and beautiful-lips.com senegence lipsense.

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Short hairstyles for women have always been around. Short hair styles are not a new concept, however, for women who have had long hair for their entire life they may as well be.

The one change that ladies, and men for that matter have a difficult time with is the long hair to short hair transition. This can be very daunting for most, and should not be taken lightly.

I believe strongly that this is one of those times were the hairdresser's ability to give a professional consultation is very important. A hairdresser has the responsibility of giving the best advice to a client regardless of whether they agree or not. Sometimes what the client thinks is the right style for them and what actually is, are two different things.

You noticed I said the right style for them and not the best looking style for them. The reason is that although a style may be better suited as far as looks go to a person it is not always the most practical. We need to consider if the style is high maintenance or low maintenance and can the client manage the style themselves or will they need to visit a Salon every time they want to create the style.

Ladies, if you have had long hair for ever and you have now made the decision to cut it off tread carefully. Do not just go from long to short straight away. You've waited this long, whats the hurry.

There are so many stages before you get used to a new style the first one is the grieving process, the more you cut off the more you grieve. Then you have the shock factor the bigger the chop the bigger the shock so little steps are easier steps and then you have the what do I do with it now its so short.

Do not forget everything you have at home is for long hair your brushes your products electrical devices, all for long.

So the conclusion is less is best depending on how much you are actually cutting off do it in stages at least one if not more. It will give you time to get adjusted and everyone else around you adjusted to your new look.

It will also give your stylist time to adjust to see what you look like with shorter hair to see what you can handle and work out what your growth patterns are. It will also allow time for you to grieve, to get over the shock, to get organized with brushes electrical devices and products.

The most important step however is, talk to your stylist. If you do not have a good stylist who takes time out to consult on each and every visit the find another one. Walk in to a few Salons and ask a senior stylist for their opinion, then compare notes.

For further resources visit,

short-hair-styles-for-women.com Hair By Dora

hair-color-styles.com Updo Hairstyles

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Present generation fashion conscious women appreciate straight hair looks best, and they can achieve this with so many different types of hair straighteners available on the market. The concept of straight hair is not new but old and that too was achieve by few women who dares to take the risk of straightening their hair with iron for clothes and did much damage to their hair. The concept remains the same but the technology has changed that provides hair styling with much safety and ease.

It is amazing to learn that women few years back when there was no tool like hair straightener dared to go beyond any limit to look beautiful and so realizing the necessity of such tool today we have the product in several different forms like curler, hair dryer, hair styler, hair straightener and etc. Always remember that higher quality plate is the most desirable asset of any flat iron as better plates straighten the hair more easily and cause much less damage. Genuine hair straightener has very hard ceramic coatings that are sprayed in layers and baked. This tends to perform best. While less expensive units usually do not have ceramic, heating elements and some may have a paint-like coating that gives the appearance of ceramic plating. The shortcomings of these hair accessories are that the cheaper coatings wear off very quickly and cause more damage to the hair and using these appliances will surely damage your hair.

There are two types of hair damages that these flat irons may create and they are damage due to heat and mechanical damage. Heat damage and mechanical damage can be avoided only if you are happy with what you are born with. Since the hotter the flat iron the better it works in changing the original structure of the hair forcibly so heat damage is unavoidable but since we are living in this modern era where creating fashion statement is important so everyone of us desire to look best paying attention to our look especially so we cannot avoid this. Next is the mechanical damage and that can be avoid with smoother plates. Hair straightener with ceramic plates is safe for your hair. You will come across several cheap hair straightener that looks like the original but their plates are made of aluminum and coated with something such as a hard ceramic coating. It gives you the impression of original hair straightener and anyone can get ditched especially if anyone is new to this field. With few use the cheaper coatings wear off and the level of mechanical damage increases that leads to split ends, hair breakage and many other hair problems.

We can do something to minimize the damage. First, you must focus on purchasing a quality product and not the cheap one that fake and does not guarantee safety and replacement if there is any problem. People exclaim at the selling price of the quality hair straightener but they are justifiable. Next we must follow the instructions strictly that comes with the product and try to use these appliances when required. Also must follow hair care regime properly to keep our hair in healthy condition. Following these steps will surely make our hair straightening experience enjoyable.

The best hairstraightenercare.com/index.php?cPath=48 chi hair straightener, chi flat iron, and hairstraightenercare.com/index.php?cPath=48 chi straightener you can find out here with free shipping service.

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