Thinning hair is an issue that is common to a large number of people across the world. A recent survey on American women has revealed that more than 30 million females have hereditary problems that lead to receding hair. But it is expected that apart from this set of women there are several other females who suffer from hair thinning problems arising out of menopause and health disorders.
Fortunately a number of treatments are available for people facing this problem. These treatments include commercial products as well as natural remedies that can be prepared at home. The effect of these treatments can vary from person-to-person both in terms of end result and the time taken. Natural remedies are generally inexpensive, and one can easily start off with them.
Natural treatments for reducing thinning hair
There are several foods which can help tackle this problem. Most of these foods are available all the year round.
The effect of green tea on receding tresses has been studied in several laboratories across the globe. It has been observed that those who take more green tea have less hair fall issues. This is because it contains ingredients like alkaloids and catechins which are effective in stopping the thinning problem.
Green vegetables are a rich source of vitamin A and C. These vitamins improve secretion of sebum which is a natural conditioner. Thus by taking lots of green vegetables in our diet we can control this problem.
Poultry items like chicken and turkey contain high-quality protein that can take care of thinning hair. Moreover, tests have shown these items contain iron and our body can absorb and benefit from iron in a very short time.
Anyone wishing to have great locks should consider taking nuts as they are abundant in selenium, alpha-linolenic acid and fatty acids like omega-3. All these elements act as natural conditioners.
Scientists have also observed that beans are highly beneficial for treating receding hair. Beans are rich in proteins, zinc, iron and biotin. All of these significantly boost the growth of hair.
Commercial Products
These are available in leading scalp treatment clinics. These products give best results when applied by professionally trained people. It is always a good idea to visit such clinics for regular care and maintenance. They also provide useful tips for maintaining hair health.
Hairobics All Natural produces quality hair care products. The company also has an extensive clinic rendering salon services. Their official website has several tips and informative articles. Visit their website to get detailed information about their services.
Looking for more information relating to thinning hair treatments visit, one of the leading manufacturers of hair growing products at reduced price.