Several millions of women all over the world are suffering from hair loss at some stage. Statistics show that there are about 30 million women in the United States who are experiencing female pattern baldness. The causes in women are well understood by the medical community but with the growing popularity of alternative and herbal natural remedies in recent years, several misconceptions and myths have arisen. This led to a degree of conflicting theories.
Medical doctors, like trichologists and dermatologists, believe that women's hair problem is caused by androgenetic alopecia. As soon as the androgen male hormone in women increases due to menopause, aging, sensitivity, hormonal imbalance and other factors, it can cause the genetic loss of hair. If you observe that your family tree from your great grandmother down to your grandmother, aunts, mother and sisters have similar degree of this condition, it is very likely that this indicator will affect you also.
When testosterone enters your hair follicle cell through the androgen receptors and triggers a chain reaction that produces DHT or dehydrotestosterone, this is the principal cause of this hair condition. The enzyme 5 alpha reductase (5AR) converts the testosterone to DHT. It then activates the genes which shut down normal hair production.
How do you separate facts from myths? One issue is that hair loss is caused by poor circulation and treatment is aimed at boosting blood circulation to the scalp. This is a fact to many but a myth to some who claim that when hairs are transplanted to balding areas, they still grow proving that circulation in the balding areas is similar to other areas of the scalp. Another issue is that it is caused by clogged follicles. Again, this is a fact to many doctors but a myth to some. Those who believe that it is only a myth claims that clogged hair follicles lead to ingrown hairs and not the loss of hair. They claim that hair care products that claim to open these pores will not stop hair loss and regrow hair. There are other myths and facts issues like mites and organisms as possible causes of hair loss in women.
There are also causes of hair loss in women which are not genetically based and they are only temporary in nature. Causes can be infection, trauma, stress, malignancy, drug use, postpartum effects and nutritional deficiencies. These are non-genetic or telegen effluvium causes of hair loss in women. According to medical research, other causes of non-genetic hair loss include but not limited to: protein deficiency common with vegetarian diets; thyroid or liver disease; hepatic or renal failure; anorexia or bulimia; anesthesia; too much vitamin A; childbirth; local viral, fungal or protozoan infection; birth control pills; drug toxicity; very high fever; antimitotics such as those used for chemotherapy; severe stress; bromocriptine such as those used for chemotherapy; anemia; beta blockers; hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism; ACE inhibitors; essential fatty acid deficiency; amphetamines; zinc deficiency; anti-cholesterol agents; systemic disease such as lupus/DLE; and any condition that upsets the ovarian, adrenal or pituitary axis.
If you want to try the medical approach, the best hair and scalp specialist to consult with regarding any hair problem is a Licensed Trichologist who has successfully completed a recognized Trichology Educational Program and Virtual Care and who is a registered member of the International Association of Trichologists. Your medical history will be taken and several tests will be performed to determine the root causes. On the other hand, you can consult with a Naturopathic Doctor for natural remedies if you want to experiment with cost efficient natural supplements and herbal medicines.
Hair is a very insightful gauge to body imbalances. Factors such as nutritional deficiencies, medical or genetic dysfunction, medication and stress related issues are limited causes of hair loss in women. All of this information is vital to a Trichologist and naturopathic physicians to pinpoint the pertinent causes so that they can identify the most effective form of treatment. The excellent scenario is it is still possible for hair loss to stop and a bright hope remains for them to grow back into a full and luscious hair!
My name is Fem Mascenon and I thoroughly research and write about vitamins for hair loss. Please visit my site at to prevent hair loss and baldness.