Are you among the thousands of men and women that are starting to notice hair loss? Pictures that you take with family or friends; are they starting to reveal thinning hair and receding hairlines?
After all these hints you finally realize this could be getting serious!
After you panic and get over the delusions of denial, what do you do?
If you just ignore it, the worst is yet to come!
When my snapshots started revealing my receding hairline and hair loss pictures, I wish I would have taken action right away!
Fortunately, I didn't wait till it was too late! I took three key steps to overcome my hair loss. If you will make a commitment to these three steps, you will have a very good chance at a natural cure for hair loss.
I changed what I was putting on my hair.
I changed my hair nutrition and dietary habits.
I changed my hair care habits.
These three simple steps resulted in a natural cure for hair loss that totally restored my bald spot in back and did amazing results to my receding hairline in front.
My hairline had receded halfway up my scalp!
Changing Your Hair Care Products
Changing your hair care products refers to the first step, changing what you put on your hair.
Please, take this simple but important step SERIOUSLY! Using bad hair care products is the result of more hair loss problems than you may realize.
You might believe as I once believed, that everything on the grocery shelf is safe. In fact, if you never look at the ingredients on your hair gel, I just proved my point!
Most of us are willing to put anything on our hair without having a clue as to what all those chemicals mean!
After a lot of investigating on my own, I've come to realize that there are many companies and people out there that are willing to sell you products that are capable of harming you, disabling you and killing you!
If you don't believe that, watch the evening news and see how many side effects drug companies are willing to allow when introducing something new.
You probably never thought that something as simple as your $.99 shampoo could be a major cause of your hair loss problems. But if you really want to SAVE your hair, quit using hair care products that contain chemicals!
This is the best place to start your program for a natural cure for hair loss.
if you don't start now, you probably won't die from all the chemical exposure, but you will keep losing your hair!
Make sure that everything you put in your hair is natural, no chemicals (as much as possible)!
Below is a list of products (but not all inclusive) that may be contributing to your receding hairline and bald spot.
Shampoo & conditioners
aerosol sprays
hair treatments using chemicals
pharmaceutical products (prescribed & over-the-counter)
In my opinion, hair care products are loaded with what I call "killer chemicals!" They are made to make you look good and even feel good. But eventually it will contribute to your hair loss.
A chemical formula is cheaper to sell than natural hair products. But, there are affordable natural hair loss alternatives as well. Plus, if you love your hair, it's worth it!
Below is a list of chemicals (but not all inclusive) in many hair care products that I recommend you avoid:
Sodium laureth sulfate
parabens -(hydroxybenzoates)
Petroleum and propylene glycol - may release toxins.
phthalates - industrial chemical
Stop and think about it!
If you're using a gel in your hair that is also used to pack wheel bearings, could it possibly have a negative impact on the health of your hair? I've placed that very same gel on the girding of my balcony and it stayed there for over a month.
Keep in mind that one of the major causes of hair loss is dirt that clogs the pores of your hair. When you use a gel that has this kind of chemical character, you are setting yourself up for hair loss pictures! Also, since it is not biodegradable, the chemicals might absorb into your skin causing more problems.
Return to this web site to see Part 2 for a natural cure for hair loss. I will show you the second principle I used to eliminate my hair loss that even caused hair regrowth!
To see actual hair loss pictures and complete information on a natural cure for hair loss for men and women, visit Take advantage of all my tips which include much more related information.