Hair loss is every man and woman's nightmare specially if there are still in their prime. Thanks to the medical advancements that many of the hair loss causes are now being corrected. Androgenetic alopecia, Male Pattern Baldness or pattern baldness are all caused genetically and are hereditary disorders that can pass on to many generations. Today, baldness can affect anyone because of more environmental issues and aging.
Obviously hair loss disorder is not life threatening and not related to other health problems but it can really damage your physical appearance and lessen your self-esteem. Although there are alternative medicinal treatment for hair loss, it doesn't constitute to long time hair growth solution and sometimes inefficient. Hair loss is inevitable and avoidable but you can lessen its condition by proper nutrition and healthy diet.
A good health is a reflection of healthy hair and scalp. Not eating the right foods can help accelerate the effect of baldness in your genes. Below are the best vitamins and nutrients your health needs to slow the effect of baldness.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A can be found in dairy products like milk and cheese. Vitamin A can help improve any hair condition.
Vitamin B-complex
All vitamin B group are good for hair health especially vitamin B-6 and B-12. Sources of vitamin B-complex are meat, nuts, vegetables.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C sources are from citrus fruits like oranges, kiwi and pineapples. Vitamin C improves immune system that can help prevent hair loss.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is good for the skin and scalp which can help lessen baldness. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant that helps our body fight free radicals.
Essential Fatty acids
Fatty acids are the one that our body needs to supply its various functions. Sources of fatty acids are fish, seafood, soya and olive oil, leafy vegetables and nuts.
Proteins are known as macronutrients that contribute energy to the body. Protein are also essential in scalp and hair care. Sources of protein are chicken and meat products.
Iron promotes weight loss by burning more calories as it feed oxygen to the working cells of the body. Not common to everyone, Iron also promotes hair growth. Sources of Iron are meat products like beef, pork and lamb.
Other nutrients ideal for baldness prevention are iodine, silica and copper. It is also advisable that we drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day and a regular exercise can also help boost hair growth.
Healthy vitamins and minerals can be achieve through eating vegetables, fruits and other nutritious foods. Remember that hair loss is hard to prevent but you have several options to slow down its effects. Before you consult a physician for technological hair loss treatment, try the tips mentioned earlier and help prevent your self from baldness naturally!
About the author
Noah Mark Rodolfo is an alternative natural healthcare practitioner and is committed to bring the best health and wellness information online. Get the most updated news about health, diseases, weight loss and proper nutrition on his website at