Commonly, hair loss treatment products are intended for men. This is because baldness is more often seen in the male population. However, women are also prone to hair thinning. Find out the most common causes of hair loss in women and how to differentiate one from the other.

Unknowingly, excessive hair styling can lead to hair loss. Heat styling, tight ponytails, cornrows, braids, hair weaves, hair extensions, and vigorous brushing can damage the hair strands and the hair follicles. This can lead to a condition called traction alopecia that causes increased hair fall because of continuous pulling or trauma to the hair follicles. Proper hair care and avoiding hair trauma can easily reverse the condition.

Telogen effluvium is diffuse hair loss that often has an acute onset. In women, sudden loss of hair or excessive hair fall can be experienced during pregnancy or after giving birth. This is due to hormonal changes in pregnancy that can affect normal growth of hair. When the body goes through traumatic situations like childbirth, surgery, or extreme stress, the hairs in the growing phase can shift all at once into the shedding phase. Telogen effluvium can persist for several months after the stressful situation. Even without treatment, hair growth will eventually return to normal.

Iron deficiency anaemia is another common yet unnoticed cause of hair thinning. Women who have heavy menstrual periods are especially prone to develop increased hair fall because of iron deficiency. Lack of iron is very common in women of childbearing age. Women often notice handfuls of hair going down the drain while shampooing. This can easily be managed by making sure the diet has enough iron by eating foods like meat, eggs, fish, and dark leafy greens. Iron supplements should never be taken without a doctor consultation.

Just like in telogen effluvium, another hormone related hair loss is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. This ovarian problem happens when there is an imbalance in female sex hormones. Women produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone as well as little amounts of the male hormone androgen. When too much androgen is produced in women, this can lead to irregular or absent menstrual periods, increased body hair, and thinning of hair in the head. To cure PCOS, hormonal therapy is often prescribed by the physician. Once hormonal levels return to normal, hair loss often resolves within a few weeks to months.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone regulates metabolism in the body. People with hypothyroidism often experience weakness, depression, constipation, dry skin, and hair loss. Hair growth is adversely affected because thyroid hormone imbalance can force the hair follicles to remain in the resting phase. This then eventually leads to hair fall and hair loss. Only a physician can diagnose the condition and this is often treated with thyroid hormone pills.

Alopecia areata is an immune system problem that causes the body to attack hair follicles. This is often noticed as clumps of hair falling out causing patches of bald spots. This is an autoimmune disease that often runs in families. Even without treatment, hair usually grows back within a year. In more severe cases, the doctor can prescribe corticosteroid injections on the scalp and sometimes with PUVA therapy or psoralen with ultraviolet A light.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a scalp condition that can cause temporary hair loss. This is characterized by scaly, inflamed, and itchy scalp. This is actually an inflammatory condition, the cause of which is not well understood. Sometimes, the excessive production of scalp oil or sebum can trigger the growth of a fungus that causes further irritation and inflammation. There is associated hair loss because hair follicles cannot thrive on inflamed unhealthy skin. Medicated shampoos that control oil and scaling can be used. Long term treatment is often necessary since the condition can be very persistent.

Before a hair loss treatment can be successfully used, the underlying cause of hair loss should be looked into. Once the cause is clearly diagnosed and managed, then an appropriate treatment can be instituted.

Michael Sean Scott writes about health and medical issues to help others understand the overly technical world of medicine. Click here to find out more about hair loss and hair loss treatment solutions.

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