Although researchers have tried to identify a single cause of hair loss, there are many to consider. Genetics is one factor that seems to contribute to male pattern baldness and female alopecia, but that's something that we can't do anything about. Other factors, however, can be dealt with. Let's start with diet.
The production of hairs, skin cells, fingernails and other forms of cellular reproduction can only be accomplished if the body has the right tools. Blood and the nutrients carried within it are the right tools.
Hairs, the outer layer of skin cells and fingernails are all composed of the same thing; a structural protein called keratin. Unlike dietary proteins, which contain many different amino acids, keratin contains only a few, but the strength of the keratin cells and strands depends on the presence of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co-factors in the bloodstream.
Any nutritional deficiency will cause symptoms that can be seen in the strength and appearance of the hairs, nails and skin. For example, biotin deficiency is a relatively common cause of hair loss.
Biotin is one of the nutrients produced by bacteria in the gut. Because of that, it is not considered an essential dietary nutrient. Because of that, many people may not be getting enough of the nutrient, particularly if they rely on a daily multi-vitamin to reduce their risk of nutritional deficits.
Although severe or acute nutritional deficiencies, those requiring hospitalization, are relatively rare in industrialized nations, minor or chronic nutritional deficiencies are very common.
In fact, most people are missing out on some important nutrients. Research indicates that vitamin D deficiency is particularly common in people of all ages. Low levels of essential fatty acids are frequently seen in the bloodstreams of elderly people.
Most health and fitness experts believe that people don't get enough protein, which could easily be a cause of hair loss, considering that's what the hairs are made of. The experts recommend ? to 1 gram of protein per day per pound of body weight.
It is common knowledge that protein and other nutritional deficiencies contribute to thin, brittle, dry hair that breaks easily and tends to fall out. Because of that, there are hundreds of hair-care products on the market, as well as oral supplements, containing one nutrient or the other. The effectiveness of those products is questionable.
Although nutritional deficiency may be the cause of hair loss, a more common problem is poor circulation to the scalp. No matter how good your diet or your nutritional intake, if the blood is not getting to the hair-producing follicles, then they are not getting the necessary tools to rebuild and re-grow.
The only compound that has been proven to improve circulation to the scalp is Minoxidil. It is also the only topically-applied solution that is approved by the US FDA. Many people try it, but give up, before it has a chance to work. If poor circulation is the cause of hair loss in your case, you might want to learn more about Minoxidil and give it a try.