You can naturally bring an end to female hair loss by trying out a number of available solutions. There are presently about more than 25 million women in the United States who suffer from FPB or female pattern baldness.
What is more horrifying is that they are emotionally wrecked on account of such situations and their consequences. However, this is a fact that women often experience female hair loss due to elements that are generally out of their control such as the following:
Genetic predisposition
Hormonal imbalances
There are various ways for fighting hair-loss in women and you can bring the symptoms under control by making sure that the lost hair re-grows as well as ensure the prevention of hair loss in the future.
Something that is upsetting about female hair loss is the fact that a large aspect of menopause is androgenetic alopecia or female pattern baldness which is caused by sharp falls in your estrogen levels.
This is complemented with the rise of other non friendly hormones in the body like the androgens which are male hormones.
A lot of women believe that there are specific natural remedies which are meant for the female body and these targets the causes of female hair loss better than they address the male concerns.
In fact, this view has a basis as it can be argued that when the causes of male and female hair falling out are different, why should the same treatments be used for both?
One of the most effective ways to preserve the good health of the follicles is to provide them with the required nutrition by an oral supplement that can be absorbed quickly for promoting the growth of new and healthy hair.
Androgenetic Alopecia
This is the most commonly found female hair loss pattern that refers to partial or full balding of the scalp. However, this is concerning when certain parts of the scalp become noticeably thin.
Female hair loss is different from that in men as in the latter balding is noticed near the forehead. In the case of women, balding is evident the sides of temples or on top of the head.
Generally, hormones are important in bringing about female hair loss and this is a case when there is a hormonal flux during menopause, stress or post pregnancy. Stress further leads to skin problems and hair-loss.
Scalp massage with good massage oil stimulates blood circulation and removes dead skin and deposits on the scalp. After washing your hair, you can prevent female hair loss by massaging the scalp with lubricating shampoos and conditioners. Your shampoo formula should contain clarifying ingredients and thus no debris will be left on the scalp. Avoid wearing your hair up or wearing tight pony tails. You must also steer clear of perms, tightening agents, colors, chemicals, blow drying, straight or curling ironing etc. hair thickening conditioners and hair care products have proteins and amino acids which are good for your hair.
David Lebowe is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural hair care products. Visit his site now to discover cutting edge, natural hair care products he recommends after extensive research: