
Americans share many things with their British cousins. Naturally, there are the linguistic ties, but there is also more to it than that. There's a love for fried foods, brew pubs, and a form of football on a Saturday afternoon. For women, there is the love of shopping, good fashion, and great personal styling products.

However, between Britain and America there are some differences when it comes to hair care norms. Americans are much more likely to chemically enhance their hair, while many British women opt to rearrange their styles with a simple perm or using tools. There are other differences as well, but some of it does come down to the tools available.

In America, water is much more likely to be softened. This allows chemical treatments to hold. In Britain, water is usually not treated in the same way. This breaks down chemical treatments, making it much more economical for the British woman to reach for a tool instead of for a little bottle of something.

As a result, the tools available in the two countries for hair styling are quite different. One of the most popular products in Britain is the ghd hair straightener. The ghd hair straightener is a ceramic based heat application product used with damp or dry hair to remove traces of curl or frizz. On a small, damp island, it is one of the most trusty companions for a British girl.

Conversely, one of the hottest tools in America is the curling iron. With much of the country less humid, big, bouncy waves are popular and possible here. Thus, the curling iron is the most trusted tool, and ceramic tools are rarely seen outside of a professional salon.

The ghd hair straightener, on the other hand, is designed to be portable. Since more Britons than Americans take public transport, their look is sometimes ruined by the time they get to work. Taking along their ghd hair straightener, British women can give themselves a quick touch up once they reach their destination and be back looking as well as they please.

In America, on the other hand, this kind of bathroom styling is a bit frowned upon. After all, a lady simply doesn't do her look in public! Of course, Americans also have the luxury of driving themselves straight from their home garages right into the parking decks of their office buildings, shielding and controlling their looks from the elements entirely. It is just one of the many differences that need to be thought of when comparing US and British hair care norms.

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