When it comes to a natural solution to hair loss, an increasing number of men and women prefer this as a hair loss treatment method. They have come to realize that a variety of factors cause hair loss and these factors are commonly in combination. A single hair loss product or solution that can sort out all your hair loss issues and enable you to get your hair growing again is very rare indeed. It may involve you working a lot on your overall health such as drinking plenty of water and taking in the necessary vitamins. Rosemary however, has been found by many to help them improve their hair loss issues.
Consult Your Doctor
Whether you have a male pattern baldness, or are in the process of growing your hair back from a successful chemotherapy treatment, it is still advisable to consult with your doctor before you begin any herbal hair loss treatment such as the use of rosemary. There could possibly be a number of reasons for you going bald or suddenly loosing bunches of hair on your body. Therefore you should not take everything you read online (this article included) as a valid substitute to what your doctor's diagnosis indicates.
What Can Rosemary Do
Usually when you use rosemary as an herbal hair loss solution, you will make use of it as a form of therapeutic essential oil. For some, they will utilize fresh rosemary sprigs by making a tea and then when it cools they rub it over the bald patches on their bodies. However, it is much easier to make use of essential oils of rosemary for your herbal hair remedy unless of course you happen to grow rosemary in your own greenhouse.
Rosemary works in the same way Minoxidil does in that it will communicate with your hair follicles, and tells them through chemical reactions that it is time become active and start growing. There are many stages in hair growth and this includes a rest phase in the cycle. The hormones within your body control your hair and communicates with them when to rest and stop growing. In some cases, these hormones continue to tell your body to stop hair grow. Using rosemary can help by letting your hormones know that it is time for the hair to start growing again.
The Advantages
Many of the available therapeutic grade essential oils tend to be extremely expensive, however the good news is that rosemary is not one of them. In short, you should be able to find this type of herbal hair loss solution [haircareguidelines.com/category/hair-care/hair-cair-treatment/] in a variety of ready made products like conditioners and shampoos from many stores. You could otherwise just go out and buy a small bottle of rosemary oil in places where aromatherapy products are being sold. Having your bottle of rosemary oil, you can then do the mixture yourself by mixing a part of the oil to nine parts of olive oil. This mixture can them be massaged once a day on your scalp.
Whilst there are herbal hair loss solutions available like rosemary, you should keep in mind that it is not a substitute to good health practices such as eating a balanced diet and to quit smoking. Healthy practices such as these will help ensure that the proper circulation within your system is maintained so that your scalp receives the correct nutrients.
You can get more information on Hair Loss Treatment and Hair Care Solutions from HairCareGuidelines.com [haircareguidelines.com]