Diet and lifestyle are two major factors that influence the health of the hair. Poor diet, illness and deficiencies of any particular vitamin and mineral can lead to dandruff, thinning hair, balding, premature graying etc. If the person is not healthy then the health of the hair will be deplorable. And to be healthy we need to eat healthy foods to have a healthier hair.
Body stress and unhealthy diet can cause serious damage to our hair. A proper diet can help you get a healthy hair. Stop eating lots of junk foods, it can seriously damage hair and cause loss hair.
Since hair is made up of protein, we need to eat foods that is rich with this organic compounds. Proteins are found in meat , fish milk, eggs sun flower seeds, cheese and yogurt. Lack in protein can cause hair to become thin, dry and dull.
Water not only hydrates your body, but helps keep your hair silky and shiny. This diet includes eight to 10 glasses of water and juices a day for maximum hydration.
Vegetables , fruits, grains and legumes is good not only for our body. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron. Vit E is important for healthy hair growth.
If there is a deficiency in iodine, eat more foods rich in vit. A and iodine. Eat vegetables such as carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils such as flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Make turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet a part of your balanced diet.
Along with a healthy hair diet it is important that you exercise properly as it will ensure that there is proper blood flow to your scalp and will help in the growth of hair.
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