
If you are worried about hair loss in the future, there are steps that you can take today to prevent hair loss, or at the very least to put it off as long as possible. Here are some tips to help you keep your hair where it belongs - on your head.

1. Pay attention to what you eat. Proper nutrition is the first key to not going bald. When you eat nutritionally balanced meals, your hormones are more likely to stay in balance, and your skin is likely to stay healthier - including your scalp. Eating junk food can lead to baldness.

2. Stop playing with your hair. If you constantly picked or pulled on an area of your skin, that spot would eventually become sore, and possibly infected. Try to avoid constantly playing with your hair, twisting it, or even touching it. Obviously, you must touch it to clean it and style it, but once that is done, keep your hands off of it until the next time it needs to be washed or styled.

3. While blow drying does not cause hair loss, it can dry out the hair and make it more brittle. This doesn't mean that you should never blow dry your hair, but you should allow your hair to dry naturally often.

4. Use caution with certain hair styles. You can use any hair care products that you wish, including color, but certain hair styles, such as tight ponytails or braids, really can damage your hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

5. If you notice more hair loss than usual, or see bald spots starting to appear, make an appointment with your doctor to find out what is going on. There are numerous causes of hair loss, and more often than not, once a medical condition is properly treated, the hair will grow again - even if it has completely fallen out in some places. The longer you wait to get a medical diagnosis, however, the more baldness you will experience.

Be good to your hair, and treat it just as you treat your skin and your internal organs. Just as your skin and internal organs need proper attention, care, and treatment, your hair needs continual care and attention as well if you want to keep it. Again, if you are worried about hair loss, or you notice unusual hair loss, visit your doctor to find out what is going on. Never just assume that you've inherited pattern baldness or that you are losing your hair due to age.

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