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I envy those hair-color models on television. Their hair is so thick and lush, and the color is so bright and vibrant. Even at its best, I don't think that my limp, mousy hair can really compete - oh, and last time I dyed it blond it broke off in my hands for weeks. So yeah, my hair leaves a little to be desired.

I was complaining about this to a friend of mine (she's heard that lament a time or two before) just the other day. However, usually, she chimes in and we bemoan our barely-adequate hair-fate together. This time, however, she was strangely silent. In fact, I started to get a little offended. This was supposed to be a pity-party and I was the only one participating! Then, I took a closer look at her hair...

It definitely seemed healthier. In fact, I would have sworn it was thicker and more luxurious. And while the color was not really that much different than it used to be, it is amazing what a little volume and body can do. "You've been holding out on me," I accused her. She laughed, insisting that everything was the same -- except her hair, of course!

Well, we examined just about every aspect of her hair care, and it was true, she hadn't changed anything. In fact, the only health and beauty change she had made was that about three months prior, she had started taking an omega 3 fish oil supplement. I knew that fish oil was good for your heart, but who knew it was so great for your hair as well? Turns out, any number of researchers and scientists suspected, but it's not really out there in the hair-care world right now.

I can tell you, though, her hair looks fantastic. And I'm on my way out the door to buy some omega 3 fish oil supplements of my own!

Learn about more benefits of omega 3 fish oil at omega-3.us omega-3.us

Do you want to learn more about the health benefits of using a high quality fish oil supplement? omega-3.us Omega 3 fish oil is essential for proper nutrition at all ages, so it's vital that you get started today.

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If you've ever thought about dying your hair, it's important to know what color will best suit all of your features. Read on to find the right shade that will look as natural as the day you were born. First, assess the condition on your skin tone. If your skin is ruddy or red, try to steer clear of auburn tones that might draw out the features you are trying to cover up. If you have more yellowish, sallow skin, stay away from sunny blondes that will match too closely with your skin color.

You'll then want to determine if you have warm or cool undertones. If you have paler, more translucent skin, without much redness or flush, you are a cool tone. Usually cool tones have almost a bluish tinge to them - which comes from apparent veins under paler skin. If you are a bit more flush, with pink or gold undertones, olive-like skin, or freckles, you are known as a warm tone. Warmer-toned women usually do not have translucent skin and are more prone to tanning naturally in the summer time. If you're having difficulty determining your tone, start with a blank canvas by tucking your hair under a cap and donning a plain white shirt.

And if you need a little extra help, simply take a glance at the underside of your wrist - if your veins appear blue, you are a cool tone. If they look greener, you're a warm. If you have warm undertones, stick with rich colors, like deep brown, red, or strawberry blonde. If you're olive-skinned, it's okay to go black, but it's not advisable for anyone with paler tones. If you're cool skinned, stick with lighter tones of muted, natural auburn, ashy blonde, or highlighted browns. Never go deep and dark. Enjoy the new you!

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hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many people think that African American hair is easy to care for, when in fact it is actually quite a daunting undertaking. Since African American hair tends to be very kinky and extremely dry, it can be hard to style. However, once it is properly styled, it is beautiful and adapts to the shape of the style naturally. If you take the time to learn the basics of caring for African American hair, the task can become a much easier one.

What should you know about African American hair?

There are some basic facts that you should know about African American hair before you try to style it. If you are unaware of this information, then there is a good chance that you could cause lasting damage. For instance;

African American hair is very fragile, and caution should be used when combing or brushing it. Always use a wide toothed comb that won't snag kinky hair or a brush with natural bristles.

Always be sure to apply enough moisturizer to your hair. African American's do not secrete enough sebum, which is the substance that moisturizes the hair, and the hair can be very dry and brittle without good conditioning. To achieve this, try using products such as leave in conditioners, creams, and lotions specifically designed for African American hair.

Avoid any drying products such as hair sprays and gels.

Tools of the Trade

When styling African American hair, there are some basic tools that you will need. These are standard items that will use almost on a daily basis, so be sure to have them available to minimize damage to the hair.

A wide toothed comb, and a brush with natural bristles. These are fairly common items, and can be found at any beauty supply store.
Hydrating shampoo is always a good idea, but make sure that it is made for African American hair, and that it is not simply another run of the mill hydrating shampoo.
Another important product is moisturizing conditioner, which should be used each time the hair is washed and again should be designed specifically for African American hair.
The most important thing you will need is a daily moisturizer. This should be a moisturizer that is able to be used each day and that can be left in the hair. This is essential for producing sleek styling results.

Common Mistakes

There are several common mistakes that almost everyone makes when first caring for African American hair. These mistakes can cause damage however and even extreme hair loss if you are not careful. So, try to avoid the following actions if you can.

Over shampooing is perhaps the most common mistake made by those who are trying to care for and style black hair. Since African American hair is so dry and has a hard time retaining moisture, it should only be washed every 5-7 days. Anything more than that could lead to excessive drying and hair loss.
Under conditioning, just like over shampooing, can lead to hair that is even more dry and brittle. Many people hesitate to put on extra amounts of daily moisturizers because they feel it is too much product, but this is not the case.
Brushing too aggressively can cause major hair loss and pain. African American hair should never just be combed through quickly and roughly. Since it is so brittle, it should be parted into sections, held firmly in one hand, and combed easily from the bottom up.

There are many different things that you need to know before you begin styling African American hair and it can often be confusing and hard to care for, but once you learn the basics it becomes much easier to do.

Debbie is the author of true-beauty-tips.com True Beauty Tips and also writes about antiques on antique-marks.com and horses on locariding.com.

Discover more about the natural, beautiful true-beauty-tips.com/you.html YOU on true-beauty-tips.com. Your hair, your body, your skin and building a better beautiful you.

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Let's face it - you were a pretty big deal in your younger days. You were good looking, popular, and had no problem attracting the opposite sex - mainly due to your fabulous, thick head of long, flowing hair. Life was good.

Ah, but Father Time has finally snuck up on you. You now stand at your bathroom sink, screaming in horror as you stare at the twisted mass of your own hair lying lifeless in the sink. What now? Is your life really over? How can you possibly go out in public ever again...at least, without a hat?

Well, calm down my friend. I'm here to help. Hair loss, while a major bummer, is a condition which can be minimized or even prevented with a little knowledge and early action on your part. So let's dive right in and get this figured out for you.

First, what causes hair loss?  Well, lots of things - some you can't control and others you can. Heredity is one you can't - you are who you are and if your parents suffered from hair loss it's likely you will too. Hormones can also cause hair loss - they are tricky little creatures that have different effects on different people. But the other major factors in the hair loss equation-stress, diet, illness, and poor hair care-are all controllable.  If you use your common sense and take good care of yourself you can minimize hair loss and in some cases prevent it altogether.

If you need a little added anti-hair loss boost, there are some products out there that can help. One ingredient to look for in a good happinesslifetime.com hair loss products is Minoxidil. Research studies have shown that in about 80% of the participants, products containing Minoxidil are effective in slowing hair loss and, in some cases hair actually grows back! 

Probably the most well known is Rogaine, which is an over-the-counter remedy in varieties for men and women. The best happinesslifetime.com hair loss products usually have separate versions for men and women, simply because the hormones in each are different.

Another key ingredient to look for is Azelaic Acid, which appears to enhance the follicle repair in both men and women. 

Whatever product you decide to try, it's important to be patient and give the stuff a chance to work. Most products will tell you that it may take from 3-6 months to see results, so hang in there and be persistent. And as I mentioned before a healthy diet and exercise can't hurt either.

Click here [quit-losing-your-hair.com] for more information about hair loss products containing Minoxidil and Azelaic Acid.

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hair loss is a common problem plaguing men and women. Good looks and good hair are an integral part of ones identity and when a person is losing his or her hair it can kill their confidence. People are usually in a hurry to treat hair loss as soon as possible because nothing can be more frustrating than to helplessly watch your hair fall out. There are lots of hair restoration treatments on the market but not all of them work very well.

Before plunging into buying a particular treatment, it is useful to understand that hair loss can be due to various factors. You may be tempted to try a particular hair loss treatment because you have seen it work for a friend. But you need to understand that it may not work for you which will only add to the aggravation and frustration.

You should always consult with your doctor before you begin any treatment for hair loss. Sometimes hair loss can occur due to a medical condition and if the condition is treated re-growth of the hair is possible. Some medicines also stop hair growth which may revert once the medicines are withdrawn.

Hundreds of different treatments are available to treat hair falling out which is also termed as alopecia. In cases of inherited baldness, both male and female patterned baldness, full restoration of the hair may not be possible without some sort of hair implantation surgery. With this in mind, it is sometimes possible that some medicines may help in preventing further hair loss and also provide partial growth.

Minoxidil solution is the one single proven solution that works for both men and women to treat hair loss. Finasteride, in tablet form, is used in the treatment of pattern baldness for men only. Keep in mind that it may take as long as 6 months before one can see its effects. If these medicines for preventing hair loss do not help you may need to resort to hair weaving or happinesslifetime.com hair transplants. There are also natural herbal products for hair loss treatment but their effectiveness has not been certified by the FDA.

Many clinics offer free hair assessment. They take some hairs from different parts of the scalp with the root and analyze these roots. A damaged root means that it will be very difficult to grow hair in that part of the scalp. Root problems are usually caused by a buildup of DHT at the hair follicle blood supply. If this is then case most drugs will have little effect and you will need to pursue hair implants.

Cosmetic giants are continually producing happinesslifetime.com hair care products like shampoos and conditioners and creams that are supposed to help with re-growing hair. The only proven ingredient in these topical solutions is Minoxidil. This should be in any hair growth product you use on your scalp. Remember, it is always best to consult with your doctor about your hair. The best results are obtained when treatments are started early so if you have any thinning hair condition see him or her quickly.

Trying to find the best hair-loss-help.com/hair-loss-treatments hair loss treatment can be very frustrating as there are literally thousands on the market. Visit the hair-loss-help.com Hair Loss Help Blog for tips on choosing the right one for you.

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hair loss is a common disorder many men and women experience as they grow older. Hair loss or baldness is in fact a condition in which hair does not grow on the scalp after hair fall. The most very common form of baldness is the development of a hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or male baldness which basically occurs in adult males.

Hair loss occurs for a great many reasons. Some causes, such as hormonal changes, are considered natural, while others signal serious health problems. But, the most common causes are:

1. Stress - Hair production is seen by your body as a non-essential function, so is one of the first areas to be affected in times of illness or stress. Divorce or other life-changing events can also produce loss.

2. Food nutrition - Leaving heredity to one side, hair can be lost if you don't have enough protein or iron in your diet, or if you suffer too much stress. This can occur if you go through a crash or fad diet.

3. Hormone imbalance - Some women find some brands of oral contraceptive cause hair loss as can the physical stress and hormonal changes during pregnancy and birth. Similarly, hormone replacement therapy can cause hair loss. More generally, you can lose hair because of fungal infections of the scalp or thyroid problems, diabetes or lupus. Ask your local healthcare provider if you are taking medications.

4. Poor hair care - Sharp-pronged brushes and hair-dryers can do damage; wide-toothed combs are the best type. Twisting or pulling on the hair will damage it, as will a tight ponytail or hat.

5. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, major surgery, bodily trauma, and poisoning.

However, if you're determined to keep your hair, there's quite a lot you can do. Maintain a healthy diet, investigate scalp cleansing, and start looking into the various hair treatments to find the right one for you.

If you want more information about womanmagz.com hair loss please visit womanmagz.com this site right now.

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hair loss and hair thinning sufferers spend a lot of money each year in an attempt to treat their hair loss. According to The American Hair Loss Association, by the age of thirty-five two-thirds of American men will experience some degree of appreciable hair loss. And women make up 40% of American hair loss sufferers.

Here are some ingredients to avoid:

1. Phthalates also labeled as DBP or DEHP - are estrogenic even in the smallest of quantities and are suspected in causing early puberty, breast cancer and low sperm counts.

2. DEA and TEA (diethanolamine and triethanolmine), also labeled as cocamide-DEA or TEA-sodium lauryl sulfate, interacting with other ingredients making it carcinogenic.

3. Bronopol - a pesticide found in bug repellent with side effects including toxicity, reproductive and developmental problems, as well as, cancer.

4. DMDM (dimethyl dimethyl hydantoin) - trigger skin sensitivities, found in shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, baby wipes and sunscreen.

5. Parabens - used in combination with other chemicals, have been found in women with breast cancer (although not directly linked yet).

6. Imidazolidinyl Urea - often combined with parabens, it is the most widely used preservative in cosmetics. It is currently under investigation by the National Cancer Institute.

7. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - used in over 1,000 body care and cosmetic products, including shampoo, toothpaste, lotion and skin cream. Studies have shown that over time, hair follicles deteriorate causing hair loss. Prolonged exposure can cause eye tissue damage, dermatitis, and canker sores.

The biggest benefit of using organic hair care products is having lots of hair which looks healthier and more beautiful. All ingredients in organic products should be made from organic plants and be chemical free. Only pure essential oils and organic ingredients are used in making the best organic hair care products.

When you buy products that advertise as cruelty free, you are using a product which did not subject animals to cruel testing experiments. It also means that no animal by-product was used in the making of the product. Needless pain and suffering that an animal must undergo for companies to test the ingredients that go into their products is distressing. There are other ways that ingredients can be tested without involving innocent animals.

When you choose to use hair care products with only organic ingredients instead of chemically based ones, your hair will feel and be more alive and healthier. Every time you purchase a product, you are voting for the ingredients in that product and for that company. To make sure companies use only the finest, natural products, only buy from companies whose products are organic so other companies will have to conform. All products should be non-toxic and biodegradable to protect the environment. Find companies which are earth, animal and people friendly.

For additional wackyveganworld.blogspot.com/2010/01/why-use-vegan-skin-care-personal-care.html hair and skin care information, visit wackyveganworld.com wackyveganworld.com.

hair care 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hair loss is one of those genetic misfortunes passed from generation to generation and while there is no cure for people who suffer from common pattern baldness, there are medical and surgical solutions available for balding folks but this requires a lifetime commitment and sometimes a lot of money. There are a number of ways to re-grow lost hair, but the cause of the hair loss must first be determined simply because the treatments to re-grow hair range from prescription drugs to shampoos so it is important to know what caused a person to lose hair in order to find a re-growing treatment that will work. Once the cause has been diagnosed, the re-growing process can begin.

For hair that has been lost to Alopecia or Alopecia areata, prescription medication is usually used along with a daily treatment regime that may include certain types of hair repair/re-growth lotions. It is not guaranteed to restore hair to its original thickness, but this combination of prescription medication and daily hair care treatment has been reported to work for a number of people however, many of these medications tend to work better at reducing or stopping hair loss rather than promoting hair growth.

Other ways to try to re-grow lost hair are specially formulated shampoos, hair lotions and hair creams. Again, not only do these products tend to reduce or stop hair loss rather than stimulate hair growth, but it can take as long as 6 weeks to 1 year before results are noticeable. For men and women with major hair loss, surgery is the final option.

Dermatologists and plastic surgeons can remove some of the bald spot through scalp reduction surgery (literally pulling the hair-growing sections of scalp together) and transplant living hairs-often one at a time-from the thickest hair on the side of the head to a hairless area. While this is the most effective way of re-growing hair, it can be quite costly, so much so in fact that only very few people can afford to get the surgical procedure done.

Find more great useful info on hair issues visit theworldofhair.net theworldofhair.net/ a website offering views, tips and resources on issues such as theworldofhair.net/facial-hair.html facial hair, using a ceramic iron and even all about theworldofhair.net/laser-hair-removal.html laser hair removal.

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If you are like many women out there and have been gifted a round face, there are specific hairstyles for round face shapes that will make you look more beautiful.

But before we proceed to give you hairstyle ideas, here's an important question...

Are you sure you have a round face?

To make sure that you are going to get your best look with these hairstyle tips, it's important that you first make sure you have a round face.

One simple way is to put your hair into a ponytail and go in front of the mirror. Then draw the outline of your face on the mirror with a lip stick around your face. Then step back and see what shape it is more similar to.

Here is a list of face shapes to help you see which one your face drawing is more similar to...

Another great technique to see if your face is really round is to ask other people like your friends or family members to guess your face shape. Since they will have an outsider's look, they can say more accurately.

OK, so now that you are sure you have a round face, let's see what kind of hair style will look best on you...

The best hairstyles that will look good on you are those that add length to your face.

A long straight hair is a good idea because long hair will make your face look longer, and since it's straight it will make your head width show less.

So what if your hair is not straight and it's curly?

Then a long hairstyle will still look good on you. You may want to use a hair straightener like the popular Sedu flat iron to make your hair straight sometimes.

Here you can see some beautiful MySedu.com Sedu hairstyles for straight hair.

Another good hairstyle idea that will look perfect on round faces is a long hairstyle with curly ends because it will add width to the bottom of your face and make the width disappear.

Also an easy way to find beautiful hairstyles for round face is to see which celebrity has a round face and then search for that celebrity's hairstyles pictures.

Since celebrities frequently try different hairstyles, you can easily find a collection of good round face hairstyles this way. You can see which hair styles fits her face most and then try it on yourself.

But at the end, remember it's YOU and only you who decides which hairstyle you feel most comfortable in, and that it the hairstyle that will also look most beautiful on you.

If you like a hairstyle that doesn't fit the rules outlined here, it doesn't matter. Because when you like your hairstyle and feel good in it, all the rest goes away because this confidence and inner beauty will shine through your face and you will look more beautiful than ever.

Wish you the best of luck in choosing your hair style!

About the Author:

Ladan Lashkari is giving away a FREE collection of beautiful MySedu.com/celebrity-sedu-hairstyles.php celebrity hairstyles that will give you the dream look you always wanted. To check out these hair style collection, drop by MySedu.com MySedu.com while they are still available.

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If you're concerned about baldness and thinning hair, there are many new types of happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments that are available for you. These include certain medications and even surgical interventions to correct or prevent this problem.

Medical happinesslifetime.com Hair Loss Treatments

There are only two drugs approved by the FDA that have proven to be effective against hair loss, Finasteride and Minoxidil or Rogaine.

Finasteride works by blocking an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase; this enzyme converts into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is thought to be the leading cause of male pattern baldness. This medication as a hair loss treatment is prescribed under the names Propecia and Proscar. Originally designed as a treatment for prostate problems, thickening hair was noticed as a side effect of this medication. Finasteride usually takes about three months for any results and hair loss can resume a year after the medication is stopped. There is a risk of birth defects if women were to take this medication and get pregnant, so it's important that women of child bearing years who plan on getting pregnant or who have a risk of getting pregnant not only avoid taking this medication but also avoid handling any pills as well. There are other happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments for women that are concerned with thinning hair but Finasteride should not be used by them if they plan on getting pregnant.

Other happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments include Rogaine, which is the commercial name of Minoxidil. Rogaine seems to be effective in about 25% of men but works only as long as it is applied. Women's Rogaine is also effective as one of the happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments for women and too only works as long as it is being applied.

Surgical happinesslifetime.com Hair Loss Treatments

While you may be a bit uneasy about surgical intervention, these have been greatly improved over the past few years and typically have great success.

Transplants are very common types of happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments. Small plugs of hair are taken from the side or back of the scalp and transplanted into areas of the scalp that are thinning. This procedure needs several months for the plugs to fill in and look natural. In a tissue expansion procedure, tiny balloons are inserted under the scalp and then gradually inflated; when this happens the skin loosens slightly and is then removed so that the bald area is not as noticeable. Scalp reduction happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments may seem dangerous and extreme, but in some cases the forehead can be pulled back slightly which reduces wrinkles as well.

If you're curious about any of these happinesslifetime.com hair loss treatments you should definitely speak to your doctor. He or she can give your scalp a thorough exam and recommend the best option for you personally. And if you opt for surgical treatment, be sure you choose a physician that specializes in this type of surgery.

For more information about propeciahome.com Hair loss treatment solutions from Brian Welsch check propeciahome.com propeciahome.com

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Beautiful, soft, shiny hair is every woman's dream but few know how to get it. Expensive shampoos and conditioners and trips to salons would give you the desired hair but at an expense. Home products are far less expensive; give amazing results when used properly and very light on the wallet too. Besides, unlike off the shelf products, they are free of any side effects too.

We have commercial advertisements screaming out that their product is the best in the market to give you that dream crowning glory. They are throwing you a line to hook you into buying their synthetic product. But in reality, do these really give the advantages claimed?

Natural happinesslifetime.com hair care products are derived from plants and herbs and have been tried and tested over the years. Ayurveda have been the oldest example. Ayurveda is known for its benefits and no side effects. It is trusted by millions of people and now gaining popularity too. Besides this, natural products give a natural fragrance to the hair too which do not harm the hair unlike the artificial fragrance in off the counter products.

Natural products like essential oils, massage oils like olive oil or castor oil or almond oil; yogurt, eggs, coconut milk, honey etc are all beneficial to the hair with zero side effects. Apart from this, they are easily available in the market and light on the pocket too.

But you have to remember that using such natural products for hair care alone is not enough. One has to take a proper diet too. There are many vitamins and minerals that are absorbed by the body through the food one eats and are not available in any external product. There are supplements but synthetic. For example, vitamins are very essential for a good hair growth. Like other organs in the body, hair roots too need nutrition to maintain proper growth. Without proper nutrition they will die and result in hair loss.

Natural happinesslifetime.com hair care products include shampoos, conditioners, hair dyes. Shampoos and conditioners can be home made too. Natural hair dyes are free of any chemicals and hence hardly have any side effects and are deprived of harmful chemicals like ammonia etc which can be an irritant for some people.

Apart from happinesslifetime.com natural hair products, there are herbal supplements too which are preferred by all whether to cure the aliment or for overall well being. Today, these supplements are gaining an edge over the synthetic versions since instead of suppressing the cause and symptoms; they enhance the body metabolism to fight the root cause of the problem itself. Also, one must keep in mind that a proper diet too is essential for healthy hair growth.

Natural products used for hair care are free of side effects and are time tested remedies that have been handed down the generations. They are easy to lay hands on and very easy to incorporate in daily usage too. When used on a regular basis, they leave your hair re-hydrated and softer and shinier. Visit: naturalhairgrowth.net naturalhairgrowth.net. Please add your inputs on Natural Hair Growth Blog.

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We all have a favourite myth about hair care - some of them are as old as the hills! In this second in a series of 3 articles, we examine some of the most widely known myths - and seek out the reality...

1. Dry hair is damaged by too-frequent washing

FALSE: Hair is more likely to be damaged if it's left too long between washes. Not washing can cause the scalp's natural oil to be blocked, and unable to lubricate the hair shaft. As a result, hair can become dry and brittle. Things that will cause damage include bleaching, coloring, styling and brushing when wet.

2. To stop the frizzies, use shampoo only twice a month. The rest of the time, rinse daily with conditioner

FALSE: Oil becomes rancid when it stays on the surface of the scalp, so regular shampooing is required to keep hair and scalp clean and healthy. Avoid frizzies by conditioning after every shampoo and try a leave-in conditioner, too.

3. A rinse out conditioner does not provide benefits because it is rinsed out

FALSE: Rinse out conditioners applied after washing will leave a deposit of moisturizing proteins and other ingredients on the hair shaft giving hair that is softer, shinier and better conditioned.

4. Blow-drying hair can cause it to smoke

FALSE: This strange myth has circulated in different variations for many years. On the rare occasion that hair "smokes" it is due to the evaporation of condensation on the hair from styling gels or similar products.

5. Brushing thinning hair makes it fall out faster

FALSE: Although, brushing can cause damage (see above), as long as you use a good brush, normal daily brushing will not accelerate the normal loss of hair from the scalp. If your hair is suffering from a hair loss condition like alopecia brushing will only cause you to lose hair that is already ready to fall. Excessive brushing is always discouraged under any circumstances.

6. Shaving a baby's scalp will alter their natural hair texture

FALSE: The hair that a baby is born with may or may not be the hair that they grow up with. Shaving a baby's head will not alter the texture of their ultimate hair nor will it cause it to grow faster or thicker.

7. Gray hair can only be covered with permanent color

FALSE: Depending on the percentage of gray that you have, you may be able to blend or cover the budding gray with a semi-permanent or demi-permanent blend that does not contain harsh chemicals.

8. Excessive use of hair products causes hair loss

FALSE: There are no known, (professionally produced) hair care products that cause hair loss. You may sculpt your locks with as much gel, mousse or spray as you desire. However, be careful of home-made remedies, or any product that you don't know the contents of.

9. Hair care products advertised as natural are chemical-free

FALSE: Not all hair care products sold in health food establishments, etc are completely natural; some may contain chemicals like SLS. When in doubt read the label.

10. Eating Jell-O will make your hair grow faster

FALSE: According to dermatologists, there is no evidence that Jell-O will do anything for hair growth. Syncronized swimmers use Gelatin on their hair to protect against chlorine damage), but there's no evidence that it will stimulate growth.

11. Stress causes your hair to thin

FALSE: Everyday stress won't cause this problem - it problem may be hormonal or nutritional in nature.

12. Steroids have no side effects on hair

FALSE: Bodybuilders beware! Anabolic steroids are very potent chemicals that have some treacherous side effects including acceleration of hair loss. The problem is that these side effects are usually delayed by several years.

13. Standing on your head cures hair loss

FALSE: Hair follicles need more than blood flow to grow hair. Standing on your head to increase blood flow to your scalp, may be great for your gymnastic skills, but will have no effect on your hair.

14. Split ends will travel

TRUE: Uncut split ends can travel up the shaft towards the roots. Hair that is not tended to, over time, may develop splits that migrate and split all or part of the entire hair. Some ends can actually tear multiple times so that your split ends have splits.

15. Hair will always remain the same texture

FALSE: Although you may be born with straight, curly or wavy locks, there are many circumstances under which your hair's ultimate texture can be permanently altered. Pregnancy, medication, chemotherapy, age and other variables can cause your texture to be temporarily or permanently altered.


Heard another myth about hair? Do your research - ask an expert! This doesn't include your grandmother, best friend or local barmaid. Instead, talk to an experienced hairdresser or a trichologist. Always get the real facts before you act on any hair myths - you owe it to your hair.

With thanks to Daniel Mcullough and Karen M. Shelton)

Michael Barrows is a web publisher specialing in niche marketing. Pick up his FREE ebook "(Nearly) Everything You Should Know About Hairstyles and Hair Care" at his website; great-hairstyles.com great-hairstyles.com

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Taking care of your skin is something that has really never been easier. It should be something that you are doing each day to promote how beautiful you can be. Natural happinesslifetime.com skin care is something that takes time, and something that you are going to have to work at. Stress, depression, and the way that you live your life can really have an impact on your skin conditions.

First of all, you should start each morning with a natural skin detox - which is simply a dry brush exfoliation. This takes only a few minutes, and you can allow it to help your skin be fresh and smooth. It helps it to become tighter and takes away any of the dead skin that might be bothering you.

Your diet is another natural way to regulate the way that your skin is and to help you make sure that your skin is as healthy as possible. Regulating your diet can be a great way to help yourself be more fit, feel better, and have better skin. Good skin is a reflection of the digestive system. Be sure that you have 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, which will help your skin be hydrated. Also, make sure that you cut down on the salt that you eat, and replace it with high fiber snacks. Apples, and flax seeds are both great ways to maximize your fiber intake. You also want to stay away from processed sugar whenever you can. Having too much sugar is actually one of the biggest causes of premature aging, and it will make you look much older than you really are. Cut out the sugar where you can, and try to find a sugar substitute that is healthy for you as well, like Stevia.

There are some other things that you can do for your skin. One of them is to be sure that you are eating good and naturally fats. These include butter and natural cheese - that isn't processed. This is great if you have dry skin, or if you have eczema. Making sure that you have a good amount of healthy fats will help your body in general, and will also help you make sure that your skin is healthy!

Lastly, you want to focus on using good and natural happinesslifetime.com skin care products. There are several great products out there for you to choose from, and you'll want to be sure that you try several of them before you make up your mind. The right types of products that are made from natural substances will help you make your skin very healthy!

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Your hair is your crowning glory as it is one of the first things other people notice about you. Clean, healthy, and shiny hair is usually associated with a good personal hygiene. Most of us want to have those silky, tangle-free hair we see on TV commercials everyday. With Chi hair products, you too can have healthy hair you have always wanted. Chi hair products available in stores today include flat irons, curling irons, blow dryers, hairspray, and a few limited edition items. Take your time in choosing which products will fit your preferences as well as your hair type.

The first step in figuring out which of the various Chi happinesslifetime.com hair care products you need, identify your hair type first. Is your hair thick, thin, or medium? Do you have straight hair or curly tresses? Knowing your hair type will help you decide which hair product can provide best hair care.

Chi Blow Dryers

The Farouk Deep Brilliance hairdryer from Farouk Sytems is perhaps one of the bestselling products distributed by Chi. This device uses Anion technology and ionic infrared light, featuring low EMF. Combined with the use of particular hair straightening products from Chi, the Farouk Deep Brilliance hairdryer blow dries your hair without letting it go frizzy. These two Chi hair products combined can do wonders for your hair, leaving it straight and shiny all day or night long.

Also one of the famous Chi hair products is the 1 inch flat Farouk CHI ceramic hairstyling iron. It is considered as a must-have for girls because of its versatility and long list of features. Hair professionals all over the world are even using the Farouk CHI hairstyling iron as it is a great pre-haircut tool. This device heats up and cools down within 10 seconds of switching the on or off button. Designed for safety, its heat paddles are recessed to prevent accidental burns.

Indeed, this ceramic hairstyling iron is one of the most highly recommended among all Chi hair products.

Yap Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in Martial Arts Shop [martialartsshop.org/] which discuss and review about Martial Art Supplies [martialartsshop.org/martial-art-supplies.html].

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A hair saloon business is a highly personalized business. The success of your business depend very much on the level of service that you provide. Here is how you can acquire new customers with article writing.

Tip 1: Write about hair products.
Tip 2: Provide hair care tips.
Tip 3: Write about hair problems and treatments.

Tip 1: Write about hair products.

There are tons of happinesslifetime.com hair care products in the market. Chances are, your saloon probably promote a wide variety of brands as well. In your articles, discuss your personal experiences with these products. Don't just provide facts and specifications. That will bore readers to death. Instead, write about how you use these products to help solve customer's hair problems. The focus is always on you - the hair expert.

Tip 2: Provide hair care tips.

And since you are the expert, readers expect to get some hair care tips from you. Show that you have an in-depth understanding of the different types of hair by providing quality tips. In the process, you are also establishing yourself as a true expert.

Tip 3: Write about hair problems and treatments.

Very often, web visitors come online to search for hair related information because they experience some hair loss symptoms. But they are not sure whether it's something they should be worried about, so they go online to look for more information. You can publish articles that discuss each hair specific hair problem. You can also include tips on how to go about solving these hair problems. Of course, don't give away all your trade secrets. Let visitors know where they can find more information (on your website, of course!).

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Join the fastsubmitarticles.com/article-marketing-newsletter.asp article marketing newsletter by darrenchow.com Darren Chow

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Vitamins for thinning hair have been shown effective for stopping temporary hair loss, increasing shine to dull or drab locks, and increase thickness. Like any part of our body, follicles require a basic assortment of nutrients - amino acids, proteins, and minerals - for healthy growth and development. Supplements formulated for follicle growth can increase Anagen growth phase, guard against loss, and and increase overall follicle cuticle and root health.

Apart from hereditary factors, diet, health, state of mind, exposure to pollution, etc. can also cause hair loss. Even otherwise, it is quite natural for the average person to lose around 100 strands of hair in a day. Anything beyond this means serious (and probably temporary) hair loss. On average, 50% of adults will lose some or all of their hair by the time they are 60. Some people are able to slow down the onset of shedding (including female hair loss) by taking vitamins for thinning hair.

Types and causes of Thinning Hair

The most common type of hair loss is to be found in men. This usually occurs towards the front (the hairline), crown and sides. In women, thinning begins in the front and on the crown. In certain cases, it thins evenly and reveals the scalp through the hair which is most distressing. Hair loss is often hereditary and when it starts in right earnest, it is also permanent. Apart from various hair care techniques, vitamins for thinning hair can also help.

Aside from hereditary factors hair loss can also take place due to the side effects of medications for arthritis, depression, high blood pressure, chemotherapy, etc., thinning hair can also be a symptom of diabetes or thyroid disorders. Other causes can include the overuse of hair dryers, hair dyes, permanents, straighteners and so on. And finally, hair loss can be caused by poor nutrition.

The Role Vitamins & Supplements Play

Poor nutrition and hair loss have a direct correlation. A balanced diet combining the right proportions of vitamins and minerals is very important for not only overall good health but also for healthy growth. Follicle strands are composed of protein bonds. Proteins are formed by amino acids. A lack of amino acids or essential compounds reduces the strength and development of these bonds, and in some cases, restricts circulation to the root and bulb. Supplements ensure necessary nutritional delivery for faster growth and added tensile strength.

Vitamins for Healthy Hair

There are a number of dietary supplements that are beneficial for maintaining healthy follicle development. These include Vitamin A; Vitamin B3 or Niacin; Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid; Vitamin B6; Vitamin B12; Vitamin C; and Vitamin E. The combined effects of these vitamins help to produce healthy scalp sebum and circulation; help prevent graying and loss; and assist in producing melanin (that help protect from pre-mature graying).

HairEnergizer is your leading source for hairenergizer.com/Vitamins-For-Thinning-Hair-p/hevitaminsthinninghair.htm Vitamins for Thinning.

HairEnergizer manufactures and distributes the top names in hair loss, regrowth and thinning. Find information, advice and tips for natural rejuvenation, shampoos, DHT topical applications, and products for hairenergizer.com/female-women-hair-loss-s/162.htm Female Hair Loss.

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Everyone likes a change sometimes. We watch our favorite TV show or we run into an old friend and suddenly are dying for a different style or look. Hair color is one of the easiest ways to get a dramatic change, but most of us prefer a good change, one that prompts people to say, "Ooh!" instead of "Eek!" Here are some tips for making sure that your color change is fabulous and not freaky.

First, if you're coloring for the first time, it's a good idea to stick with something close to your natural hair color until you see whether it's going to work for you. Lighten up your look or go for something richer, but don't go from black to blond your first time out. You might regret it when your roots start growing out.

Try a wash out formula or semi-permanent color the first time. This way, the color fades naturally instead of needing root upkeep forever. Once you decide you like it, you can try something more permanent if you want - or you can continue to let it wash out and try something different.

If you decide to do highlights on your own, don't do it completely on your own. Ask a friend to help you so that you have an extra set of eyes to make sure you're getting your highlights the way you want to - especially since mirrors can be confusing and deceiving.

Follow the instructions on the box exactly, including the part where it tells you to test a small area first. Make sure you aren't allergic to the dye and that your hair reacts to it the way you expect. impatience will get you a bad job more often than anything else.

It may seem logical to pin up your hair, but leaving it down will ensure a more even look. Pinning it can cause color to gather in spots and give you darker (or lighter) spots.

Hair color can sometimes run onto the skin and dye it. The best way to avoid this is to add a thin layer of petroleum jelly around your hairline (and ears - trust me, you don't want dyed ears). This help to keep your color from running onto your skin and giving you weeks of discoloration.

Wait two days after shampooing your hair to dye it. The natural oils in your hair will protect your hair from the chemicals in the dye, and the color will just stick better.

Going from dark to blond is hard, and probably best left to a professional. You don't want to end up with a brassy look when you were going to golden.

Megan is the Web editor for Overstock Drugstore, an online pharmacy that offers great deals and great service on health and beauty products you use every day, including overstockdrugstore.com/products/matrix-biolage-colorcaretherapie-color-care-shampoo,-16.9-oz.html Matrix colorcaretherapie shampoo. Overstock Drugstore believes in offering the best products and the best service, including a help line that goes to a person every time. To learn more, visit overstockdrugstore.com overstockdrugstore.com.

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The personality of human beings is the sum of all the characteristics they hold. These may include physical appearance as well. A better personality is one which has well groomed appearance and is balanced in all respects. In physical appearance, hair is a vital component of one's personality. Hair plays an important role in the development of a first impression of a person because it is the most exposed part of body; so it is necessary that hair should be attractive, shinny and silky. A fine personality having attractive hair appeals to others a lot.

Hair is the best indicator of the age of a person as well. The way one's hair is managed; the quality; and the hair style of a person depicts his/ her personality. Since hair reflects the physical health of a person, therefore a nutritious diet can make the hair healthy, shinning and strong. One can find different products in the market which help in improving the texture of hair and making them healthy.

There are a lot of happinesslifetime.com hair care products in the market; therefore the selection of best product according to the type of one's hair is very crucial. It is also seen that very few products are actually beneficial for hair. The products show effective results only in case of selecting the best out of many products according to the type of hair.

With the passage of time and advancement in technology, the internet has become the best source of providing knowledge about products available for hair. A lot of websites have come up with excellent happinesslifetime.com hair care products for smooth, silky and shiny curl. The happinesslifetime.com hair care products which are available on the internet consist of hair conditioner, shampoo, gloss, creams, vitamin E serums and curl gels etc.

Before using any particular curl care product it is necessary to have in depth knowledge of the type of hair one possesses. The selection of products is also dependent upon the atmospheric conditions of an area. In those areas which have more dust, dirt and heat, taking care of curl becomes a very difficult task.

To achieve healthy and beautiful curl it is very important to take care of hygiene. It means that hair must be kept clean by washing them regularly. Massaging and moisturizing curls is also very effective for improving the quality of hair.

Nowadays various kinds of hair tools are used frequently to manage hair. These tools damage the hair so it is very necessary to use those tools in a proper way so that they might not harm the hair. While using blow driers or straightners it is very important to keep the heat of these tools at a distance from scalp because heat damages the scalp and hair.

Hair must not be over exposed to the wind and sunlight because they are harmful for curls. The head should not be covered with tight hats or caps because it inhibits blood circulation to the area of scalp that hinders the growth of hair.

Take guidance of experts about aveodirect.co.uk philip kingsley and get extra discount on sale of these products.

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Aside from our skin, our hair reflects our body condition, whether we live and eat healthy or not. We take care of it by using hair-care products such as shampoo and conditioner. However, for every hair-type there would be a different result from every shampoo being used. Hence it is crucial to read hair product reviews online for every prospective hair care treatment in the market today.

The Purpose of Shampoos

These products are hair-care treatment specifically to aid you in maintaining the condition of your scalp and hair-strand. They can remove grime, skin particles, oil and dirt that may accumulate on your scalp. Typically, shampoos are designed to sweep the hair-strand by washing out the sebum. Though sebum is naturally occurring process, excessive oil production is still not healthy for you.


Comparatively, shampoos and soaps have the same purpose, developed as cleaning agent. A hair-care product is made of appropriate detergency without any degreasing content. Since they are generally made of liquid solution, shampoos provide simple rinsing method. In contrast to soaps, shampoos can create much richer and delicate bubbling. They are also developed much safer on the eyes and skins. When choosing a happinesslifetime.com hair care product for you, you might want to consider the all natural ones as they can provide excellent finish. They also cause no harm to the hair-strand and roots.

Natural Hair-Care Shampoo

When you say natural, the toxicity level of the products is usually small or zero. They have excellent biodegradability. Herbal or shampooforoilyhair.org/organic-hair-products-reviews organic hair products are well worth your time and effort. They are available in various formulations. Some are specifically developed for proper oil regulation while others are for providing volume and body on the hair-strand. Whatever type of hair-style you have, the deep cleansing and clarifying shampoos can target and alleviate excessive production of oil on the scalp. In effect, you will have healthy and more attractive hair-strands.

Dianne C. Langston is an experienced hair and make-up artist who shares her hair shampoo reviews in search for the shampooforoilyhair.org best hair shampoo. At ShampooForOilyHair.org, you'll find relevant content on hair care.

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Losing your hair is not something that is fun for anyone to experience. In fact, a lot of men and women suffer from hair loss and really feel that it's a social death sentence. While some people just face the giant and move forward with their lot in life, others want to prevent and fight the loss and thinning of their hair. There are several common techniques available to prevent hair loss and slow down the thinning, without stressing you out or really compromising your daily routine. Things such as exercise, stress reduction, and proper hair care are just the beginning of many options that are available to you.

The first technique may seem obvious, but for many people it's just not part of the options. However, you have to really consider what you're doing in regards to your hair over long periods of time. The step is simply taking care of your hair. This is the number one thing you can do to aid in preventing hair loss. Don't over use hair dyes, curling irons or hair dryers, because this is the leading cause of hair loss in both men and women. You can restore your self image, but it can get difficult down the road if the damage has gotten to severe for regular fixes.

Secondly, you should never color your hair more often than six to eight weeks. This really is something to consider if your hair is turning gray. That's not to say that you can't dye your hair for a younger look, it's just important that you're not consistently damaging the follicles with dying chemicals. Some chemicals are harsher than others, and over use can really damage your scalp and lead to hair thinning or damage, and in some rougher cases you could lose your hair at an expedited rate.

Another thing you can do in regards to preventing hair loss is simply to never stretch the hair by braiding very tightly. Sure it is not too uncommon for men and women to wear tight braids at times, but to make a consistent habit of tightening the hair into tight braids, you could damage the hair and eventually this will lead to hair loss. At times, consider that you're literally pulling your hair out, little by little.

Lastly, you could simply change your diet a little. No need to subscribe to crash diets, but simple dietary changes can help you in the long term. Adding calcium could help strengthen hair follicles and roots as well as the scalp. You can also focus on just making sure you're eating healthy, and living an overall healthier lifestyle. If not just food wise, you should really exercise moderately and sleep enough without long periods of time of fatigue. Preventing hair loss is not difficult, but getting started after years of neglect could be. The best bet to your overall hair health is to make sure that you gradually change your lifestyle choices to reflect your care for your hair. Prevention is key, so make sure that you pay attention to your hair, so that it stays with you for the rest of your life.

Check more information about propeciahome.com hair loss.

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