What is your initial reaction when you see a man with pattern baldness? Most of the time, baldness is associated with aging so chances are you will think that the man is already old. What about if you see a woman who has baldness in some areas? You will probably think that the woman is sick of something. Other people would probably even think that the woman is undergoing chemotherapy to cure cancer. But thinning hair does not only happens when a man is old already or when a woman is sick or undergoing major medical procedures. It happens because of a lot of reasons. If you are concerned about your hair here are some tips on how to prevent hair loss.

The first key in preventing hair loss is to improve your diet. There are certain nutrients that you need to prevent excessive hair fall. You need a good amount of proteins for healthier growth of cells so you need to eat foods like chicken, egg and fish. You also need to have enough iron in your body because iron deficiency anemia leads to hair loss. Eat lean red meat and tofu.

Having B vitamins is also an important way on how to prevent hair loss. You can drink vitamin B complex supplements to help you but you have to make sure that you are taking the right amounts only.

Aside from improving your diet, another tip on how to prevent hair loss is to go easy on your daily hair care routines. Be gentle on your hair when you comb or brush it. Though this is not really the major cause of thinning hair, doing gentle brushing or coming techniques can help prevent the problem. Remember that regular exposure of hair to sunlight, pollution, dust and strong chemicals found in some shampoos and styling products can make the hair brittle so combing it harshly will lead to hair breakage.

Also go easy on hair treatments. Some hair treatment procedures use harsh chemicals that can make hair strands weak. You need to give time for your hair to rest and heal before you do another treatment.

As much as you can, air-dry your hair instead of using hair dryer. Some might say that the idea that blow-drying causes hair loss is a myth. But heat does affect a lot of things including hair strength. So it is better if you go natural in drying your hair. If there is really a need for you to blow-dry your hair for faster results, use low temperature as much as possible.

These are simple ways on how to prevent hair loss. If you do them, you reduce the possibility of people talking about you and your hair loss problems. Instead, they will talk about how healthy and beautiful your hair is.

The longer you leave your hair loss the less chance you will have of ever regrowing it.

Act today by visiting the site below -
naturalhairlosssolutions.com naturalhairlosssolutions.com

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