What Causes Hair Bumps?
Hair bumps and infected ingrown hairs are caused by a bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus, that infects the hair follicles. Once infected, the one hair follicle becomes filled with red, itchy, or even pus-filled blisters. The bacterium normally resides in our nasal passages without causing any challenges. However, shaving, especially improper shaving, can introduce the bacteria to our hair follicles on the face, where it creates skin inflammation. People can help prevent razor bumps and ingrown hairs at home with a few steps.
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Hair Bumps- Step 1: Use Warm Water and a Natural Anti-Bacterial Cleanser Before Shaving to prevent bumps. If you already have bumps, do this at least once a day to manage and reduce your hair bumps. This will cleanse your infected skin and when shaving, it will remove dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells while softening the hair and skin before shaving. Beauty 4 Ashes makes a great all natural hair bump destroying system contains a tea tree hair bump eliminating pre-wash, that you can use before you shave to clean away dead skin and bacteria. It works really, well for individuals with minor to mildly severe hair bumps. Find it online at wwwdiscoverb4acom
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Ingrown Hair Bumps- Step 2: Use a paste of 1 cup of plain yogurt, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 tsp of olive oil, 1 tsp of honey, and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar as a shaving cream, instead of applying a synthetic shaving cream to your face. This will act as an anti-bacterial shaving barrier, and will also soften your face. All of these ingredients naturally kill bacteria effectively. You can also apply this as a hair mask and use it anywhere where you have hair bumps. Simply apply the mixture daily and allow it to sit on your hair for 5-15 minutes. It is very effective. Yogurt alone is used to cure yeast infections.
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Razor Bumps- Step 3: Buy an all natural hair bump destroying solution that will exfoliate your skin without causing shedding and that will kill bacteria. Apply before shaving and after shaving. There is a scarcity of all natural, effective products available that eliminate hair bumps. Yet, products that are not 100% natural, which contain alcohol, glycols, or parabens, can severely irritate hair bump prone skin, creating more skin inflammations and clogging the pores. Again, one of the few 100% natural and effective hair bump treatments is Beauty 4 Ashes HBD System. It contains both an anti-bacterial cleanser and a hair bump destroying solution. It is highly effective and can be found on Ebay, barber shops, and hair care salons.
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Hair Bumps- Step 4: Shave in the direction of your hair growth.
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Razor Bumps- Step 5: Cleanse the skin after shaving with an all natural hair bump astringent. You can make your own from home with lemon juice and witch hazel. While this will work for minor bumps, if you have more severe hair bumps you will probably need to use Beauty 4 Ashes hair bump destroying system (wwwdiscoverb4acom) which is a great alternative to synthetic aftershaves that will only irritate the skin more.
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Ingrown Bumps- Step 6: Save with clean utensils. If at home, rinse your razor or clippers thoroughly after each use and sterilize them in hot water or alcohol. If someone else is shaving or trimming your hair, demand to see them alcohol or sterilize their equipment.
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Hair Bumps- Step 7: Choose an electric razor over regular one.
Shaving Techniques to Eliminate Razor Bumps- Step 8: Detox your system and keep your immunity high. You do not have to get prescribed antibiotics, unless your hair bumps are extremely severe, but you can keep your system clean by taking a Vitamin C, Zinc, and Fish Oil supplement daily. You need to purify your body not only from the outside, but from the inside as well. Don't forget about this.
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The son of Dr. Harold Green, Stumm is a nature enthusiast, author, and researcher with over 13 years of experience in FMCG.