It is important that we take care of our body for us to function everyday. We eat healthy food, drink vitamins and other food supplements and ensure proper hygiene everyday as part of our caring routine. However, taking care of your body is not selective. This is something that we need to do in every part of your body. Whether they are just there for beautification purposes or not, they still need to given special attention. This way, you can live in a state of well-being and be whole in your everyday living.
One of the most visible parts of your body is your hair. Many people experience hair problems due to various stresses while others are purely genetic. Since it is a fact that there are many uncontrollable factors affecting your body and your hair, it is your duty to protect it. Most of the hair problems are dandruff, dryness and baldness. These problems can be prevented. You do not actually have to spend thousands of dollars in order to maintain your hair. There are also other remedies other than just applying a hundred brush strokes everyday. There are certain things that you can make use of in your homes that you can use for your hair care. They are even natural that it cannot cause any harmful effects to your scalp when you use it in the right way.
Most of the time, taking care of our hair can be done with the use of natural herbs and other pure substances that can be found in your kitchen. You really do not have to use chemicals but you can simply make use of them by pouring them directly to your hair. Taking care of your hair should be easy and check out below some of the natural ways to do it:
Coconut oil- The effects of this on your hair is similar to the effects of conditioner. All you have to do is to extract the oil or the juice from the flesh of a coconut that has been grinded. Once extracted, pour an ample amount on your hair and leave it there for at least 15 minutes and you can wash it off with warm water after. Do it twice a week and you hair will look shiny and soft.
Lemon- Got dandruff problems or even itching? You can start treating your hair with lemon extract. However, careful use of lemon should be done when applying your hair because it can be also a natural dry when used in great amounts. You also have to be careful because it can dry up your hair. You can try diluting the juice of lemon in 1liter of water and wash you hair with it everyday. It can lower the ph of your scalp thus becomes unfavorable for microorganism.
Honey- Some people have avoided frizzy hair with the use of honey. You can do home remedy by using this substance purely. Directly apply it to your hair (the amount depends on the length). Massage scalp and leave it for at least 20 minutes then rinse it off. Honey has wonderful properties that can give your hair a lustrous look and on top of that, it is known for its antiseptic properties, making it a good natural anti-microbial for your hair.
Who says you have to pay a lot for hair care? Now you know...
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