Women are usually very particular with the look of their hair because it is what people will notice straight away and they will remember someone's hair the most. That is why we want our hair to look as good as it possibly can most of the time. Most of us have drawers that are stuffed with curling irons, combs, brushes and flat irons.
Why are the bathroom shelves full of sprays and gels and the bathtub is full of hot oil treatments, shampoos, and conditioners? No doubt that we hope all these products give us spectacular hair. Do they really work because if not you are wasting lot of money. However by using homemade Hair Care products you can save money and have beautiful hair. In addition, most homemade hair care ingredients are already in your kitchen.
Everyone wants glossy hair as if they are just walking out of a salon. To most of us shiny hair is a sign of peaceful soul and a healthy body and spend a lot of many buying sprays and conditioners in the hope of having fresh-from-the-salon glow hair. However some of them will make your hair feel sticky to the touch.
Actually if you are using too much leave in sprays they will weigh down your hair while using too much of shine enhancing sprays will make your hair appear oily and unwashed rather then the shine that you are hoping for. However by using homemade hair care products not only you can save money, but they can restore your hair natural shine.
Don't Waste Your Beer
Homemade hair care product that has been historically known to add shine to a person's hair is beer. It is believed to be so effective at making hair shiny and several of the best hair care company's even include it in the shampoos and conditioners. We know beer has strong smell but these hair care companies found that it wasn't so much the beer itself that made hair shiny, but it was the hops (a beer ingredient) which causes the glow.
Tea As An Ingredient
If you still turnoff by the thought of beer strong smell and feel reluctant to try, tea is another ingredient which you have at home that has been used successfully as handmade hair remedy that adds shine to your hair. How to do it? First, boil the water, then give the teabag time to seep. Pour it over your hair after the homemade hair care product has cool completely.
Espresso For Shiny hair
If you are an espresso drinker but are not a fan of both tea and beer. You still can have shiny hair with homemade hair care using a cup of espresso but it has to be extra strong then pour it over your head, of course without sugar or milk. To achieve the best results pour the espresso on dry hair. 20 minutes later rinse it off.
For your information on hair care, Be sure to read an excellent free report on [allabouthairsite.com]