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Hair forms a beautiful part of human body. All human beings wish to have strong and healthy hair and people often go to any extent to have a beautiful crowning glory. Hair treatments and hair specialization has become a multi million dollar industry today. But even with the development of modern techniques, hair loss has become a very big problem with many people. In Ayurveda, hair is considered as the excretory product of the bones, which is one among the Dhatus. It also advocates application of oil everyday especially on the head, ears and feet. From this, one can understand the importance Ayurveda, has given in maintaining healthy hair.

Hair loss is a problem that has become a worldwide phenomenon in modern times. The reason for such a drastic increase in this problem is many.

a. Stress and strain of the modern life: - Unlike olden times stress is more with today's life. Tension causes hair loss. Besides other than the courses many beauty parlors offer, people have no time for elaborate hair care that was done years before.

b. Excessive use of chemicals as in hair coloring, dyeing etc.: - With the passage of time instead of using the tested and tried way of using herbs, people are running around for the short time treatment. They are on the lookout for more results in less time and hence undergo many capsule treatments. Most of these use chemical components, which may cause allergy in some people. Besides extensive use of chemicals can harm the hair. It is said that if chlorine water is used for washing hair, then we have to wash it again with good drinking water so as to wash of the residue. Many people while going to a particular city complain of hairball due to chlorine water. Chemicals used for coloring, dyeing etc plays a main role in hair loss

c. Diseases such as anaemia, allopacia etc also is the reason for hair fall. Apart from these, constant use of drugs in many serious ailments also results in hair fall. After surgery some people complain of hair fall.

d. Heriditary: - This is also a main factor. Nothing can be done for the hereditary baldness. To an extent treatment can be provided for hair loss. But if the problem is hereditary then chances for hair growth in a vast scale is negligible.

e. Carelessness: - Carelessness also causes falling of the hair. Tying the hair for many days without proper combing, bathing in hot water can cause hair loss. Besides if left without proper oil application hair strands become dry and often there are chances for breakage of hair. Tying the hair wet can cause broken ends.

These are but a few of the reasons for hair loss. Now we can consider the main remedies for this problem.

Previously people used to have dark, lustrous and abundant hair because they used to pamper hair a lot. In this modern life people can overcome the problem of hair loss and can have good hair if they spare some time for its care. Applying some mild oil, which is slightly heated, and massaging it all over the scalp through gentle motion of the finger improve the blood supply and enhances the growth of hair. Besides instead of using shampoo and other chemicals it is often advised to use some herbal concotions, which are really good for the hair. These products are available in the market. Ayurveda offers many such good medicines for this problem. Henna is a good conditioner. Include healthy food in the diet. Instead of using the hair drier, we can use some medicated fumes, which will help to dry the air naturally and will not have any side effects. Our grandmothers are all very particular about this. Including fresh leafy vegetables and lots of water is also advised. Amla is good for the hair. Honey can also be used to wash the hair. Kanhunni is an herb, which helps in hair growth. There are many oils in Ayurveda, which uses this herb. Proper care also is necessary. Washing the hair daily reduces the accumulation of dirt and grime in the hair. Once the hair is dry, gently comb the hair. It is good to run the comb through the scalp without getting knots.

In general, hair loss is a big problem. If we have the time and proper care, then we can overcome this problem.

Know Effective ayurvediccure.com/hair_loss_remedy.htm Hair Loss Remedy through Natural Treatment. Also read some ayurvediccure.com/homeremedies.htm Home Remedy for other common ailments.

Learn more on ayurvediccure.com Ayurveda ? through World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies.

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One of the essential fatty acids that our bodies need to take in is omega 3. This fatty acid can not be produced by the body. Therefore, human beings need to consume food products that naturally have omega 3 such as fish. Omega 3 needs to be taken to improve health.

One of the useful effects of omega 3 is treating some illnesses and conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, some eating disorders, burns, skin disorders, IBD, asthma, and some cancers. Omega 3 is also believed to help in weight loss. And, omega 3s can also help in maintaining healthy skin and hair.

These crucial fatty acids can now be taken as supplements through forms such as flax oil and fish oil. These oils are usually available in capsule form in exact dosage that the body needs. People with skin and hair problems can take encapsulated fish and flax oil while maintaining a diet that still has omega 3 foods included.

What are the benefits of fish and flax oils to the skin and hair?

When it comes to the skin, omega 3s in the form of fish oil or flax oil can help maintain its good and healthy state. One of the major concerns in the skin is aging. Wrinkles tend to appear in the face when humans age. Omega 3 increases the level of essential fatty acids in the body that helps in the prevention of wrinkle formation. Aside from preventing wrinkles, omega 3 makes the skin rosier which is a sign of healthy skin.

Without these fatty acids, the skin may turn dull and eventually lead to eczema and psoriasis. Taking in enough these vital supplements can help maintain healthy skin thus helping to prevent many skin conditions.

When it comes to the hair, omega 3s can also prevent many hair problems. This fatty acid can help prevent and even reverse hair loss which is one appearance challenge that most do not want to experience.

These fatty acids can also help prevent the inflammation of the hair follicles or what is better known as folliculitis. Dandruff can also be largely prevented with a diet that includes the omega oils. An added benefit of such a diet is that it also makes hair shinier and keeps it more moisturized.

What's good about fish oil and flax oil is that they can give out very satisfying results for your skin and hair. You do not have to spend a great deal of money to undergo treatments that are sometimes painful and have a lot of setbacks.

It is not always correct to say that beauty is pain because there are still ways of maintaining a healthy, beautiful appearance without experiencing pain - either in your wallet or on a physical level. You also do not have to take expensive prescriptions that sometimes have side effects that can be troubling, and at times, even dangerous.

Dee Braun, a single mom of 6, is a Certified Aromatherapist and natural health practitioner. Click now to visit NaturallyBeautiful at NaturallyBeautiful.Me NaturallyBeautiful.Me/ - where you can find info on naturallybeautiful.me natural skincare treatments (including recipes!) to battle the ravages of time, toxins and stress.

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Opting to wear your hair in Micro Braids can be a good way to protect your hair from every day styling and heat stresses. They not only look beautiful but they can be easy to maintain if you follow the right regime. However, there are few main concerns that have to be addressed when deciding to wear your hair in almost invisible braids.

Hair Loss

Fear of hair loss is a real concern as braids that are not correctly attached or cared for can have disastrous consequences for the overall health of your hair. The best steps to avoid this are to choose a professional and experienced braider who will assess the condition of your hair before they begin.

Secondly they should ensure that the braids are not too tightly attached, especially around the hairline to avoid breakage and hair stress, they should also be able to advise you on the day-to-day care of your new style.

Talk to your stylist about the size of braids you want before they begin, the smaller the braids the longer they will take to remove when the time comes. Depending on the size of braids you choose, application can take from 4-16 hours, so be prepared.

Caring for Micro Braids

Now that you have invested both time and money in getting your hair braided, you need to look after them to keep them looking good and avoid hair damage. The best routine is to make sure you use a braid spray which does not contain alcohol or oils that can cause product build up. Use sparingly and only when needed to perk up the shine and moisture levels of your braids.

When washing, braid hair into one plait and wash gently with a mild diluted shampoo once a fortnight to avoid product build up. Gently squeeze out excess water with a towel and allow to dry naturally. Always sleep with hair in a loose pony tail or plait to avoid tangling and use a sleep cap to protect your hairline.

Braid Removal

Removing your micro braids can be one of the most time-consuming and tiring processes imaginable when it comes to braid hair care. Braid removal can sometimes take almost as long as having them applied depending on their size. If this step is not done correctly, it is the stage that can result in the most hair breakage.

The best advice is to get your braids taken out professionally, ideally by the salon who braided them. However, this may not be an option for some braid wearers as the cost can often be a high percentage of what was paid initially for application.

For the best home removal process it is best to allow 3-6 hours and if possible enlist the help of a friend to speed up the process. If you do not want to reuse the braid hair and for swiftness, it is best to clip off the ends of the extension hair about 2 inches away from where your natural hair ends.

On wet or dry hair (your personal choice) gently unravel the hair to the roots and slip the extension off the natural hair.

Make sure to gently massage and de-tangle each released braid before moving on to the next to avoid tangling and easier combing once removal is complete. Once all the braids are removed, gently comb the hair with a wide tooth comb and then shampoo and deep condition.

Never leave your braids in for longer than 2-3 months depending on your rate of hair growth as braids left in for longer, will most likely become dreadlocks at removal time. This is most often due to product build up as well as the natural shedding of hair.

For those wanting the fast, stunning and bestmicrobraids.com best micro braids without the cost and time consuming process of application and painful removal, there is an option visit bestmicrobraids.com bestmicrobraids.com for details.

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Curly hair styles are constantly coming under the attack of humidity and environmental damage - split ends, breaking, and frizz. Maintain smooth curls while control style can be difficult. Most curly hair is wavy and having a styling that can protect the style while reducing frizziness is a welcome relief.

Foaming gels have been widely popular for curly hair styles for their ability to give styling control without sacrificing hair health. Foaming gels by definition indicate their formulation and purpose.

Foaming Gels for Curly Hair Styles

Foaming gels are something of a hybrid in the hair products world. They are both a mousse that adds lightweight texture, feel and body combined with a gel that provides versatility and control. Independently, each target solutions for keeping the curl alive with bounce and action while eliminating the "boing" when curly hair is assaulted with humidity.

Curly hair can be frustrating and rewarding. Smoothing curls offer attractive and versatile waves, yet lack of follicle moisture or damage from over-styling leaves curls susceptible to high humidity and lack of control. Foaming gels are used as styling aids following shampoos and conditioners and can help provide the "scrunch" and flexibility to build volume and design.

Many styles benefit from botanical active ingredients that naturally provide nutrition that builds-up health and strength. Common botanical extracts include Hawaiian Ginger, Lemongrass, Sea Kelp, and Raspberry to naturally promote controls of curls and add reflexive bounce. Coconut, Passion Fruit, and Sandalwood provide foundations for amino acids and proteins that strengthen the follicle shaft while increasing shine and smoothness.

Foaming gels for curly hair styles also provide protection. Advanced polymers and carbomer seal-in hydration improving curl health while supporting elasticity that gives curls the "memory" to return to the original styled shape and design.

Foaming gels can provide protection from humidity, reduce frizz and provide salon styling ease. When used with shampoos or conditioners formulated for curly hair, you can reduce static electricity while providing natural nutrition, styling and shine.

Visit HealthyHairPlus for curly hairstyle products and healthyhairplus.com/Keeping-The-Curl-Mousse-p/hhpnokethcu.htm foaming gel for control and maintenance of curly hair.

HealthyHairPlus carries a complete selection of healthy hair shampoos, conditioners, and advanced hair products for healthyhairplus.com/Curly-Hair-s/613.htm curly hair.

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People would find it a great pleasure to get rid of daily shaving and the ordeal of waxing. It would be a dream come true for most if there were some way of permanently eliminating facial and body hair. In a span of 12 years, laser hair removal technology has improved greatly to the point that after only a few sessions, a person may already get the desired outcome. During a treatment, the specialist uses a special light at a specified wavelength and aims it at the hair follicle in the skin. Damage is done on the follicle, but not on the surrounding tissue.

The laser would only work if the hair is in its active cycle, so it would be necessary for treatment to be repeated a few more times. With just four sessions lasting 10 to 15 minutes each, you can already permanently get rid of unwanted hair in small places like your chin or around the lips. Removing hair from the legs or back would require about six 30 to 45 minute sessions. Since the process is effective only when the follicle is growing, a treatment is given every four to five weeks.

Prior to treatment, the patient must avoid tanning, waxing, or tweezing for some weeks. Shaving, in contrast, is allowed since it does not stop the laser from being able to target the hair follicle. Many do not mind the pinching sensation they feel from the laser pulsing, and take the treatment well. Those who can't handle the discomfort can use topical anesthetic cream. A reddening patch might appear in that area afterward. Should this happen, clients are told to keep away from the sun for a period of time and also to use sun block.

These last two years have shown a very significant increase in the number fo requests for laser hair removal, points out a doctor at a local clinic. It is the opinion of one doctor at a local spa that because more and more men and women show that they don't care to wax or shave anymore, this is best solution for them. Since she had done some training to become a technician, she is able to keep her clients comfortable during the procedure done at her spa.

For one physician, the number of procedures he would do for the day would number to about 15. A significant percentage of the clients consists of men who just want hair on their necks, shoulders, or backs removed. At a local clinic, physicians point out that there is a growing trend of people who are more than willing to get rid of their unwanted body and facial hair. Care should be taken to ensure that only trained and qualified specialists would perform the procedure, these professionals said.

Permanent skin pigment damage, as well as serious burns, is a direct result of mishandled laser equipment. It is best that clients give information about any medical problems and prescriptions used since these things could affect the procedure. For a 15 minute session, the cost of the treatment may range from $100 to $250. Waxing and shaving are a thing of the past, and it's that relief that lets me know I spent the money well, says a patient.

To read other laser hair removal articles make sure to visit lasersydney.com.au laser hair removal revesby.Further your knowledge on laser hair removal at lasersydney.com.au permanent hair removal sydney.

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Commonly, hair loss treatment products are intended for men. This is because baldness is more often seen in the male population. However, women are also prone to hair thinning. Find out the most common causes of hair loss in women and how to differentiate one from the other.

Unknowingly, excessive hair styling can lead to hair loss. Heat styling, tight ponytails, cornrows, braids, hair weaves, hair extensions, and vigorous brushing can damage the hair strands and the hair follicles. This can lead to a condition called traction alopecia that causes increased hair fall because of continuous pulling or trauma to the hair follicles. Proper hair care and avoiding hair trauma can easily reverse the condition.

Telogen effluvium is diffuse hair loss that often has an acute onset. In women, sudden loss of hair or excessive hair fall can be experienced during pregnancy or after giving birth. This is due to hormonal changes in pregnancy that can affect normal growth of hair. When the body goes through traumatic situations like childbirth, surgery, or extreme stress, the hairs in the growing phase can shift all at once into the shedding phase. Telogen effluvium can persist for several months after the stressful situation. Even without treatment, hair growth will eventually return to normal.

Iron deficiency anaemia is another common yet unnoticed cause of hair thinning. Women who have heavy menstrual periods are especially prone to develop increased hair fall because of iron deficiency. Lack of iron is very common in women of childbearing age. Women often notice handfuls of hair going down the drain while shampooing. This can easily be managed by making sure the diet has enough iron by eating foods like meat, eggs, fish, and dark leafy greens. Iron supplements should never be taken without a doctor consultation.

Just like in telogen effluvium, another hormone related hair loss is polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS. This ovarian problem happens when there is an imbalance in female sex hormones. Women produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone as well as little amounts of the male hormone androgen. When too much androgen is produced in women, this can lead to irregular or absent menstrual periods, increased body hair, and thinning of hair in the head. To cure PCOS, hormonal therapy is often prescribed by the physician. Once hormonal levels return to normal, hair loss often resolves within a few weeks to months.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone regulates metabolism in the body. People with hypothyroidism often experience weakness, depression, constipation, dry skin, and hair loss. Hair growth is adversely affected because thyroid hormone imbalance can force the hair follicles to remain in the resting phase. This then eventually leads to hair fall and hair loss. Only a physician can diagnose the condition and this is often treated with thyroid hormone pills.

Alopecia areata is an immune system problem that causes the body to attack hair follicles. This is often noticed as clumps of hair falling out causing patches of bald spots. This is an autoimmune disease that often runs in families. Even without treatment, hair usually grows back within a year. In more severe cases, the doctor can prescribe corticosteroid injections on the scalp and sometimes with PUVA therapy or psoralen with ultraviolet A light.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a scalp condition that can cause temporary hair loss. This is characterized by scaly, inflamed, and itchy scalp. This is actually an inflammatory condition, the cause of which is not well understood. Sometimes, the excessive production of scalp oil or sebum can trigger the growth of a fungus that causes further irritation and inflammation. There is associated hair loss because hair follicles cannot thrive on inflamed unhealthy skin. Medicated shampoos that control oil and scaling can be used. Long term treatment is often necessary since the condition can be very persistent.

Before a hair loss treatment can be successfully used, the underlying cause of hair loss should be looked into. Once the cause is clearly diagnosed and managed, then an appropriate treatment can be instituted.

Michael Sean Scott writes about health and medical issues to help others understand the overly technical world of medicine. Click here to find out more about hair loss and body4real.co.uk/home.php?cat=264 hair loss treatment solutions.

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You are about to start a hair care salon and have filled your store with attractive products to supplement your services.

Would you like to also do something a bit novel? Then throw in some wholesale DVDs that will give customers hints on cosmetic routines and care for their locks. You can find a DVD wholesaler internet site from which you can order pretty cheap in quantity. Then you can offer your customers extra products that other shops do not. Here's how to get started.

First, ensure you have found a respectable site that has excellent customer service standards. You don't want to get nailed with a bulk order of 1000s of DVDs and find all of them are faulty and then have no recourse! A good damage standard and a hot line are critical to creating a good business arrangement with a DVD wholesaler.

Second, since you are looking for a rather focused area of interest, be aware of some of the discs that you are looking for. For example, if you focus on DVDs on cosmetics, there are some wonderful teaching tapes out there. Review products like "How to Apply Your Make-Up" or narrowly tailored discs like "Anti-Aging MakeUp Techniques." The choices in hair styling discs are equally rich, e.g. "Simple Blow Drying." As you search Keep at it and don't give up and you will probably locate some suitable discs.

Third, be careful of your price points. If you order from a DVD wholesaler at very low per item cost, then ask enough more than that to ensure a solid income in excess of your expenses. But if you only been able to obtain DVDs at retail costs or at retail on Barnes & Noble.com, then you might have forked over a tad more. Don't let your expenses get ahead of what you can reliably charge customers. The idea of "loss leaders" is not a solid idea when it relates to small enterprises like yours.

So give some thought to the great PR when your patrons come in and you can send them away with something to keep. It is a winning marketing idea.

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Q1: Is Thermal Reconditioning (TR) or Japanese Hair Straightening a solution for frizzy hair?

A: Whether or not this is right for you depends on your hair texture and your lifestyle. It is an amazing process that can transform kinky curls to silky straight hair. If your curls are very curly, the re-growth will show in about 6 weeks. Keep in mind, if your hair is frizzy due to chemical processes, it may require an experienced stylist to determine if it is safe to work on you. In all cases, an experienced stylist is extremely important.

Q2: What is the different between Yuko System, Bio-Ionic Stir 8 and other related brands?

A: All Straightening brands basically produce the same results but are manufactured by different companies. Some stylists prefer one brand over another, simply based on their individual opinions. Generally, when a stylist uses a product and enjoys the results, that brand becomes their #1 choice. But chemically speaking most of the straightening products used in this process are roughly the same.

Q3: Why is it called Japanese Hair Straightening?

A: It is from Japan is because they created the process. The Japanese used this process to make thick coarse hair thinner. But when western hair stylists tried this process on their curls, they discovered that they can also make their curls into smooth straight hair. That is the reason Thermal Reconditioning (TR) is also called Japanese Hair Straightening.

Q4: How will I know which Straightening brand is best for me?

A: Instead of focusing on the best brand, concentrate on finding the best Straightening stylist. A product could be the best in the world but if your stylist is not using it correctly, the results will be insignificant and possibly damaging.

Q5: I had the Yuko System done. Can I try other systems like Bio-Ionic?

A: Yes. There is no problem to use different systems since they are basically the same. Just make sure your stylist has a lot of experience on Japanese Hair Straightening. There is almost no difference between the chemical process between different brands of Hair Straightening.

Q6: Why is my hair breaking and falling out after getting my Japanese Hair Straightening done?

A: When the hair process is not performed correctly, people experience negative results like hair breakage and loss. Please remember this is a chemical process and it will hurt your hair if not done correctly - that is why an experienced stylist is so crucial. This is especially true for stylists who leave the chemical process in your hair for too long before using the neutralizer, or using the incorrect strength for the quality of your hair.

Q7: Why are my ends still dry and frizzy, even long after the service was done?

A: One of two things happened - either the ends of your hair were over-processed or under-processed. To fix it, see your stylist and trim your hair ends. Also, try using a leave-in conditioner on your hair (concentrate on the ends) before blow-drying. Also typically in these harsh chemical processes, you will need to buy a good hair treatment to help maintain the quality of your hair.

Q8: Do different shampoos and treatments make a big difference on my processed hair?

A: Yes. When hair is processed, the inside structure of hair is permanently altered. Using the shampoos and treatments designed specifically for people who have had the service done is extremely important. These products will keep your hair smooth and healthy. Usually your stylist will recommend using the same brand of shampoo and conditioner or treatment to help maintain the quality of your hair.

Q9: Why is my hair so flat after having my hair straightened?

A: Because the process was done too close to the scalp -- wait about a week and your hair will be fine.

Q10: This straightening process is too expensive where can I find a more affordable one?

A: It is best to stick to a good stylist who is experienced with the straightening process instead of focusing on price. A botched job may leave your hair damaged for a long period of time. However you can save some money on the side of buying the hair maintenance products after a service has been done. For example the Yuko System home happinesslifetime.com hair care products can be found more inexpensively here: frizzy2silky.com/shop/yuko-system-c-31.html frizzy2silky.com/shop/yuko-system-c-31.html.

frizzy2silky.com frizzy2silky.com - We Care About Your Hair And Beauty

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Shampoo is a common happinesslifetime.com hair care product used for the removal of oils, dirt, skin particles, dandruff, environmental pollutants and other element particles that gradually build up in hair. People expect a lot from shampoos. Shampoo cleans by stripping sebum from the hair. Sebum is an oil secreted by hair follicles that is readily absorbed by the strands of hair, and forms a protective layer. Sebum protects the protein structure of hair from damage, but this protection comes at a cost.

Shampooing is frequently followed by conditioners which increase the ease of combing and styling. A transparent sweet liquid, a by-product of soapmaking. Glycerin is used in many cosmetic products. It acts as a humectant.

Shampooing frequency for normal hair depends on whether hair is curly or straight. Many shampoos are pearlescent. This effect is achieved by addition of tiny flakes of suitable materials, eg. glycol distearate, chemically derived from stearic acid, which may have either animal or vegetable origins. Shampooing frequency for normal hair depends on whether hair is curly or straight. Shampoo and condition straight hair every day for a sleek, radiant look. Shampoo intended for animals may contain insecticides or other medications for treatment of skin conditions or parasite infestations such as fleas or mange. The shampoo is now finished and ready for use. Shampoo is meant to remove dirt, sebum (a.k.a. oils), and product buildup from your hair.

Hair experts swear that panthenol penetrates the hair cuticle making each strand thicker. Shampoo is meant to remove dirt, sebum (a.k.a. oils), and product buildup from your hair. But there are dozens of different brands to choose from, and even more types within those brands. Extra tip for processed hair: Wash your hair only every few days to prevent drying out. Avoid clear shampoos and go straight for the creamy ones. These smooth, detangle and diffuse static. Permed or relaxed. Any moisturizing shampoo will work for your hair type but apply it only to roots and rub it in well. Then apply a quick burst of water. While the water is running down the hair shaft, massage hair to remove any dirt and grime.

Juliet Cohen writes articles on freehairstyles.net/category/hairstyle-cut hairstyles cut. She also writes articles on onlinehairstylestips.com hair styles tips and onlinehairstylestips.com hairstyles gallery.

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Hair care is important to everyone no matter their age or ethnicity. There are probably hundreds of thousands of remedies for treating hair loss. Depending on hair type, texture, scalp condition and heredity not all treatments work for everyone, but there is one that has proven effective for many.

These oils are highly concentrated and have been removed from the leaves, stems, flowers or roots of plants.

You have probably heard of or read about the use of Essential Oils for help with relaxation, meditation, immunity against diseases, but what about treating baldness, thinning hair, dry hair and scalp or dandruff?

Both men and women complain of these conditions.

There are approximately 400 essential oils. Lavender, Basil, Hyssop, Jasmine, and Thyme are a few. Because they are highly concentrated essential oils, they are often diluted with a vegetable oil made from the seeds of kernels or almonds, peanuts and sesame etc. before applying to the skin or scalp.

To treat hair loss, dry scalp or dandruff, mix 3-4 drops of each of these 4 essential oils, rosemary, thyme, cedarwood, lavender and a teaspoon of grapeseed oil and jojoba oil in a bowl. Next, blend the oils and massage into scalp for two to four minutes before sleep. Wrap head in warm towel or scarf and leave on overnight. Wash hair with a mild or natural shampoo to prevent dryness of the hair and or scalp. Treatment can be applied nightly or a few times per week.

Massaging will soften and condition the scalp increasing blood circulation to the head and relax the scalp allowing the oils to be absorbed. The oils will lubricate the scalp preventing flakes and dry scalp.

Essential Oils are a natural and effective treatment for hair loss.

TIP - For a warm soothing massage heat the blended oils by placing container inside a bowl of warm water.

Please visit Nikita Wofford at her website journeytonaturalhair.com journeytonaturalhair.com where she shares her personal discovery of hair products and natural hair care tips.

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Hair authorities are turning to various mane straightening systems to revive the once luscious locks. Ceramic irons have well booted off metal hair straighteners due to its inherent design that lessens the damaging effect, if there is any. As for the legion of average women armed with hair straightening devices, the question is this: What are the happinesslifetime.com hair care products to use with flat irons?

Among the happinesslifetime.com hair care products to use with flat irons, which one is better?

Well, that is hard to answer. It will all depend on the physical make-up of one's hair. You may have to try various products or you may simply ask your stylist what brand he or she uses.


First of all, one's hair needs to be in good condition before applying any iron, for curling or otherwise. Purchase the best (and ideal) shampoo and conditioner that you can afford. There are specialized shampoos intended for a particular type. Just make certain that you read the labels well. Or you may opt to buy the ones being used in your favorite salon; brands like Finesse, Pantene, L'Oreal, and Herbal Essence are often preferred by stylists and patrons alike.

Hair Mask

There are a number of hair masks in the market today. This is akin to conditioners though it is more extensive. Hair mask is generously applied onto one's hair at least once a week, then left for approximately ten minutes. These are intended to repair split ends, prevents hair from becoming brittle, and renders it shiny, manageable, and soft.

Protection Spray

You have a whole lot of options to choose from when one shops for products to use with flat irons, particularly for protection sprays. There is a variety of brands like TRESemme, Revlon, and other thermal protector sprays sold by companies bearing their own line of ceramic irons such as CHI, GHD, and the like. Some of these products can even be used when one's hair is damp so that your dryer or blower will not damage your precious hair.

Hair Straightening Irons

Like in purchasing happinesslifetime.com hair care products to use with flat irons, you also need to be keen when shopping for straightening irons. If you will use this device frequently, you have to buy the best that you can manage to pay for. Top of the line straighteners like GHD, CHI and Sudu, may cost more but these items are worth investing your money on.

You may see yourself shelling out $100 to $200 for a ceramic hair straightener, but again, it is worth it. With fast heating time (under a minute), even temperature across the plates, designed to tackle almost all types, and can be also used to create curls (sides are slightly curved for this purpose), it is really a good deal.

It is important to know what kind of happinesslifetime.com hair care products to use with flat irons, but it is also important to know the ideal flat iron to use with one's hair.

Visit Discount Flat Irons A place where you can find Cheap discount-flat-irons.com/Cheap-Hair-Straighteners Hair Straighteners Under $50 And More Ceramic Pro Hair Straighteners such as the discount-flat-irons.com/Professional-Hair-Straighteners-Irons/CHI-Flat-Irons-Hair-Straightener-By-Farouk CHI Hair Straighteners & more.

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First, you need to select a Colouring Kit that is easy to use, dries within around 15 minutes and gives good dense colouring which will last for up to 21 washes! That's the sign of a quality product - how many washes will the colour withstand? Although you have to allow for the usual wear and tear and exposure to sunlight. Clinical Trials have proved that some products FAR OUTWEIGH others, in terms of Colour Density and deterioration of colour due to Heat and Sunlight exposure.

We know how easy it is to be overwhelmed by the many hair colouring products that are on offer in your Pharmacy, Chemists and Supermarket - the shelves are overloaded with all the different brands, familiar and unknown brands. Ooh - what to look for? The first thing you need to establish is, what is the right shade? To find the right colour you should match your hair to the swatch panels on the side of the box and do not go more than 2 shades lighter or darker. Next up, Permanent?.. or Non-Permanent?

If you're looking to enhance your base colour and cover just a few greys then you're best to choose Non-Permanent. If you want longer lasting results then choose Permanent. Be sure to read all the Instructions before you start; Do a Strand Test on a thin piece of hair from the nape of your neck, that's the area at the back of your neck, select a thin weft of the under hairs for the test; Carry out the test on dry, unwashed hair; Start at the roots and saturate your hair in the colour with the implement supplied (brush or glove); Wait for the recommended Developing time and rinse.

Assess whether the colour is right for you before colouring any more of your hair. Of course, nowadays with such good Home happinesslifetime.com Hair Care products on the market you can achieve admirable results. There are kits that give an all over even colour tone. There are kits that give all over colour then you go back over with a narrow brush with a highlighting colour to achieve depth and tone. Nothing can beat the feeling of ease when you go to a Professional Salon to have your hair coloured, the responsibility is all theirs, you've told them what you want.

You just sit back and enjoy being pampered, reading a glossy magazine and sipping your complimentary beverage, whilst your dependable Professional Hairdresser beautifies your locks. Here at a Professional Salon our Colour Technicians know the importance of trust when our clients come in for a Colour Treatment. Finally, we want you to remember that with a home kit it all seems a bit daunting at first but as with a lot of things, the more you do it, the less scary it is and the easier it becomes.

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What is it?

A Shampoo Bar looks practically the same as your typical bar of soap, which you would use to wash your hands or face. The only difference is that this bar is used on your hair. The best thing about shampoo bars, is the fact that they are made using 100% natural ingredients, creating a shampoo that is deep conditioning, fluffy, takes care of your scalp, without stripping it of it's natural oils, like some harsh shampoos can do, and just looks after your curly hair.

Since they contain nothing but natural ingredients, shampoo bars do not contain any artificial perfumes, alcohol, animal products (meaning that they are perfect for Vegans), harsh synthetics, no unnatural preservatives, no artificial colours or any other kind of nasty that could cause you and your hair damage.

And if that wasn't enough, shampoo bars have been lovingly made by hand.

Do Shampoo bars lather up like normal shampoo?

Of course they do. Typical liquid shampoos rely on unnatural synthetic ingredients that are added by the large companies that manufacture them en masse. These ingredients are harsh, but create the lather effect that you will be familiar of.

Harsh ingredients that cause the lather include:

? Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)

? Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES),

? Cocobetaine and/or Propylene Glycol

These products would be completely redundant, if natural ingredients were not removed.

Shampoo bars, on the other hand, are created in small amounts by specialist companies, and the bars contain a natural form of glycerine, that the major companies will have unnecessarily removed during the process. Glycerine not only takes care of your scalp and hair, but also lathers up just as nicely as nasty-filled liquid shampoos.

All natural shampoo bars contain are organic butters and oils, with absolutely nothing icky!

The glycerine, of course, isn't the only ingredient that ensures you get a lovely rich lather out of your shampoo, but it is also created using fatty acids that contribute to the effect.

Fatty acids exist inside several different types of oils and butters, and are made up of:

? Lauric

? Oleic

? Ricinoleic

? Stearic

? Linoleic

? Palmitic

? Myristic

? Linolenic

Each of the fatty acids create a different type of lather, in a product, so depending on which ingredients a shampoo bar contains, determines how the product will lather up for you.

Palmitic, Stearic and Ricinoleic all create a smooth, cream-like lather, with plenty of poppable bubbles. Whilst, Lauric and Myristic both create lathers that have plentiful amounts of bubbles that are deep cleansing.

If you want a shampoo that conditions, you would need fatty acids like Ricinoleic, Oleic, Linoleic and Linolenic to create this, whilst if you were looking to gain a hard texture, Myristic, Stearic, Lauric and Palmitic would be needed to create this.

This lather-effect that is created is the reason that shampoo bars, will never strip your wonderful curly hair of all those essential oils that your hair needs. This is because the lather-effect as mentioned, is caused by molecules or chains of carbon atoms, that a. Attract water, and b. Attract oil, together drawing moisture and oil into your hair.

But won't rinsing, wash the oil and moisture away?

No. Rinsing off a normal liquid shampoo, will cause the oil part of the molecules to wash away down into the depths of the plug hole. This is thanks to the fact that they often contain too much fatty acid. Shampoo bars, on the other hand, are capable of attaching to things on our hair that we don't need, such as dirt, hair products, oils etc and removing them, without stripping your curly hair of what it really needs.

All of this means that shampoo bars (and soaps) are brilliant forms of hair cleansing, and the amounts of glycerine help to protect and smooth not only your hair, but your scalp too. Ultimately, shampoo bars are super gentle on your sensitive skin. Perfect.

For further information regarding the benefits of using

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You surely had those days when your hair does not do you justice as it cannot be styled the way you want it to be or profiled the way you want it to look. You may even consider bad hair days to be worse than having a stomach ache. But who is to blame for these unwanted days when your hair is simply out of control and stubbornly unmanageable?

Poor hair management is the primary culprit to many bad hair days. Though there are some things you simply cannot control like dry weather or windy days, you can still combat them by knowing how to take care of your hair. First, think of what you do to your hair every day. How many times in a week do you use hot rollers, hair dryers, thongs, flat irons, and chemicals to make it look the way you want?

Though many consider hair tools as the main causes of this bad days, they can actually be a solution to the problem. It is sometimes true that dryness and breakage can be a result of too much use of these tools but it all comes down to how you care for your hair. Choosing the right tools to use can also mean the difference between a dry, brittle hair and a smooth, soft one. Some revolutionary tools have been created to actually help keep your hair healthy and strong.

Bad hair days can be prevented with the use of moisturizers or conditioners to safeguard it against dry weather or treatments which can damage it. Again, it all boils down to how you care for your hair. Electricity can ravage and render it into a frizz but by moisturizing as frequent as necessary will eliminate all frizziness.

Another tip to avoid bad hair day is to wash and rinse it properly. Make sure that you do not leave traces of shampoo or conditioner in your hair as it will just contribute to a more uncontrollable hair. As much as possible, rinse your hair with the use of cool tepid water to help lock the moisture in and prepare it for the use of dryers when styling. Try to towel dry your hair for a few minutes before styling it with the use of your favorite tools.

Choosing the right hairbrushes can also help you combat bad hair days. Refrain from using combs with rigid ends; use a wide-tooth comb instead to define your hair. If you have curly hair, simply use your fingers to separate curls. Sometimes allowing your hair to fall naturally straight or naturally wavy is a good way of fighting unwanted bad days for it.

Dealing with unruly hair is simple, just remember to use your tools like dryers properly, wash and rinse your hair well, avoid coarse ended hairbrushes, and use moisturizers to keep protect your hair from damage. Once you give it the best care it deserves, you will always leave your house with the most manageable and controlled hair ever.

Krystal is a professional beauty consultant with salonhive.com/hair-tools/hair-dryers Salon Hive

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Shampoo is a probably the most common happinesslifetime.com hair care product used to clean hair. It basically removes oils, dirt, products and other pollutants from the exterior of the hair and scalp. If not formulated correctly, shampoo can strip your hair and scalp of too much of the natural oils. This is another reason it is not recommended you use regular soap for cleaning your hair as soap is made to bond with and remove oils.

Shampoos, especially those, made for daily use are formulated so that they are mild on the hair and do not leave it too dry. Shampoo to treat dandruff, which is considered a medical condition, is regulated just like other over the counter drugs. Baby shampoos are made to mirror the pH of the human eye so they do not irritate the eye during bathing. You can also get the double formula shampoo and conditioner all in one which is supposed to clean and condition at the same time. Then you have the shampoos geared to your type of hair: dry, oily, normal. But it gets more complicated now. You can get shampoos geared towards the result you want, There are shampoos that volumize, moisturize, strengthen, purify (not sure what that means), anti-frizz, color enhancing (specific for blondes, brunettes & redheads), and more recently ones for restoring and time renewal.


Always shampoo wet hair. Lather & massage. Remember lots of suds does not necessarily mean it is doing a better job.
Shampoo, Rinse, Repeat. This is a myth. Repeating will not get your hair cleaner; you will just use twice the amount of shampoo.
You do not need to shampoo every day, specially if your hair is dry. Every other day just wet your hair and use conditioner

Which one to pick? All shampoo cost pennies to make. The extras are just branding and perfumes. Try one of the drugstore shampoos first before you invest upwards of $20 for a fancy shampoo.
If you are using a special thickening shampoo be sure to use an anti-residue shampoo once a week. Thickening shampoos work by depositing product to adhere to your hair so it just looks thicker.

Ann is a home based business entrepreneur who researches various topics and reviews internet products. For more information on total hair care visit her site besthaircareguide.com Best Hair Care Guide.

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Losing your hair can be a devastating change for many people. Both men and women can lose hair, or experience thinning hair that occurs throughout the scalp. Regrowing your hair does mean that you will need to make some changes, including changes in your diet and in your hair care regime.

Become Healthier

Your body needs several vitamins and minerals in order to produce beautiful, healthy hair. B-vitamins, especially vitamin B6, are very important for your body to produce hair naturally. You can find B vitamins in eggs, meats and nuts.

You will also want to include vitamins A and C in your everyday diet. Milk is and excellent source of vitamin A, while vitamin C can be found in most citrus fruits and in fortified drinks that are convenient, even if you have a super busy day.

Protect Your Follicles

If you have any kind of scalp problems, such as dandruff, then you should treat these conditions on an as-needed basis. While there is not scientific link between hair loss and dandruff, scratching your hair continuously can cause some damage to your scalp, making it harder to regrow hair.

DHT is also commonly known as a cause of hair loss in men. DHT is an enzyme that binds to your hair follicles, causing them to eventually die. Using an over the counter herb such as saw palmetto can help reduce the amount of DHT in your body, and allow you to successfully regrow hair.

Use Minoxidil

Minoxidil is one of the best choices for hair loss. You can find Minoxidil in over the counter shampoos for hair loss, which are widely available. You will want to find the dosage that is right for you, however, so talk to your doctor or pharmacist before you begin using a shampoo with Minoxidil for hair loss.

Too much Minoxidil will not make your hair grow faster, but it may be more costly than lower doses.

Add Exercise

If you are experiencing hair loss due to naturally occurring DHT, then you may be able to lower the levels of DHT in your body by adding an hour of exercise to your daily schedule. Exercise has been though to lower the levels of DHT in the body, but only if you are involved in an aerobics-based exercise regime that does not include weight lifting.

Change Shampoos

Lastly, you may want to eliminate the chemical sodium lauryl sulfate from your shampoos and conditioners. Sodium lauryl sulfate has been known to dry hair out, making it brittle and easily broken. It would be difficult to regrow hair when you are experiencing problems with breakage, and it is easier to regrow hair when the hair is already healthy.

Related Articles:

hairlossdomain.com/product-reviews/top-rated-hair-loss-products-by-editor.html Hair Loss Treatment Products

hairlossdomain.com/hair-loss-men Hair Loss in Men

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To be sure, several hair loss treatment for men are available nowadays. But which is best for you?

When it comes to losing their hair, it can come down to several reasons - age, genetics, stress, illness - and so on. But the most common type is one called male pattern baldness.

If you suffer from this type of hair loss, it means that you suffer from the changes in your hormones which causes your hair follicle to slow down and degenerate. In fact, age is not the most prominent factor when it comes to this kind of hair disorder. Men as early as their 20s or 30s can experience some form of hair loss because of a genetic disorder called male pattern baldness.

To make it clearer, what really happen is that testosterone in the body is converted by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase to dihydrotestosterone. This conversion unfortunately, have shown that it is bad for your hair follicles. That is because DHT has been identified as the primary agent that causes a slowdown in hair production. It has been single out as the main contributor for hair loss in both men and women.

Ways to regrow hair naturally

The good news is, unlike hair loss that arises from medication or illness, such hereditary hair disorder is recoverable. There are several treatments that are available in the market that can cure your hair thinning problem. But which is the best one for you?

Well, if you want to nourish your hair follicles to stimulate hair regrowth, then your best bet is to find an effective DHT blocker. In other words, you need to find substances that you can use to ward off the buildup of dehydrotestosterone in your body.

That is where Minoxidil, a powerful ingredient approved by FDA, comes in. It has been proven to be able to inhibit the activity of DHT. In fact, if it is especially potent and powerful in stimulating hair regrowth if you used it in conjunction with natural herbs such as Saw Palmetto or Nettle roots.

You should also consume more biotin as it has can promote healthy scalp and follicles. Biotin can be derived from sources such as eggs, brown rice and brewer's yeast. You can also take in biotin supplements or find happinesslifetime.com hair care products that contains biotin.

Now, going bald is a fact of life for millions of people. But if you take action early, you can stop hair loss and regrow your hair successfully.

And now, I want to share with you an all-natural, dermatologist-formulated solution to help slow thinning hair in both men and women. This wonderful hairloss101tips.blogspot.com hair loss remedy helps stop hair loss and stimulates healthy hair growth so you can grow new hair naturally.

If you're tired of thinning hair and are still looking for the best hair loss product on the market today, then you need to check this out. It's one of the safest and most powerful natural anti-DHT hair loss solutions available, and it is a natural alternative to pharmaceutical hair loss treatment products. For more information, visit my site at hairloss101tips.blogspot.com hairloss101tips.blogspot.com now.

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It is sort of unlucky to see that only a few people go through the details referring to the ingredients that their hair-care products contain. Only few folks can realize the kind if impact that these ingredients will have on their healthy hair. For the rest, all that they will consider when it comes to choosing of quality hair products is brand value. However, if you're not that well informed of the formulations that are usually added to make hair care then please go thru the following content, as you can find necessary info of all base ingredients.

Sodium Laural Sulfate:

This substance is derived from the oil of coconut. It isn't anything but a surfactant that permits oil contents mix with water. The real reason why this ingredient is utilized is to cut back the surface strain with regard to water. Most of the top happinesslifetime.com hair care products including Davine's happinesslifetime.com hair care products are spotted to contain this ingredient without fail.

Isopropyl Alcohol:

This is a substance elected to work as a drying agent. It is largely derived from petrol. Since this content has the power to eliminate the top skin layer, people should ensure that they have washed their hair well to remove this substance after usage. There also are some susceptible diseases related to this substance too.

Propylene Glycol varied:

This substance derives by crystallizing the ethylene and stearic acid. In fact, this is what that gives the pearl feel and keep an eye out for the hair treatments that you use, particularly shampoos. It's also used to work as a thickening agent in some products like hair dyes. Both scalp and hair will face the humidifying effects of this substance.

Therefore, ensure that you have chosen only top hair products like davines hair products [davineshairproducts.com], which only contain handy ingredients.

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You will find that when it comes to happinesslifetime.com hair care products you are going to have a lot to choose from. It is important that you know what type of hair and skin you have so that you can get the hair and happinesslifetime.com skin care products that will work best for you.

For instance, if you happen to dye your hair frequently, then you will need to make sure that you take the time to use a shampoo and conditioner that is moisturizing as this is going to help to keep your hair from drying out and getting too damaged. Dying your hair can be easily damaged but if you take care of it the right way you are not going to have any issues with keeping it healthy. There are a lot of other products for your hair depending on the type of hair that you are working with.

Dry Hair

If you happen to have very dry hair, then you are not alone. There are a lot of different products that can help when it comes to keeping your hair smooth and moisturized so to speak. Different things can cause your hair to become dry. If you style it with harsh products, then you will need to make sure that you are able to protect it. Use a serum of some type to put on your hair before you attempt to straighten or blow dry it.

This will help to protect it from the heat. If you happen to swim a lot and your hair has a lot of exposure to chlorine, then make sure that you take care of it the same as you would if it were frequently dyed. Look for shampoos and conditioners that specialize in moisturizing and nourishing your hair.

Curly Hair

Having curly hair can be a blessing and a curse. You will need to make sure that you find happinesslifetime.com hair care products that will allow your natural curl to come out without it getting it getting overly wild. You want to make sure that the curls are easy to manage and still soft.

Just because your hair is curly does not mean that it doesn't need to be kept moisturized and soft. Find products that can help bring out your natural curl and prevent frizziness or fly aways.

Thin Hair

Having thin hair can make it difficult to make it want to do anything. You will find that many people with thin hair will get frustrated with trying to get it to look fuller and thicker. There are a lot of different hair options when it comes to this.

Look for gels and mouse that can are made just for thin hair. They can be used to pump the volume up on your hair and help to keep it looking full for hours. Make sure that you test several different brands as some will work better than others depending on your hair. It is best for you to test them out and see which one can make your hair look fuller and thicker without making it look greasy or heavy.

Stockngo.com is a website that is dedicated to providing you with the best of the best in hair and stockngo.com/skincare.html skin care products. No matter what type of hair or skin you have you will be able to find products that will help you to take care of it the way that it needs to be taken care of.

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Hair thinning is a big problem, especially among women as they frequently use hair products, most of which are chemical in nature. Quite often, they go in for hair-dos that require their hair to be heated, straightened or kept in certain positions for long intervals.

Besides the conventional external causes, here is an account of some other causes for thinning hair as well as their solutions.

Causes of Hair Thinning

Hair thinning, especially in women can occur due to temporary hormonal imbalances and other changes that may be caused due to pregnancy or some other disease. Other causes include vitamin deficiencies or inappropriate levels of proteins due to thyroid problems and unbalanced nutrition.

Besides such minor problems, hair thinning and subsequent hair fall is often seen in women suffering from more serious diseases like cancer, psoriasis and leukemia.

What you need to remember is that, in general conditions, the problem of hair thinning is only temporary. Normal hair growth may resume once these problems are sorted out.

Other reasons, as we've already mentioned in the first paragraph happen as a result of chemical hair treatments such as perm, straightening, bleaching, especially through using bad quality chemical hair colour.

happinesslifetime.com Hair Care Products - Are they a Solution?

There are a number of products available in the market that promise you the world but infact deliver nothing. If you still want to try these products, we would recommend you to go for herbal happinesslifetime.com hair care products. If they can't cure the problem of thinning hair, at least they won't make it worse.

Hair Care Clinics

A number of hair care clinics have come up in recent times that provide excellent hair care for all problems of hair thinning. The best thing about these clinics is that their hair care remedies are a blend of external hair care and improvement in internal health through balanced nutrition.

Hair care clinics can deliver instant results (within 1-2 months). After that, it's upto you to take care of yourself and your hair.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies are, by far, the best! The good thing about them, these days, is that you don't have to go about making them yourself. Your grandmother's favourite hair thinning remedies are available, packed, over the counter in most drug stores and chemist shops.

Just for the looks

A number of people, instead of caring for the problem, look for getting specific haircuts or styles and volume adding products in order to make their hair look fuller and better.

Well, in this case, we can only say: "to each one, his own", but you need to remember that some happinesslifetime.com hair care products like molding muds, waxes and hair polishes are only going to worsen the condition and may also initiate the process of hair fall and baldness.

For any help on advancedhairstudio.com Baldness, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the advancedhairstudio.com Thinning hair!

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