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What most hair salons and shampoo companies do not want you to know, is that when you wash your hair with one of their "nutrient-enrich shampoos", most of those "nutrients" and "special active ingredients" are not doing anything for your hair. These ingredients actually end coming off your hair and down the drain - quicker than the shampoo went on your head! Umm.. can you say "waste of money?" Keep reading - we'll explain.

This happens because their shampoo has molecules that are too large to penetrate the cells of your hair. More importantly, these molecules cannot penetrate the follicles where your hair actually grows from. The shampoo will just sit on top of the follicles - and eventually get rinsed away - and not benefit the hair (as it was perceived when you bought their shampoo).

Think of this process in the same way you would if you were fertilizing a plant. You don't want to put the fertilizer down on the soil and then fill the plant with water and rinse it away before it took to the soil. Here is another way to look at it, you wouldn't want to put the fertilizer on the plants leaf, would you? No, you put it in the soil (similar to the hairs follicles) and let it enrich the growth from the roots! Same deal - you want a shampoo to help fertilize your hairs follicles. Who would have thought you could relate so many things to "mother nature"..

If your regular shampoo cannot penetrate the hairs follicles, then how are you going to fertilize your hair?

We have a solution - buy better shampoo! Trust us - this is easier said than done. Hopefully this article will educate you on the issues with the shampoos, which is the first step in fixing the issue (identifying the problem).

Here are the 5 most significant signs of damaged hair:

Your hair is thinning (lacks volume)
Your hair is dry & frizzy (you have a hard time managing it)
Is your hair lacking the luster it used to have
Are you getting split ends
Does your hair have a problem with retaining color

A good shampoo and proper application (a whole different topic) should help maintain the issues above. At the end of the day, not all hair is the same, but hair is hair! Just like your body - if you work out - you will be in better shape than if you didn't (same goes for brushing your teeth - we just thought that one might be too funny to explain in detail).

We are not trying to promote any shampoo in particular, but we do want to enlighten people a bit on hair care and let you know that not all shampoos are equal! Some are a waste of money! Before spending a bunch of money - ask your hair stylist for some recommendations, and make sure to let them know your concern about the shampoo not performing.

Michael Rupkalvis works with Cortello Hair Salon Inc. Cortello is jacksonvillebeachhairsalon.com Jacksonville Hair Salons leading source for hair tip, trends, and hair care information. All Cortello employees are jacksonvillebeachhairsalon.com/meet-the-team Jacksonville Hair Stylists and professionals in the Hair industry with a passion to share their beauty knowledge.

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An old wive's tale says when you have undergone anesthesia several times, your hair will turn gray at a younger age. I never believed that one, yet it seemed to happen to me. I kept telling myself I wasn't ready to look like a grandmother, so coloring became a part of my life for several years.

After entering the helping profession, something within me changed. Gray hair spoke of life experience and brought respect. So, I spent several months growing out the color. During that transition, I had my hair colored to match my natural gray, and each time it faded. Now I had raccoon stripes.

Finally my perseverance paid off, and I made it back to the natural woman I was wanted to be. Unfortunately, I did not like it. I had turned much grayer than I had realized. So, I thought of highlighting. Maybe some strands of blond would freshen my appearance.

Being the penny pincher I am, I looked for a way to do the highlights without breaking the bank. I looked up the local beauty supply shop and found a highlighting cap was only $1.25 including the instrument to pull the hair through. (Plan to get someone to help you with it. You cannot see well enough to reach the back.)

Next, I searched out a color touch up kit. These do not contain as much solution as a full color treatment and tend to cost significantly less. My color was under $5.00. Finally, Be sure to pick out a color that is only a shade or two lighter than your current color. When I tried this I found it worked beautifully. Best of all, it cost just $6.25.

For those of you who have never attempted to do a home color treatment, venture out. You may surprise yourself at how easy it is to put in a few highlights. Just be sure to follow the instructions on your color package and find a friend to assist those hard to see places. You could have a new summer look for under ten dollars!

Denise Broadwater is a licensed clinical counselor dealing with individuals, adolescents, and families in her practice in Charleston, SC. She is the mother of three and has found over the years tips to living better for less.

fullyaliveonline.com fullyaliveonline.com

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Were you blessed with lovely natural curls? Do you love wavy hair and ask your hairdressers in London to help you with that? Yes, curls are fascinating. Many people agree to that, and even when straight hair is the most popular style on catwalks, curly locks are never forgotten.

Why is curly hair appreciated? Because it is great. It speaks somehow of a silent rebellion, it adds to your personality something charmingly messy and it looks so romantic. It helps you stand out in a crowd by highlighting the child within you in the perfect way.

Now that we know why we love this type of hair is time to see how it can be worn. Curls allow you a certain freedom in the styling domain, because even when you try a sophisticated up-do and a few locks fall from it you can claim that it was your intention to create that negligent effect. Moreover, you don't need to care so much about the ends being at the same level because curls never arrange in the same way, each lock having its own elasticity and position.

As it always happen we look at the stars when we are in need of hairstyling ideas - at film and music stars. Many of the women which are always in the spotlight love to wear their hair long. They even use hair extensions to underline the goddess-like look. Long curly hair is the perfect material for any romantic up-do or to complete your look at a formal event.

There are also those women who get tired of untangling those wild locks, or who simply want to try something else. They choose the shorter haircuts which are easier to maintain. When your hair is really curly then by wearing it short you will have a cheerful look with a childish aspect. It is that kind of hairstyle which takes at least ten years off your real age. Softer waves are very feminine and stylish. Whether your hair is short enough to reveal the beautiful lines of your neck or your entire face you will always enjoy having curls.

Some windlehair.com hairdressers London specialise in translating these trends into everyday, wearable hair styles that can be truly contemporary, or simply classic.

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Perfect scheduling of your hair care procedures is very important for healthy treatment of your hair. It is very important to match correct timing and ideal products in order to receive perfect result and have healthy, strong, and silky locks.

Obviously, it's not enough to just wash and condition your hair to achieve a healthy look. According to the recent polls, people who never go further than washing and drying are not satisfied with the state of their hair health.

The key to achieving great healthy locks is designing your personal hair treatment program. By doing this you will achieve great results in less time. You will have healthy hair and good mood.

Moreover, you'll be able at last to have any hairstyle you want. Nothing will stop you from making the hottest hairstyle possible, and you will create that Sedu hairstyle you've always wanted to have. Everybody will go nuts with jealousy about how great you look with your perfect and gorgeous Sedu hairstyle.

So, let's start. Make sure to include all of the following to achieve the best results. Remember that hard work brings double profit.

Section 1: Hair Washing

Though all of us wash their hair, many of us do it in a wrong way. This of course can't benefit to the health of your hair.

To wash the hair correctly you should apply small amount of shampoo to your hair. Massage your hair gently until you form the foam hat around your head. Rinse the hair with warm water. Then rinse again for a minute only with the mildly hot water. It opens up the cuticle of the hair to help the conditioner absorb.

You should wash your hair 3 times a week at least. If you can manage it, make hair washing your daily routine. By doing so you ensure cleanness of your hair that is the first step to its health.

Shampoo is one of the most necessary hygienic products. So, it should also be chosen correctly to match your hair type, level of hair damage, or color pattern.

If you wash your hair correctly you avoid over drying of the scalp and of the hair itself. This is the first step to healthy and Sedu hairstyle.

Section 2: Hair Conditioning

This section of hair treatment is usually omitted by the greatest part of people. But it is wrong. Conditioners were made to let you easily comb your hair, protect hair from frizz or pulling during the blowdrying and combing.

When wet, our hair has greater elasticity than when it is dry. So, if you do not use the conditioner, you may stretch your hair half its normal length, which is not good for its health.

That's why when you omit conditioning stage of the hair treatment process; you absolutely agree to have your hair pulled, frizzy, or damaged.

To apply conditioner follow these steps:

o After washing out shampoo with warm and hot water, squeeze as much moisture out of the hair as possible;

o Apply small amount of the conditioner on the hair and spread it along the hair length;

o Put on the shower cap to avoid loose of the conditioner through dripping, and leave for 5 min;

o Rinse the hair with the warm water and then with the cold water;

o Squeeze the moisture, wrap the head with the towel for a minute or two;

o Remove the towel and apply leave-in conditioner, spread it along the hair length;

o Let your hair air dry or make a blow drying.

Application of the conditioner is vital to eliminate frizz in the hair. You ensure its smoothness, and move one more step towards Sedu hairstyle.

Section 3: Hair Masks and Serums

Hair masks and serums are usually applied with, or instead of the conditioner. They are used to eliminate frizz, add volume, or improve state of hair health.

The best schedule for applying hair mask/serum is twice a week for a month. Then make a break for a month and apply again. If the hair is over processed, you can apply mask/serum up to four times a week.

To apply hair mask/serum follow these steps:

o Wash your hair and towel dry it;

o Apply conditioner, if needed;

o Apply hair mask/serum and comb hair from roots to tips to distribute the product;

o Twist your hair on the back and put a shower cap;

o Cover your head with the towel and leave for the recommended time;

o Rinse the hair and let it air dry.

It is better to air dry the hair when applying hair masks/serums. Masks and serums are usually more effective for the overprocessed hair, than conditioner. They help to cure hair damage, add strength to the hair cuticles and revive hair in general.

By applying hair masks and serums you protect your hair against external influence, thus moving closer to Sedu Beauty.

Section 4: Blow Drying

Blow drying is very important in hair care schedule because it is one of the most used procedures in our everyday hair care routine.

So, what you should and what you shouldn't do when or if blow drying the hair:

1. You shouldn't blow dry your hair every day. Establish blow-dry-free days for your hair. It will most certainly thank you for this.

2. You should towel dry your hair completely before blow drying.

3. You shouldn't blow dry soaky wet hair. Remove moisture first, and then switch to a cool setting to lock in shape and curl.

4. You should dry the bottom part of the hair first because otherwise you may have damp hair underneath of the over dried one.

5. You shouldn't bring blow dryer closer than ½ feet to your hair, or you will over dry the scalp.

Of course, when you dry your hair in the morning it is impossible to air dry the hair. But careful and cautious treatment of hair can reduce the harmful effect of the blow drying. Make regular trims to help your hair recover quickly and gain extra force. Switch to the thermal protective products that coat and protect your cuticle.

Having your hair dry before styling is crucial, as wet or damp hair can be severely damaged during straightening or curling. Such damage will most certainly spoil your Sedu hairstyle.

Section 5: Styling

Styling is one of the essential parts of the hair treatment when we speak about our overall image. By styling I mean applying of the styling products and creating some shape of your hair. It includes straightening, curling, updoing, plaiting, braiding, and so on.

Styling shouldn't be done everyday, as it is most harmful for our hair. Your hair needs the same days off as with the blow drying.

Be careful with applying hot tools like straightening or curling irons. Take care to follow all instructions and use recommended temperature set.

Styling products like mousse or wax should be washed out before going to sleep, or in the morning you will have the most dreadful tangles you've ever seen.

However, in the same time styling helps to tame the hair. This procedure appears of the primary importance for people with unmanageable or uncontrollable hair. So, don't be afraid to use it in Sedu hairstyling.

Section 6: Cutting

Hair cuts are essential for every one with no regard to the length of hair. Moreover, the longer the hair the more important it is to trim the ends regularly.

Recommended schedule for ends' trimming is 8-10 weeks for squarely cut long hair.

If you have a hair cut, you need fresh-ups according to the following pattern:

o 3-4 weeks for short haircuts;

o 5-6 weeks for medium haircuts;

o 6-7 weeks for long haircuts.

Trimming is also necessary in order to avoid split ends and secure general health of the hair itself, because your hair doesn't waste its inner forces and nutrition to cure damaged ends.

So, now after we went through all procedures necessary to have healthy, smooth and silky Sedu hairstyle, all you need to do is to arrange personal hair care schedule that will suit your hair type and the level of the hair damage.

This schedule will ensure that you will be able to create perfect healthy, smooth, and silky Sedu hairstyle. From now on, forget about bad hair days.

Mary Anne Lionel is the hair care consultant of SeduHairStyles101.com SeduHairStyles101.com who helps people with hair problems to discover new ways of revealing their hair health. Visit Mary Anne’s web log at [blog.seduhairstyles101.com]

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L'Oreal Group is by far the world's biggest cosmetic giant today. Its headquarters is located in Clichy, a suburb in Paris, France. This company holds the most number of patents in the United States' nanotechnology industry, also specializing in the pharmaceutical and dermatological fields. Although L'Oreal products range from happinesslifetime.com skin care and sun protection to perfumes and makeup, its major products are L'Oreal hair products.

The Beginnings of L'Oreal Hair Products

It all started in 1907, when young French chemist, Eugene Schueller, came up with a new idea on how to color hair. He first called this method, Aureole, which eventually turned into a line of L'Oreal hair products that he sold to Paris hairdressers.

In 1909, Schueller became the official owner of the company he himself created, the Safe Hair Dye Company of France. To uphold the company's pledge of providing only the best happinesslifetime.com hair care products to customers, Schueller made sure that research and innovation remained the guiding principles of his company.

Three chemists were working for L'Oreal by the year 1920. By 1950, the company had 100 researchers on staff, increasing to a thousand by 1984. Today, L'Oreal hair products are manufactured and continually developed by almost 2,000 employees.

Currently, the company has a couple of research and development centers located in France, and one in China, Japan, and the United States. In a period of 33 years, L'Oreal Group purchased as well as merged with several companies. The company "Synthelabo" was purchased in 1973, and merged with "Sanofi" in 1999, giving birth to the "Sanofi-Synthelabo" company. It was then merged with another company, "Aventis" in 2994, resulting in "Sanofi-Aventis". The famous "The Body Shop" company was taken over by L'Oreal hair products company in 2006.

The company's slogan used to be "Because I'm worth it", but it was eventually changed to the more customer-oriented "Because you're worth it." L'Oreal Group also came up with a line of hair and body products for children named L'Oreal Kids, with "Because we're worth it too!" as its slogan.

Soon, L'Oreal Group began expanding their line of products, from hair care to beauty and cleaning products. Today, L'Oreal owns more than 500 brands and thousands of beauty products. The company went beyond producing L'Oreal hair products, which include hair color, styling aids, and permanents. They are now suppliers of fragrances, cleaners, and other body and happinesslifetime.com skin care products. All these products are widely-distributed in supermarkets, pharmacies, health and beauty boutiques all over the world. One can even order them online.

Yap Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in cddvdstoragecabinets.net CD DVD Storage Cabinets which discuss and review about cddvdstoragecabinets.net/cd-dvd-storage-unit.html CD DVD Storage Unit.

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Saw palmetto for hair loss is often viewed by a lot of people as a natural alternative medicine. This is generally the cause of hair treatment in men.

Saw palmetto is also known as sererona ripens is a palm like plant which grows berries; and the extracts are often laid with therapeutic benefits. 

Effectiveness of Saw Palmetto for Hair Loss 

For a number of decades, saw palmetto has been used in the treatment of prostrate in men. The reason for effectiveness of saw palmetto for hair loss is that it is useful in suppressing the enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase that inhibits the production of the potent dihydro testosterone or DHT from the hormone testosterone.

This is also one of the main causes for the production of enlarged prostrate. 

Saw palmetto for hair loss is one of the effective methods for the reduction of excessive DHT that results in male pattern baldness or alopecia. This is a hormone that results in the receding of the hair line and is predominant in men.

This is the reason as to why saw palmetto for hair loss is recommended by doctors and hair care experts. The reason for recommending saw palmetto is that it helps in the inhibition of DHT production.

As the creation of DHT is reduced, its build up is consequently tackled and hence the loss of hair is also looked into. Moreover, saw palmetto for hair loss also engenders the creation of new hair strands. 

Saw Palmetto for Hair Loss: Myth or Reality? 

It has not been scientifically proved that saw palmetto can cure hair loss as the studies that have been conducted are rather small in number. However, people from all over the world have seen the effects of this component in this regard.

The effectiveness of this herb is reasonable and one can also suggest that when the herb is so popular, there is no reason why it should not be effective? 


Saw palmetto should be taken as 200 mg in soft gel form for a period of about 4 months for promoting at least 60% of hair than what you originally had. Hence, you can safely go for about 200 mg of saw palmetto twice a day in soft gel form, along with food.

Regarding the effectiveness of the period of hair restoration, it can be said that hair growth is gradual at the rate of half an inch a month. This is why it may take about a couple of months for actually perceiving the results of saw palmetto for hair loss. 

When it comes to female hair, saw palmetto may not be said to be very effective. This is because it addresses DHT the primary cause of the loss of hair in men. The herb is also helpful for treating the loss of hair in women whose levels of hormone or DHT are abnormal.

Saw palmetto is also helpful in dealing with hirsutism or abnormal development of excessive hair in wrong places. Hirsutism is a poly cystic ovarian syndrome in women.

David Lebowe is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural hair care products. Visit his site now to discover cutting edge, howtoregrowhairfast.com/index1 natural hair care products he recommends after extensive research: howtoregrowhairfast.com/index1 howtoregrowhairfast.com

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It seems that as much as the number of people suffering from hair loss increases, the more anti hair loss and thin hair treatments the market introduces to us. In fact there are now so many treatments, that it can be very confusing to choose the right one.

Instead of going through the different thin hair treatments that are available, I would like to introduce to you two effective treatments that are often overlooked. These two treatments are very common, which is probably why people do not put too much attention on them.

1 - Consult an expert

Many resources on the internet which talk about baldness and how to treat thin hair caused by hair loss, will tell you that the best option to consider when experiencing hair loss is to consult an expert.

When it comes to hair care and hair loss, you have two experts that you can choose from: your stylist and your doctor.

Your doctor

The treatments that your doctor can provide you with are based on scientific findings and diagnosis that he will be basing from tests that were done on you or checking your medical history. This will allow him/her to provide you with the proper medication or treatment that will address the root of your hair loss problems - be it a sickness, hormonal deficiency or genetic problem.

Your hairstylist

Your hair stylist, on the other hand, can provide you with thin hair treatments that can hide your thin hair through a brilliant hair cut designed to make your hair look thick and full of volume. He/she can also provide you with tips on which happinesslifetime.com hair care products to use to promote a healthier scalp and hair or treatments that can influence the growth of hair in your scalp.

2 - Living the healthy life

The most common thin hair treatment that is often dismissed is living a healthy lifestyle. I believe that it is one of the most ignored options when it comes to thin hair treatments because it is also one that is incredibly hard to do. After all, it is often the things that are forbidden that are the ones which are most enjoyable; like food for example. We often choose unhealthy food choices because they taste better.

Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the best hair treatments, because it not only addresses your hair loss problems. It will help keep the rest of your body in tip top shape as well.

These two suggested hair treatments are fairly simple (not to mention, cost effective) did I also mention that they are proven effective? So before you go ahead trying out expensive thin hair treatments, why don?t you go ahead and try this out.

Do you really want to cure your hair loss problems?

John Farikani is an expert on baldness-prevention.com thin hair treatments.

Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice and remedies recommended at the following site baldness-prevention.com baldness-prevention.com.

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In winter it seems very difficult to manage hairs and retain their original shine as well as strength; it is a very harmful season for them, and they become dry and rough and de-tangling becomes a major issue. Managing them requires your full attention towards various aspects and following the tips that you read. To ensure great hair heath in winters you must take some steps like:

1. You must condition your hairs well, as you can observe that they become dry in winter season so it is very important tot use a good conditioner and apply it regularly on scalp and message well, it retains the moisture and makes them smoother.

2. Rinsing with cold water might look a painful job in winter due to chilly cold, but it is a good way to lock in moisture in hairs and it also adds shine to them.

3. You must not dry your hairs with Blow dryer, it evaporates scalp moisture and makes it unhealthy and dry which is obviously bad for hairs. Any other kind of heating is also harmful for them, you must always use other hair care lotions and creams that are available for cheap prices now, they not only manages them in proper shape but gives them the desired strength and shine.

So, these are a few steps that can kick out hair problems due to winter, hair care like this should be accompanied by regular message, no stress and ample amount of sleep for less hair troubles.

For best hair care treatment and products like conditioners, visit gladhair.com hair accessories and also try out gladhair.com stylish accessories

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Hairs that are nourished properly never fall and add a lot to your physical appearance. Undernourished hairs often result in baldness. So you must try to keep your hairs in good condition to prevent hair loss.

Preventing hair loss only requires you to be a little more careful. A little negligence may push you towards agonizing experience of hair loss or baldness. So folks! Before it's too late, gear up to adopt all the preventive measures and save your hairs from falling.

There could be numerous ways of hair care and you need to pick out the most convenient way. But before adopting any measure to prevent baldness, you must seek suggestions from hair care specialist. Your hair care provider would guide you in product selection for hair nourishment seeing nature of your hairs.

There are a good number of prevention options at your home that are safe as well as cost effective. You may opt for them. All prevention options could be broadly categorized in two major groups- products meant to be applied on hairs and products that are to be ingested. There are host of shampoos that claim to ensure hundred percent hair care. But I would recommend only herbal shampoos.

Natural hair care is probably best available option. For example, your dietary intake is crucial in saving your hair loss. Your diet must include zinc and vitamin B6. There could be number of other eatables that you could incorporate in your normal diet to prevent hair loss. A milk shake with banana and honey could be very useful in offering you essential nutrients required for hair nourishment.

Enhancing level of blood flow towards scalp would help in keeping hair regeneration process in good condition. Aloe Vera and Red Henna serve this purpose well. You may apply these natural products on your scalp to prevent an impending baldness. In addition to these a good number of conditioners could be used for the same purpose. These conditioners could be prepared at home. An egg and a few drops of brandy result in an effective conditioner which can be applied on scalp. Similarly a conditioner could be also made up of caster oil and egg yolk or egg yolk and vinegar. Rosemary could be used in combination of the shampoo that you use daily. It happens to be a great hair nourisher.

In the end I would like to give a word of caution. Be consistent with one product to prevent hair fall, switching over from one product to another won't help you in your objective.

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One of the basic and the most important reasons of hair loss and other hair related problems is an unhealthy diet. When any part of your body does not get the amount of nutrition that it requires, it will start getting weak and sick. Just like a plant, if any of its part does not get the required amount of sunlight and water, it will wither and die eventually.

If you think that your hair all falling or they are thinning, then you need to evaluate your daily diet pattern. It is quite possible that an access of something or a lack of something in your diet is causing these problems. Most of the youngsters experience these hair problems. If we evaluate their diet pattern we will know that all they eat are junk food or processed food and there is a clear lack of fresh and healthy food. Youngsters have too much problem with fresh vegetables and dairy products or they will not like to eat meat or lentils. What they do not realize that these are required, in a balanced proportion, for a healthy mind and body.

Your hair require proper intake of water, proteins, minerals and vitamins to keep them healthy and growing. The first step to healthy hair is to quit consuming junk food or at least reduce it to the minimum level. Drink lots and lots of water which means at least 8 glasses of water in a day. Water keeps your hair hydrated and removes all the toxins from your body. You must add fatty acids to your diet. The best source of fatty acids is fish. You can eat trout, tuna, mackerel, herrings, sardines and salmon. They are also a best source of vitamin B-12 and iron. Other items that contain fatty acids are olives, seeds, nuts and avocadoes. Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are very healthy for hair.

Eat lots and lost of green vegetables. Green vegetables are a source of iron as well as vitamin A and C. You can eat spinach, Swiss chard and broccoli. Add beans to your diet as well. They are rich in iron, protein, zinc and biotin. Nuts are also a great source of zinc, so add that as well to your diet.

Eat poultry, eggs, whole grains and oysters in a balanced proportion. They are full of proteins and vitamins for your hair growth. Include low-fat dairy products in your diet which will provide proteins, zinc and fatty acids to your hair. Become Bugs Bunny and eat raw carrots. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A which is beneficial for both, your hair and eyes.

Shop for your flatironbeauty.com/Hair-Care-www-FlatIronBeauty-com-s/1.htm hair care product online at Flat Iron Beauty. We have got Flat Irons, Hair Brushes, flatironbeauty.com/Professional-Curling-Irons-at-www-FlatIronBeauty-com-s/20.htm Curling Irons etc

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Bangs have recently been reintroduced to most medium hair styles. However, these are not the bangs of the past. Today bangs are soft, blended and fringed. The new banged look is a great way to soften your look, add a new dynamic to your hairstyle and to modernize your old cut.

Another great medium length hair style is the layered cut. There are many layered hairstyles that work well with medium length hair. You may be familiar with the "Rachel cut" from the 1990s. This was a very popular layered cut. More modern layered cuts include the Asteroid, which is a very punk layered cut. Layered cuts are great for fine hair, thick hair and curly hair.

If you have a natural wave or curl to your hair then your hairstyles will need to work with the texture of your hair. You will need to find a hair stylist who will be able to work with your curls to create wavy hairstyles or curly hair styles that will be flattering to your face shape and that will also not frizz out of control. Your final hair cut should provide you with several styling options and it should also look great as it grows out.

After selecting your medium length hairstyle you will next need to learn about the types of happinesslifetime.com hair care products you will need to use to keep it looking great. If you color your hair you will need to buy shampoos and conditioners that are formulated to maintain the brilliance of your hair color. If you have curly hair you will need to buy happinesslifetime.com hair care products that enhance and define your curls. Finally you will need general maintenance products that will help you fortify your hair, protect it from over-styling and to provide it with the nutrients that it needs to stay healthy.

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I bet you did not know that hair care is important to help prevent hair loss. Well it is. This article will help you learn how to care for your it to help prevent it from falling out.

First lets talk about how your hair is constructed. It is made of three parts:

Cuticle - Is the outside layer and protects the two inner layers.
Cortex - Is the layer that determines the color of your hair. In addition, it determines the strength and whether your hair is curly or straight. This is the place where chemical changes occur when you color or heat your hair. So this is one of the places you want to target when caring for your hair. The other place to target, is the hair follicle
Medulla - Is the inner layer. Fine hair usually does not contain this layer, but is found in course or thick hair.Here are some things that women, and men for that matter, do that can lead to loss:

Pulling On Your Hair - Putting stress on your it, such as pony tails, tight buns and braids puts a stress on your follicles that can lead to loss. Best way to avoid this is to let your it just hang naturally.
Lack Of Moisture - Hair likes moisture. So keep the use of dryers and curling irons to a minimum. Avoid them at all costs if you have started to lose your hair.
Dyes - Use of dyes will affect the cortex. This could lead to damage and possible loss.So what can you do to further improve the health of your hair and prevent it from falling out?

Eat Healthy - Not only will a healthy diet improve the health of your hair, but also the health of your body. A healthy diet consists of no red meat, well maybe once a week one portion is all right. But the rest of the time you should focus on eating poultry, fish, and soy products.
Vitamins - Some vitamins are essential for healthy hair and the follicle. Vitamins recommended are vitamin A, B, and C.
Herbs - Some herbs have been shown to help prevent hair from falling out. One herb, called saw palmetto, has been proven to effectively stop hair loss by regulating DHT (dihydrotestosterone).One thing that causes the most loss in men and women is genes. Now there is something you can do about it! The FDA has approved a solution for men and women to help stop their loss caused by family history.

Plus there is a supplement that has all the vitamins, minerals and herbs needed for good healthy hair. Read about these products at no-longer-balding.com provillus.

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Hair Loss affects one-third of men and women. It does not discriminate as children can also be affected by hair loss. Of course there are different reasons that people lose their hair. Lifestyle can be the one reason for your hair loss. Poor nutrition is accountable for hair loss in many cases. Low levels of iron and/or protein in your diet, for instance, can cause alopecia.

If you are noticing more than usual or normal hair loss, that is to say, more than 100 hairs per day, talk to your doctor. He can order tests to rule out diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, or lupus which are known to cause hair loss. Ensure your doctor knows of all medications you are taking, as some medications can be responsible for hair loss, too. Certain medication for treating arthritis, high blood pressure, and others including some birth control pills can cause hair loss.

The fact is that hair and nails can be an indication of overall health. Poor eating habits and pollution as well as stress all affect the hair. Although much can be done to improve hair on the outside, it is important to try to make improvements from the inside, too: meaning, eat better and supplement your diet with vitamins.

Walnut oil nurtures the scalp and can restore strength and shine, while the vitamin B group balances the scalp area by metabolizing the amino acids in keratin.

Hair loss is definitely attributed to the unhealthy diets of most Americans, i.e., high-animal protein, high fat and high-salt diet which damage the kidneys. Also American diets are very low in vitamins. Hormonal changes are brought about with excessive dieting and, therefore, hair loss is one of the major symptoms of anorexia and bulimia.

Slowing down hair loss is possible, but not guaranteed. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet and cut down in starches.

If left untreated thinning hair can lead to permanent baldness. What are you doing to improve your condition? Stop hair loss [healthinfo21.com] before it stops you. Read more about hair loss and baldness and other health issues at HealthInfo21.com [healthinfo21.com]

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Chi Hair Straighteners feature high on the list of popular flat irons. Farouk Systems, the manufacturer of Chi hair straighteners, is renowned for quality happinesslifetime.com hair care products.

Chi Hair Straighteners start with the original Chi Ceramic Hairstyling Iron, offering a variety of possible styles. The 1" ceramic plates produce negative ions, which protects the hair cuticle, and seals in moisture. Heat damage is thus kept to an absolute minimum. This process also seals in color, helping to maintain a vibrant look for a longer period.

Forming part of the Chi Hair Straighteners line, the Chi Ceramic Hairstyling Iron doesn't feature an adjustable temperature dial. However, it has been designed to maintain an even temperature throughout the period of use. Flash Heating ensures that you can use the product within 6-10 seconds of turning it on. The amount of ceramic heat applied to the hair section, can be increased by a changing your grip on the flat iron.

The Chi Turbo Ceramic Hairstyling Iron is another product from the Farouk stable. These Chi Hair Straighteners are available in three sizes. The Mini Chi Turbo with .7" plates or the Regular 1" Chi Turbo will be a good choice for shorter hair. For serious hair, try the 2" Big Chi Turbo. Far Infrared technology allows for super-fast heating.

Variable temperature settings ensures a greater degree of control, and the ability to be gentle with delicate hair. In contrast to older copper coils, the heat produced by the ceramic plates and coils of Chi hair straighteners, is moist.

As with any thermal heating product, usage is safer and performance more effective if your hair is in excellent condition before attempting your new look. Ask your hairstylist to recommend a heat protector for use before styling. Heat is only distributed to the ceramic plates of the Chi, and the Chi Turbo comes with felt at the tip for extra protection. Nevertheless, it is sensible to be careful when using Chi Hair Straighteners or any of the other flat irons.

Small details haven't been overlooked in these Chi Hair Straighteners. The length of the cord is very generous, and because of the 360 degree swivel connection, tangling doesn't occur easily. The Chi Turbo, as well as the original Chi, fits in a standard curling iron station.

Ceramic flat irons can be utilized to create any of the celebrity hair styles that are so in demand. Make the most of any of the Chi hair straighteners. Ask your hairstylist to demonstrate how you can shape your hair into a fashionable, sleek, straight look, or fabulous flips and curls, or a charming crimped style.

Farouk Systems is a company of hair artists. Through Chi Hair Straighteners, they strive to transfer their magic to the hands and hair of every woman using their products.

For more information visit Best-Hair-Beauty.com Best-Hair-Beauty.com

Rika Susan of Article-Alert.com Article-Alert.com researches, writes, and publishes full-time on the Web. Copyright of this article: 2006 Rika Susan. This article may be reprinted if the resource box and hyperlinks are left intact.

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"How can I make my hair grow faster" is a question which is commonly asked by many of the people who wish to have good hair growth and shiny looking hair. More and more people are trying to find ways of making their hair grow stronger and healthier.

While there are many new companies which are introducing all kinds of creams and pills which are supposedly going to help people in answering their question of "How can I make my hair grow faster"; most of the experts in the industry of hair care suggest people to go in for natural methods of increasing the rate at which their hair grows. Since there have been many cases where people have had severe allergic reactions after using scalp creams and pills which were manufactured by fake companies, experts always suggest people to go in for natural methods of hair care.

There are some cases where people required scalp creams and other such products however people should never try to administer drugs and medicated scalp creams on their own without consulting a doctor. If you feel that you need to go in for some treatment for you scalp or happen to need treatment for hair loss, then you should make it a point to see a hair specialist who can give you a prescribed scalp cream which would be best suited for your scalp. Picking the scalp creams being sold online without verifying the authenticity of the companies which are selling them can lead to a lot of scalp and hair related problems which are more often than not permanent in nature.

Since it is not possible for any of the laymen to differentiate between the authentic and the fake creams and herbal pills being sold online, it is best to consult a specialist who can recommend the right product from an authentic company for the purpose of increasing hair growth. Consulting a specialist not only helps all of us in identifying the right products which would work for our scalp type, it also saves us from the hassle of having to spend money on something which will only damage our hair and scalp.

An important fact which needs to be kept in mind is that there are a host of reasons which contribute towards hair growth and it is important for people to identify the right cause which will help them in increasing their hair growth. Therefore people who ask themselves as to "How can I make my hair grow faster", should make sure they see a specialist who can identify the specific deficiency which is causing hair fall or slow hair growth in people.

Since genetics, overall eating habits, exercise routines, original scalp type and a lot of other factors determine whether or not a person is going to have a good hair texture, it is important for people to have a specialist figure out as to which specific deficiency may be causing problems in hair growth. Once the deficiency is identified, then you can certainly look forward to purchasing the right scalp cream or pills which are needed and can then look forward to a healthy scalp and good hair growth.

For More Information on howtomakeyourhairgrowfasterandlonger.com/how-can-i-make-my-hair-grow-faster how to make hair grow be sure to visit us today at

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Unfortunately many of us are cursed with dry hair. And all us gals and guys with this type of hair know that it can look dull and straw like - very unattractive and frustrating. I happen to believe my problem dry hair is a result of genetics and not something I did or continue to do. We all hear things that if you are not treating your hair right, you will develop dry, lack luster hair. They say things like blow drying, straightening, curling and all those other wonderful things we do in the name of vanity do not help our plight. Now since "genes" have given me dry hair, I have done some research on the big Dos and Don'ts for dry hair and some treatments that they claim actually work. Not that I'm admitting to doing anything harmful to my mane, I vow to try some, maybe even all, of these Dos and Don'ts. Can't hurt right! Feel free to do the same and please let me know your results so we can compare notes.


Be gentle to your hair. Use a only wide tooth comb, definitely not metal, on hair when it is wet since hair stretches more when wet and can easily break or get damaged.
Use mild shampoo. Shampoo made for dry or damaged hair is usually mild which means it will not rob your hair of all the natural oils. In a pinch I have used my son's baby shampoo which is extremely mild.
Shampooing about three times a week is plenty for dry hair. Other days just wet it if you must and always use hair conditioner.
If you have long hair, when you do shampoo, try to shampoo only the scalp and the hair closest to it. Piling it all up on your head and vigorously lathering does not help and can break the hair. So much for what the shampoo commercials portray. The shampoo will clean the rest of your hair, ends and all, as it is rinsed out.
As much as it is very chic to have your tresses blowing freely in the wind like shown in the movies, this is not healthy, specially for dry hair. Whether it is a hot summer breeze or a cold drafty one, it will thoroughly dry out your hair and quickly.
Trim off the dry ends. This one hurts! Although long, shiny hair is considered so very sexy; long, dry, dull hair is not. Let's get our hair healthy and then we can all flip it around in that glamorous way.
Never swim in chlorine or salt water without protection. Here I am not talking about a life preserver, although if you need one go for it. I am talking about a swim cap. Yes, this is one of the things I am definitely not willing to do for beautiful hair. If you are brave enough use the cap or for cowards like me drench your hair in a protective hair product with SPF or you can even use a dab of olive oil.
Try a leave-in conditioner. These tend to do the same thing for your hair as face moisturizers do for your face. They will keep your hair quenched all day and also tame the frizzies.
Use only natural bristles brushes for styling.


Do not brush hair when wet.
Do not towel dry it vigorously. Gentle remember.
Do not blow dry your hair or use other tools like straighteners, curlers etc. Naturally air drying your hair is best. Well at minimum don't do this everyday and never use two of these tools during one grooming session.
Do not blow dry hair that is soaking wet. Let it air dry to where it is barely damp and then use you hair dryer. Less time in heat means less damage and dryness.
Do not use any styling tool on the hottest setting.
Do not use any styling product with alcohol - definitely not one that has it listed as one of the top couple of ingredients.


Mayonnaise makes a great conditioner. If you have enough time, leave it on for an hour and you will like the results. If you are in a hurry, even 5 minutes of this goo will help.
Use conditioners that have omega 3 or lipids which will replace lost moisture.
A natural leave-in solution is to take a couple of drops of safflower oil and run it through dried hair from roots to ends.
Jojoba oil or coconut oil work as a great deep conditioner. For that matter you can use just about any oil. Apply the oil, wrap your hair with plastic wrap and cover with a towel to keep the heat in. Rinse with cool water, shampoo, condition and voila.
Emu oil is the latest craze and is supposed to be the best thing for dry hair. Try it if you can find it.

I know all this is not going to be easy but let's all try to picture the end result of gorgeous, silky movie star hair that will get those jealous looks wherever we go.

Wishing you many, many good hair days!

Ann is a home based business entrepreneur who researches various topics and reviews internet products. For more information on total hair care visit her site besthaircareguide.com Best Hair Care Guide

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Most people are surprised when they start to experience hair loss. This is especially true if you are under thirty, but recently young men and women under the age of 21 have been experiencing dramatic hair loss. The big question that has no definitive answer is this " Why is this happening at this time?" and " has anyone come up with any viable hair loss solutions that really works?""

Why Am I Losing My Hair?

There are several factors that can contribute to the loss of hair. One major factor is the diet of most of these young people. Healthy diets can promote healthier hair growth and this is one of the hair loss solutions that you can control. Today's youth consume lots of caffeine, sugars, and saturated fats, along with carbonated drinks all of these are the bane of healthy hair.


To get healthy hair and skin you will need a diet rich in proteins, Iron, B-vitamins, the good fats, Vitamin E and sulfur. A change in your diet is the first step in the search for hair loss solutions.

The focus of solutions at this tender age should be on holistic treatments because a lot of the chemical procedures can cause damage to your physical health, the body is still growing it could greatly impair your life. Some of these treatments have been known to cause sterility like problems for males.

Nature has the answer and all anyone has to do is ask the right questions. The diets that are conducive to great hair are also the ones that maintain healthy bodies. Herbalists have known for a long time what items in Nature's Pharmacy will give you the best results.

Rosemary oils, lavender oils and coconut oils are rich in minerals and nutrients that when massaged into the scalp will help reverse the harm done by a poor diet. Massaging the scalp promotes blood circulation, which feeds the hair follicle.

The happinesslifetime.com hair care products that are being used today can be on cause of thinning hair. There are quite a few that contain Sodium Laureth Sulphate - this chemical is deadly to hair follicles. Even the hair styles of this day and age are unhealthy.

If you want to avoid the need for solutions for losing your hair take care of what you already have.

Is losing your hair ruining your confidence? Check out cosmetichairtoday.com Hair Loss Solutions, instantly get the appearance of thicker hair in less than 60 seconds.

Discover the secret hair loss solution the stars use. cosmetichairtoday.com Hair Maker is an instant realistic fix that will restore your confidence in minutes.

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If you are wondering if there are natural ways to care for your hair, you will be happy to discover some home remedies for hair care that really deliver great results. Hair care need not be expensive or complicated. It is natural for everyone to want to maintain healthy and shiny hair without spending a lot of money. Of course it would be nice to treat yourself with a salon treatment from time to time. However, what is more important is that you know how to care for and nourish your hair the natural way as well as how to maintain its strength and thickness.

You can boost your hair's beauty and shine by simply using some simple and basic home remedies for hair care. Here are some of the best tips and pointers you can consider in order to care for your hair the natural and less-expensive way;

1. Massage your scalp daily for at least 15 minutes preferably before washing your hair. This is important in order to promote blood circulation which is highly beneficial to your scalp. An increase in blood flow carries essential nutrients to the hair follicles which helps promote healthy hair growth. A scalp massage also stimulates production of natural oils which are important for keeping your scalp and hair nourished and well-moisturized. When massaging your scalp, you can use natural oils such as virgin coconut oil or natural plant extracts such as Aloe Vera.

2. Do not forcefully untangle your hair using a comb or brush. This can cause friction between your hair strands which can transform into damage. Forcefully untangling your hair using a comb or brush can also weaken your hair strands and cause breakage. The best way to remove the tangles is to gently run your fingers through your hair preferably after application of natural hair oil or leave-on conditioner to smoothen the hair strands. You may also use a wide-tooth comb.

3. Another one of the best home remedies for hair care is eating a well-balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. Examples are carrots, green-leafy veggies, tomatoes, apples, bananas and grapes. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day can also do wonders for your hair and scalp. It can keep your scalp moisturized so it becomes more efficient in producing natural oils that can nourish your hair. Remember, eating the right foods and drinking lots of water is highly beneficial not just to your hair but to your over-all wellness. When your body is healthy, you hair can maintain its natural shine and beauty.

4. Take multivitamins and mineral supplements to boost hair strength. Vitamins A, C, D and E, and sufficient amounts of zinc, sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium can make your hair grow healthier and stronger. Having enough vitamins and minerals in your body can also make your hair shinier and more manageable. It can reduce the risks of hair fall, hair loss and breakage as well.

These are just a few simple and basic home remedies for hair care that can help you maintain healthy and beautiful hair. Remember, it does not take a lot of money to achieve strong and well-nourished hair. What is more important is to maintain a healthy body and to load up on essential nutrients all the time.

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And To learn more about 3 key hair growth vitamins to improving your hairs natural ability to grow long and healthy, please visit

hair-growth-tips.net/hair-vitamins hair-growth-tips.net

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At a recent fashion event this year there were 4 key hair style trends: unstructured hair, matt texture (vs shiny glam), quirky ponies, coloured "tie-dyed" and some hair care tips on how to protect your luscious looking hair at winter.

Hair Style

Unstructured Hair

Hair has a simple and almost childlike feel; it is playful and elegantly unstructured. Middle partings on long flowing and tousled hair seem to dominate the runway. There is an abundance of width and horizontal volume that is evident throughout all styles. This width is helping to create much more angular and geometric shapes than we have seen of late. Think fairy floss from the school fair!

Matt Texture

Texture is the big change this season in hair style, with a huge lean toward matt results. Gone is the constant clean sheen we are used to seeing from the "Shiny Glam" look. Light, airy and playful are the buzzwords associated with these new looks.


Ponytails are all about attention to detail. Carefully placed and with slight quirks that are designed to catch the eye and intrigue. Once again contradictions are key, using multiple textures within the ponytail is enough to provide subtle detail. Piecing out selected strands of hair, or using asymmetric partings are just small easy ways to achieve little differences. Hair is also being "brushed back" into itself, or teased for a more dramatic result.

Tie Dyed Colour

Colour is all about layering. Not only are we seeing this come through in most of the clothes, but hair is also adopting this trend. There is a definite "tie dyed" influence in the graduation process of the colour work. Colours are more multi-toned and block in appearance. Very different to your traditional foil highlights! Playful bright tones are designed to make the hair "pop" and become an instant, yet wearable statement.

Hair Care

The chilly weather is the enemy of luscious looking hair! Follow these easy hair care tips to tame your mane at winter.

1. Limp locks are a definite no-no. Fine and limp hair still requires conditioning, although just keep it to the mid-lengths and ends of the hair. Use a bodybuilding product or thickening product like volumising mousse to help pump up and promote stability within your style.

2. Anti Flat shampoo combined with Moisture Therapy conditioner works wonders on fine and limp hair. To create more texture rather than height use texturising spray for a more lived in and gritty feel.

3. Course, dry, or damaged hair is going to need a little more TLC and conditioning. The trick is combining Moisture Therapy shampoo and Silky and Straight conditioner, leave the conditioner in for 3-5 minutes and then rinse. Use a bodybuilding aid with extra moisturisers like the volume booster Mousse to whip that hair back into full flow.

When hitting the hairdressers chair this year for your new hair style or just for some sunsilk.com.au hair care treatment, the colours this season are all about "block" techniques creating visual movement by combining two different colours and/or tones.

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Treatment Methods For Head Lice

As soon as possible after discovering that a family member has hair lice, a good and thorough treatment plan should be started. Besides treating the person with the lice problem, you will also need to treat the things that they may have also come in contact with. However, let's focus to begin with on treating the hair,

A large number of products are available to treat lice in addition to prescription shampoos, creams and lotions. With the commercial products especially, be careful to follow the instructions on the packaging in order to avoid safety risks and to give the treatment the greatest chance of working. Shampoo products generally will have instructions telling you to shampoo the hair and wait a few minutes before lathering up in the shower and then rinsing off the hair.

After showering and rinsing the hair you should use a good quality lice or nit comb (lice eggs are called nits) to remove all the eggs and dead lice. Combing is a lot easier to do when the hair is wet. After waiting seven to ten days after treatment, you should repeat the procedures to be confident that any newly hatched lice (called nymphs) are killed before they mature and start laying nits.

Lice thrive on the head and do not live more than about 48 hours when separated from their host. Because the lice could transfer from there location back onto the cleaned person during that 48 hour period, all places in your home that the child contacted should be very thoroughly cleaned.

Commonly you could begin by stripping the bedding off and washing it in very hot water. When you have something that shouldn't be washed but it could be put in the clothes dryer (like pillows or stuffed toys for example), put them in for twenty on the hot cycle in order to kill the lice and the nits.

When an item is not washable, you can take for dry cleaning which will kill the nits and the living with the chemicals they use. Things like plush toys that cannot be washed could be put into an airtight plastic bag for two weeks. This will insure that the full life cycle of the lice has passed and any remaining lice and nits have been killed.

Any upholstered furniture and all carpets should be thoroughly vacuumed. Cars or any vehicles that the child has ridden in should also be cleaned. Items such as helmets and hair care items like combs, barrettes, hair brushes etc should be soaked in rubbing alcohol for a few hours, put in an airtight bag in a freezer (below 5 degrees) or thrown out.

When you discover lice on any family member, it should be taken seriously. If everything that should be treated is not treated properly, the lice will stay, thrive and could turn into a full blown infestation. Teach your children not to share hats, combs, or any hair wear. They should also learn to refrain from laying on each other or wrestling while playing. Because lice don't jump and cannot fly and are only transferred by contact, some simple precautions can usually prevent the return of the nasty little parasites. The link below will sure help you treat your head lice problem.

For more great tips on killhairlice.com/head-lice-treatments head lice treatments visit Don's site now - dealing with all aspects of how to killhairlice.com kill hair lice. Don Ellis has six children and 24 grand-children and has encountered the lousy problem of hair lice multiple times in the last 40 years. He has learned how to solve lice problems very effectively and is here to help you!

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